W57 Blog

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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As a bit of constructive criticism:
You could have done with an interview to give some coverage to {I} forming and the reasons behind it as that is quite an important event too - plus the reasons for it which you no doubt would be given if you contact the right people, would be a good addition to the topic of your blog (as this one is for the bulk of it just an opinion that could have been posted on the OohDa thread, and not really blog-worthy by itself as it doesn't really add anything new to this world). Just my two cents.

But, much better written than previous articles grammatically and structurally.


well nice but your blog doesnt give us any insight onto anythin we dont know,

i would much prefer player interviews from happy or/and infections regarding the split (before and after) the effects its had etc, i think this would be a more enjoyable read

tho i wud prefer these to be from ppl who dont post on these externals, you know a fresh new opinion we havent heard


You can try a common reply is I don't want to be associated with the externals.


So with Yal's account being banned, are we going to get a new blogger?


possible to put your newest blog on front post too? just makes it easier :D


I'd just like to say thank you for writing this blog which is very well written I believe.


i wouldnt think so, maybe he wud have to tell his superiors but not us, i would imagine hes allowed to keep that private if he so chooses