W43 Updating Maps Made by Nickjer


All families updated.
Thank you for the list technology. The maps should look very different now.


Bored! just lost a lot of credibility, well at least they'll no longer spam the externals with family flaming :)


Poor guys, you don't know whats really happened inside the Bored!


Typical holier than thou behavior...if someone else does it, it is "noobish" or "weak"...if THEY do it, then it is somehow brilliant, we just dont "know" or "understand".

Its all very tiresome, contrived and, quite frankly, typical. The main board in W43 is more of an exercise in observing anti-social and ego-centric behavior than anything else.

At least they are consistent.


Typical holier than thou behavior...if someone else does it, it is "noobish" or "weak"...if THEY do it, then it is somehow brilliant, we just dont "know" or "understand".

Its all very tiresome, contrived and, quite frankly, typical. The main board in W43 is more of an exercise in observing anti-social and ego-centric behavior than anything else.

At least they are consistent.

No one said it was a "somehow brilliant" but you don't understand what this means for the future of w43.


Bored! now a family and mass recruiting..... This is hilarious Mario I respect you as a leader but you went against everything you believed in and for what? Is this because you failed as a leader on another world? So you try to recruit the whole world?


Usually it means we'll see a whole lot of other families form because of it..... :icon_rolleyes:


Usually it means we'll see a whole lot of other families form because of it..... :icon_rolleyes:

Unfortunately this may be so. Families to counter families. Unless people wish to prove their skill and simply *not* have a family tribe, but even the greatest can still be swamped by ridiculous numbers. Not a particularly honorable or respectable tactic, but, i guess it boils down the the age old argument of "All's fair in love and war."

Families Vs. Non families. The argument will never end, so long as tribal wars is in existence.



Unfortunately this may be so. Families to counter families. Unless people wish to prove their skill and simply *not* have a family tribe, but even the greatest can still be swamped by ridiculous numbers. Not a particularly honorable or respectable tactic, but, i guess it boils down the the age old argument of "All's fair in love and war."

Families Vs. Non families. The argument will never end, so long as tribal wars is in existence.

I think it is more Families Vs Allies