W52 - Self-Updating Maps

One Last Shot...

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I don't really think anybody who has managed to lose themselves a bunch of villages needlessly twice, has the right to call anybody else a complete failure. Also, you should really back up your angry comments with a bit of ingame relevance, as otherwise your attempted insults just come across as childish and petty :icon_redface:

If you ever actually manage to cap a village from me, I'll congratulate you and admit that I am a complete failure :icon_wink:


I don't really think anybody who has managed to lose themselves a bunch of villages needlessly twice, has the right to call anybody else a complete failure. Also, you should really back up your angry comments with a bit of ingame relevance, as otherwise your attempted insults just come across as childish and petty :icon_redface:

If you ever actually manage to cap a village from me, I'll congratulate you and admit that I am a complete failure :icon_wink:

Googly you make me laugh dude thing is you had to stoop so low to stop me nobling your allies lol.


What we did in that time was crush a tribe which crushed you lol as for failures your a constant failure Googly if you think there our ops wait till you see what is about to happen :lol:

Randy's definition of 'crush' must be different than mine. Phat 'crushed' us, but we are still on the map. You 'crushed' MIKE, yet they are still on the map. You 'crushed' Phat, yet they are still on the map. I'll agree to you 'crushing' Cops, cause they aren't on the map anymore.

You know who else isn't on the map? WET. A war fought to their very end. And we did it without getting ourselves put in a time out.


His definition is as broad, small or ignorant as suits him :lol:


I love to see this stats when Sohk take some villages from him because I know they don't wanna loss to my tribe in stats :lol:

Now I undy. I know you guys hate big shit when we talked big shit to you all and hurt ur feeling so badly! :icon_wink:

Shame the account is obviously fighting back hence the ODD rise yet you are still losing villages..also can your members send trains which don't take aslong as it takes to write this between the beginning and end?..:xmas biggrin:


Shame the account is obviously fighting back hence the ODD rise yet you are still losing villages..also can your members send trains which don't take aslong as it takes to write this between the beginning and end?..:xmas biggrin:

not worry :) we will see


waiting to see:icon_eek:

if my slightly neurotic memory serves me, this ^^^^ person plays the Homzi account correct?:icon_idea:

if so, his stats aren't that of a person who should be offering any kind of threats, imo.

28 homzi20 -SWAT- 11 32 2.865.669 31.665.909

in case you need a decoder ring to read that, it's 11 conquers to 32 losses and only 2.8 mil oda gain:icon_redface:

you need to put your cap gun back in it's holster before someone from SOHK or Bush comes along and spanks you:ram::ram::ram::ram::ram:again


Yeah i'm waiting to see too..kinda already bored with killing endless amounts of -SWAT- troops..One failed recap was the only resistance they've shown so far today, and may i say it was a walk over.


Tribe and TBD are a family now.

I'm waiting for the new names to be sorted or confirmation that these 2 names are being kept or I'll have to update them again.

MIKE & MIKE2 have now been linked on the maps (confirmation from Mr. Mikey and pokemonEX.co.UK) and they'll show as green.