I started this World while i was still playing W 18 but that world was near the end and eventually ended. I started on the K 25/35 border, didnt grow much in the beginning (lazinesss, lack of farming, w18 and too defensive approach) and Cbears wouldnt accept me cause of my size.
After being part of several noob tribes i joined 24SINS who then turned TOYZ. Then School bullied them and they disbanded w/o a proper fight and i joined [END] with three more players from k25, Keegikolmas and two more i dont remember their names.
I had 1 mill points, ranked #150 on this World with villages in ks 25, 35, 15, 24 and 26. I went for 3 week holidays to south east asia (left a sitter)and when i came back i found School had declared on END and i had lost 90% of my account. And END did not exist anymore, many of my pals deleted so i was left to die.
Stubborn as i am i decided to keep playing, grew a bit unnoticed and sent a noble train to the rim (k3) although School was also there (wicked) unfortunately...
I kept growing, mainly in k3, joined tabach, then North and School declared on us. I already had again a 1.3 million account and my ODD skyrocketed for the first time to #3 that time. Later in April they organised a good Op on me and i went from 170 villages to 60...again, at that point i was #1 ODD on this World already. i was mainly evicted from k25 and 35 but i managed to survive on my k3 cluster.
As all of u know, in a coin world like this its pretty easy to recover quickly from your losses if u have easy targets available so i grew again to 1.5 million points. For the second time, School had not finished their job on me.
I joined Munch. 1984 launched a carpet bomb/fake op on me cause i was having some border/cluster issues with liz (battleaxe68). My tribemates supported me and i did not lost a single village, again ODD #2...
For the first time i felt safe and started making more offensive villages (at some point i had a ratio of 6:1 def

f, very boring but needed...)
I grew to 2.8 mill, mainly in west k4. The reason i joined Munch was because of jen (Animal XD) and she was the only good player in Munch and only account bigger than mine but she (her co convinced her) decided to join School. All Munch (but me) would be left alone by School, those were her terms.
So i spoke to Liz and i joined 1984, they were planning to declare on School!!! Finally i would not fight alone...i did not hesitate and also i got a co for the first time in this World, davide, and old pal from W 18, one of the best players ive met on this game.
I joined 1984 in june with 2,8 mill account and being ranked #161 and #91 in ODA. Less than 6 months later i have a 10 million account, ranked #54 and #6 in ODA. Wonderful tribe, wonderful tribemates, lots of team work, and here we are.