Hai <3
And as mentioned, this world has massive seas of large barbs. As an example, look around
404|383 and a bit southwest. Or you can look around
370|308, and you'll notice that there almost aren't even any player villas in sight.
w42 opened a month earlier. We have about 40 more players remaining (217 total to 178 total).
w42 statistics...
Players online:11
Messages sent:794.142 (3659.6 per player)
Forum posts:119.265 (549.6 per player)
Troop movements:26.934 (124.1 per player)
Trade movements:253 (1.2 per player)
w43 statistics...
Players online:6
Messages sent:328.888 (1847.7 per player)
Forum posts:89.548 (503.1 per player)
Troop movements:2.962 (16.6 per player)
Trade movements:16 (0.1 per player)
Settings differences...
Simple tech vs. 3-level tech
World and unit speeds (total unit speed is 1 on both worlds though)
Tribe member limit
Coins vs. packets
Archers or not
Pally items or not
Beginner protection length
So something in that settings difference or start time difference made these two worlds end up completely different. On w42, everyone would go after the seas of large barbs immediately because there are still four major tribes, and we know someone else would take them if we didn't. Somehow this world ended up with just one major tribe, so you don't have any particular need to go after those large barbs. I've never followed this world's politics, so I'm curious as to how things ended up this way.