W50 History


After a long break in W9 ive decided to play again to recover my loneliness while working here in abroad far away from my home, and i know TW can make my time even faster..

Anyway ive started playing the account of -=warloc=- before i joined on Macready008 account. I was trying to build a tribe called DNS came from W9 since W50 started in the northern area but it was not successful after i merge to NOR. Macready008 was my first enemy in K23 and he was trying to kicked me out on that area but i was trying to survive until i recover all the threat from him, after all mac became my close friend and ally, we fight together while expanding his area in K23 and and me in K13. we both invited to school, after mac decided to quit playing TW due to real life problem (Hope you still visit here in external man) i decided to merge on his account and manage until now..:)

I was on vacation for two months while james running the account, and was surprised that School was already vanish in W50..:icon_cry: ...and it will always remain as a part of history on this world. (missed all my old friends).

Matt formed ODA, and i am luckily invited when i was trying to ask matt if can joined..:)



I started world 50 last january with absolutely no experience; everything i know about tribal wars i learned while i was playing this world. i started out on K11 and grew slowly at first, only upgrading about 2-4 buildings a day. I joined my first tribe, BaNaNaS ! in the first week of february. at this time, a player called VAPART was the terror of my area, rimming several members of BaNaNa to become rank 1 on the continent. Eventually OldSchool declared war on us, but we'll get to that shortly. anyway, at this point the only players near me were VAPART and Lorthoinn, the rest of the villages had gone barb from me constantly farming them. i started out nobling barbs around me, and grew to about 150,000 points this way until SchOol declared on us. Luckily for BaNaNaS, they were already falling apart at that point and didn't damage us to much. Shortly after that, many big players in K11 quit and BaNaNa became Rank 1 in K11. In the stretch from september to december, i grew from 160,000 points to 738,000, and BaNaNa grew from 1,000,000 to 6,000,000 points. Shortly after though, a lot of tribes merged together to form Omega, and within 24 hours of Omega forming Dystopia declared war on us. i entered combat with 94 villages, probably about 70 of them defense. Well, i fought from December to february, and by the beginning of march i was down to 15,000 points, and 13,000,000 OD. At this point, i had about 8 account sits on my hand, and I got an offer to co-play one of them, theticklemonster82. i started co-playing when the account had 600,000 points, and i've been here ever since.

That pretty much sums it up.

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My Story

My friend, who had bee given the mahrek account by the original member, gave it to me, because hrath nobled most of the villages.

Shortly afterwards, Ex-Lord LakeWind came to me in a dream and told me to make ODAJ.

I followed his orders to go on the forums and troll a lot, but then he betrayed us (maybe I played my part too well).

Conveniently, Lord Dan of SmeXy Hippo came to me in a dream, and told me to form and academy tribe for 1984.

And here i am today!



Please! I'll stop being a prophet, disband 1984* and stop writing in green...
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They cannot see your posts.
as they have you ignored.
Me thinks..


Then why can we all just see 'this message has been hidden?'
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This message is hidden because mahrek is on your ignore list...




That is all.


My Story

My friend, who had bee given the mahrek account by the original member, gave it to me, because hrath nobled most of the villages.

Shortly afterwards, Ex-Lord LakeWind came to me in a dream and told me to make ODAJ.

I followed his orders to go on the forums and troll a lot, but then he betrayed us (maybe I played my part too well).

Conveniently, Lord Dan of SmeXy Hippo came to me in a dream, and told me to form and academy tribe for 1984.

And here i am today!

Dear Prophet Mahrek

They cant see your message cause they have decided to ignore you.

They have decided to not listen to your preach and for that they will burn in hell for ever and ever.

Luckily they havent blocked me (yet) so now they (i think) can read your post cause i quoted it. That will proove that they can not silence a prophet.

Keep spreading the word bro! Go On my little padawan!

Master Orsio salutes you


The topic of this thread is not whether or not Mahrek is blocked by everybody, understandable as that may be.... :icon_wink:
So please stop posting about that. Frankly, don't post anything off-topic.
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