W59 Tribes/Players Of The Year Award Ceremony.

  • Thread starter DeletedUser92094
  • Start date


World 59
T/POTY Award Cermemony

World 59, the time we have all spent together has been rather interesting right? Almost 3 months of playing, and so much has happened.
From Chases Sick! story, which brought much attention to the forums, to the gang bang of Ya Bro. From the very interesting PnP's of Wickerman, to the horrid attempts of nubs at their shots at glory.

I, am Norman The Cat, and i am here to bring you, World 59's Tribes/Players Of The Year Award Ceremony! I hope you will all forgive me, i have taken out 3 tribal wards due to them not being an award to be voted on, but one which is won statistically, and these awards are given out by what your world 59 peers think, please do forgive me if you feel left out.

Yes, as i write this i am wearing a suit with a purple tie, and i'm hoping many of you are also well dressed up for this occasion. Oh, whats that i see in the 3rd row, 4th from the right? Oh dear.. Slinky do put some clothes on..


Well.. Now that's out of the way, and security has found a towel for Slinky to use as clothing the evening, lets' get this under wa- EC, can you please refrain on trying to pick up on the new youngin's of the world, i think you may have had just one too many, and you should be setting an example for the world! you are the mod after all.


Ok, ok, enough trolling! it's time for some serious business, and to present the worlds brightest, most loved, hated, and followed.

Please also note, if your receive only 1 vote in a category, but it is enough for a podium position (1st, 2nd, 3rd) you will not receive the extra points for the podium finish which goes towards the almighty Player, and Tribe of the year awards.

We'll start off with the tribal awards first, shall we?

Tribal Awards

Most Successful Premade, Still Playing.

I think many will find this quite obvious, and what you see in the spoiler will just show obvious it is.

[SPOIL]1st: Shave, 16 votes.
2nd: ~ONE~, 5 votes.
3rd: PITA, 3 votes.

=X also picked up two votes, while Skype and VS both shared 1 each.[/SPOIL]

Most Successful Premade, Now Disbanded.

Quite an obvious one also, and it shows.

[SPOIL]1st: Ya Bro, 12 votes.
2nd: WobWob, 2 votes.
3rd: Sick!, 1 vote.

No other tribes picked up votes in this category.[/SPOIL]

Biggest Fail Of A Premade.

The top were much closer in this category, than what other categories have been, but after that, it's a landslide.

[SPOIL]1st: Ya Bro, 11 votes.
2nd: Sick! 8 votes.

WobWob, CAN, ~GOH~, 1 vote each. (None will recieve extra points towards the Tribe of the year award)[/SPOIL]

Most Surprising Tribe.

Could have gone to many tribes, many that weren't even voted for in my opinion, but i feel the winner deserves the award.

[SPOIL]1st: Skype, 8 votes.
2nd: ~ONE~, 3 votes.
3rd: RobRob, =GTC=, VS, =X, 2 votes each.

THB, OnFire, and TANK also ranked up 1 vote each.[/SPOIL]

Most Watched Tribe.

I personally thought this would have been a much closer competition, considering how often the rank one spot changes, but the award has been given to a tribe who is yet to reach one, and without a doubt will not.

[SPOIL]1st: OnFire, 12 votes.
2nd: Shave, 5 votes.
3rd: PITA, 4 votes.

VS, and ~ONE~ received 1 vote each.[/SPOIL]

Most Hated Tribe.

The haters that hate, are the most hated. Herpaderp!

[SPOIL]1st: OnFire, 21 votes.
2nd: Shave, 3 votes.

RobRob, Ya Bro, and ~ONE~ 1 vote each.[/SPOIL]

Most Loved Tribe.

Yet another landslide in the voting.

[SPOIL]1st: PITA, 11 votes.
2nd: ~ONE~, 3 votes.
3rd: RobRob, Skype, VS, 2 votes.

Shave, OnFire, =X, 1 vote each.[/SPOIL]

Many, many, many landslides but i think most will also agree with how it went down in most categories, now onto the player awards!

I think this may be more interesting than the tribal wards, lets see how it goes.

Player Awards

Most Surprising Player

So many people could have won this award, but well done to the winner!

[SPOIL]1st: TehGow, 5 votes.
2nd: Facebook Staulkers, AxlTheCat, 3 votes.
3rd: Ruey3, 2 votes.

xShazad, Magnetoo, Unknown Exempler, Angrey Birdeh, BlueWickedHeart, ScrappyDum, Stellro, Chapmans, Gasti2008, Eris Esoteric, DouPantou, 1 vote.[/SPOIL]

Most Successful Player

The first category of the night where two nominations have won the award. Second place wasn't far behind either.

[SPOIL]1st: TehGow, Facebook Staulkers, 6 votes each.
2nd: Oriental Raisin, 5 votes.
3rd: AxlTheCat, xShazad, Ruey3, 2 votes each.

Shaggy Rogers, and Jeanmitch pick up a vote each.[/SPOIL]

Biggest Fail

Bunnies, Cats, Blue Waffles, Two Doctors, and magnet made it into this category, definitely living up to the name!

[SPOIL]1st: Lonely Bunnies, 9 votes.
2nd: Magnetoo, 4 votes.
3rd:Norman The Cat, 3 votes.

Dr.Chase grabs 2 votes, while Purpose of Life, Laser Dance, Doctor Jeroen, Runtou, u6s5l, and deathbybluewaffle, share a vote each.[/SPOIL]

Most Entertaining Player

Obvious winner, is obvious.

[SPOIL]1st: Wickerman, 8 votes.
2nd: SlinkiestWizard, 3 votes.

Norman The Cat, Lonely Bunnies, Tecstorm, Storytime, DarkVamprye, NoobsOnIce, Zabimaru, Purpose of Life, Ruey3, Geani29 and u6s5l., 1 vote each.[/SPOIL]

Best External Poster

Yet again obvious, is yet. (c wat i did dere?)

[SPOIL]1st: Wickerman, 9 votes.
2nd: SlinkiestWizard, 6 votes.

Finny50, TehDrunkenPenguin, Anthills, Velibor, and Lambezz. 1 vote.[/SPOIL]

Most Watched Player

Could have gone to a lot of players, but beggers can't be chooses.

[SPOIL]1st: Oriental Raisin, 5 votes.
2nd: Magnetoo, AxlTheCat, Kniaukse, TehGow, 2 votes.

Norman The Cat, Unknown Exempler, Chapmans, xShazad, Storytimes, Splash-1973, Ruey3, Inactive100, 1 vote each.[/SPOIL]

Most Loved

World 59 is home to many friendly, and loved faces, surprised there wasn't more nominations.

[SPOIL]1st: Norman The Cat, Purpose of Life, SlinkiestWizard, 4 votes.
2nd: Facebook Staulkers, 2 votes.

xShazad, Ruey3, Lethal Legend, WeIsNubs, 1 vote each.[/SPOIL]

Most Hated

Ahhh! Many, many votes for this one, but not as many people nominated as i expected.

[SPOIL]1st: Magnetoo, 13 votes.
2nd: Sir Cornish, 6 votes.
3rd: Oriental Raisen, Pium Messor, NoobsOnInce, 2 votes each.

Norman The Cat, Red Power Ranger, RayLord, all received just one vote.[/SPOIL]

Ladies, and Gentleman, Boys and Girls. It is time for our most prestigious awards of the night, the winners shall go down in World 59's history.
I present to you, World 59s Tribe and Player Of The Year. Now hold, A moment of silence to build up the drama, the anticipation is unreal, the tension in the room is unbelievable.

Everyone i remind you, these two awards are given out on a point system, every vote is worth a point, 3rd place is worth another point, 2nd place is worth another two points, and 1st place is worth another 3 points.

First.. I shall present the tribe of the year.
*Peaks into envelope*

Oh dear.. The only people who will like this outcome, is those of the tribe.
I wish for everyone to click on the spoiler button below now, a warning though, your eyes may "Burn"


[SPOIL]1st: OnFire, 44 points.
2nd: Shave, 35 points.
3rd: Ya Bro, 32 points.
4th: PITA, 26 points.
5th: ~ONE~, 22 points.
6th: Skype, 17 points.
7th: WobWob/RobRob, 15 points.
8th: Sick!, 12 points.
9th: VS, 10 points.
10th: =X, 7 points. [/SPOIL]

SHOCKING! :icon_eek: but yet obvious in its way.
please remember this based on many different categories put together, not who is the best! so i don't want to hear any flaming, or bitching.

ok, so now it's time for the play of the year, i wish for everyone to be silent for a moment, insert describing words of the moment here. The song "heat of the moment" starts to ring through everyones mind now that i have mentioned it.

*Slowly opens envelope*
W59, it's a draw... :icon_surprised:


[SPOIL]1st:Wickerman, and Magnetoo sharing the title, with 27 points each.
2nd: TehGow, 24 points.
3rd: SlinkiestWizard, 20 points.
4th: Oriental Raisin, 18 points.
5th: Facebook Staulkers, 16 points.
6th: Norman the Cat, 14 points.
7th: Lonely Bunnies, 13 points.
8th: AxltheCat, 12 points.
9th: Purpose of Life, and Ruey3, 9 points each.
10th: Unknown Exempler/Sir Cornish, 8 points each.[/SPOIL]

In Wickermans case he was voted as W59's favorite, and magnetoo has gotten in the way of W59's most hated.
Now don't get the two mixed up!

I hope you have enjoyed the ceremony, i may, or may not do this again the same time next year.
Good night everybody! I hope you all have a safe drive home, you lousy drunks!

Oh, one more thing.
Did you guys really think I, Norman the Cat would leave you with out a friendly troll-free link?


lower the volume!! OMG! its gone catnip mental!

well done the winners :icon_cool:


Ahh lovely post Norman. Excellent idea and well presented afterwards :)


Well done, Glad I've made it to the 9th place which I share with the love of my life Ruey3.


First world i played where some 1 took the time to make such a well done fun year end contest thanks Norman The Cat. Hope to be around till next year to stay on that W59's PLAYERS And TRIBE OF THE YEAR award even if i cant maintain the same level of hate. :)

i am sure we will manage over here in camp magnetoo. thanks to everyone who voted and to all the others who avoided making this a spam forum for w59
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Nice thread Norman. Worth the read. Another + point earned in my book. :)


I liked it, but really only 1 vote for Best External Poster? I am disgusted with everyone in W59 :D

Well done Norman i enjoyed the read


Norman really nice thread ! great read and you put this together well .


It honestly took me so long getting it too look nice, how to present it well. But i think i got the job done?

I'm not entirely surprised by the outcome of the winners, but i thought there would be a lot more candidates? o:
Ohwell, it was fun. :)

Norman really nice thread ! great read and you put this together well .

you're just happy an actual pic of you made it in ;)

I'm also really happy to see Wickerman be a winner, i sorta' guessed he would win it when i made the nomination thread. :s
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Tribe and player of the year? I am not sure to feel honored or disappointed lol Nevertheless team magnetoo is having a party tonight:p Thanks for all the effort put into this, and thanks to everyone that voted!


Obviously this was a scam as Ruey deserves #1

maybe you should re read the whole post and take a few seconds to realize u are the reason i make people hate me :)

SHOCKING! but yet obvious in its way.
please remember this based on many different categories put together, not who is the best! so i don't want to hear any flaming, or bitching.
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Norman, I never doubted you :)

Well done... I think everyone (including myself) enjoyed both the original thread and this the end result and gathered info... <Respect to you mate. >


Happy to do it. I love W59 even though i haven't been playing TW for about a month now, it's a great community, so it's been an honor. :)


Norman should take over the voluntary blog :icon_cool:

He would do quite a good job i'm sure. He really improved the last few weeks. I'm already starting to like this guy.

@Norman, did you leave your inner troll behind in 2011?