W42 Auto-Updating Maps

  • Thread starter DeletedUser80529
  • Start date


I've been very, very, very, very vaguely watching this world and how come the map hasn't changed much in the past... 12 months or something? I swear since Dos X, Modwar, nyuk and kta formed the map has barely changed at all. Is there any particular reason for this? I'm just curious.


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I've been very, very, very, very vaguely watching this world and how come the map hasn't changed much in the past... 12 months or something? I swear since Dos X, Modwar, nyuk and kta formed the map has barely changed at all. Is there any particular reason for this? I'm just curious.
Map from a year ago...[spoil]http://en42.twmaps.org/archive/1284184432
Map from today...[spoil]http://en42.twmaps.org/archive/1315720424

  • ~T~ is gone, territory taken by Nyuk and ModWar
  • TDH!/TDHUSA is gone, territory taken by ModWar
  • Bio! is gone, territory taken by Dos X
  • Dos X has lost territory to ModWar and Nyuk
  • IDS.F is gone, territory taken by Nyuk and Dos X and KTA
  • TKWSN is gone, territory taken by ModWar
  • A year ago, no one expected KTA to still be here
  • Hm, -ONU- was still around a year ago... I miss some of those folk :/
  • Rankings have definitely changed
I suppose things haven't changed considerably, but the surviving top tribes have consolidated a lot of area over the past year.


Druid forgot about YAY :p. Also, Bio! didn't get eaten by Dos X :p. -AOK- and Bio! merged forming Dos X (OKBI at the time).

Honestly, the map has changed quite a bit imo.


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-AOK-/Bio! merge was over a year ago.

I meant that the area Bio! had a year ago is now mostly Dos X. That's why I said "territory taken" instead of "tribe eaten by." I guess it wasn't very clear because I used the same phrasing in things that were actually wars.

Yes, I did forget about YAY. I hope John and Ying don't kill me for it. :icon_redface:


As far as I remember Yay hadn't formed a year ago. We were still disgruntled members of Dos X back then. I think we formed around Christmas time give or take a month or 2.

I'm actually pretty surprised the map hasn't changed much in the last few months everyone from nyuk, modwar and IDS(I can't remember what they call themselves now)
really dropped the ball on taking out Dos X. With the entire core going barb they should of capitalized more on that.

I hope the world has got a bit more interesting since I had to quit and hope all my old mates are keeping well


If you wanna go by village numbers, I have this, from roughly 5 months ago, I never added YAY to it though:

From April 10th:
Modwar - 29705
DOS X - 20979
NYUK - 20122
KTA - 12108

From today:
Modwar - 36316 (+6611)
NYUK - 23192 (+3070)
KTA - 17164 (+5056)
DOS X - 16701 (-4278)

Definite changes there lol.

Total of 199,821 villages
Of those, 101,699 are barbs = 50.9% o_O run
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Well obviously the world has changed of course, but not by a huge margin. I play W43 and we started not long after 42 (hence why I've been vaguely watching) but we are close to ending and W42 is still a long way off.

Given that they both have similar settings (the only real difference being archers + coins instead of packets) it's interesting to me how they have turned out so differently, and was kind of wondering what made this world last longer, denser, what appears to be more competitive, etc.

The settings comparison for anyone who didn't already know:

(Yeah I'm bored.)


What's w43s overall village count? Your world is far smaller and far sparser.


Total villages is 132,639 villages, player owned villages is around 57,000.

Indeed, most of our world is barbs and spread, 42 seems extremely dense for some reason.


w42 has more optimum settings compared to w43, nobody likes packets lol. Therefore when it opened, more players would of joined 42 than compared to 43.


I would say this world has lasted sooo long for a few reasons. One being there was alot of tribes merging in Wars early on before the war really got going Bio/AOK being the worst culprate.
The affect of this was while in the short term it was handy for the tribes invovled as they could put there focus somewhere else, in the long term it was bad for the whole world as players that really should of been rimmed got a second chance and maniged to grow through internals making them alot harder to rim.
Another reason is the wars were only really half hearted attemtps for at least a year. They were more small skermishes than wars. Most tribes seemed more content going after the smaller players,tribes,barbs and internals than taking on another big tribe they were at war with. I mean can anyone remember any decent war that happend the year before Modwar Diclared on Dos.
There are a few more reasons I'd say why his world has lasted soo long, another being every tribes leader taking softly softly approches but I'm even too bored to type about whats happened lol


I imagine that as the player counts start to dwindle ever lower, we'll eventually start to see a tribe or two vanish. The world is heading towards it's end, it's just a matter of who gets there now.