W62 similarities to businesses in the world


Okay here's another one of my rants. I will tailor this to be more accommodating to this world's tribes. Firstly, HOW IS TRIBAL WARS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO BUSINESSES?

My dad works for a financial business, called Merill Lynch. He used to work for Morgan Stanley. (I'm in the USA)

Im thinking of economics as a major and finance/accounting/business as a minor so tribal wars is a HUGE help to me in multiple ways.

The roles: DUKE & BARON: erm....CEO and Vice president. those two roles are very similar to each other in the game and in reality. i've been in each and have led w55 to become #2 in that world for 3 months before the leadership was mutinied and overrun.

FORUM MOD: in any world, there will always be someone out there who will want to censor what you say. it's called the constitution of the united states of america.

RECRUITER: EMPLOYERSSSS. DUHHHHHH. They are SELECTIVE and recruit based on past experience, and this new "template feature" in v8.0 of tribal wars is a perfect example. VERY similar to Facebook.

DIPLOMAT: Do i need to explain this one? International diplomats. International relations. THE UN (no, not the tribe, i mean the UNITED NATIONS) that exists in our world.

COUNCIL: everyone needs a group of people who can advise them, even the president of the US and all the other countries.

Okay now that i've covered that, EACH MEMBER OF A TRIBE is similar to EACH MEMBER OF A BUSINESS. sorry for the caps i like to stress these bits of information. What I'm saying is that each member has unique qualities which add to the combined group or the "whole"= tribe, or business as an entity.

Similar to marching band, or the marines, or any musical band or group in general. Without each part, the group would suffer great losses.

NOW onto the business aspect.

Tribal wars is much like the world. For one, consider the shape of the world. It is constantly increasing its size in a circular formation (thank you , computer technology)
Unlike the world, tribal wars has unlimited resources regarding natural resources (energy, air, electricity, fuel, oil, etc.). Tribal wars will CONTINUOUSLY provide resources, thanks to the given woodcutters, iron mines, and clay pits that you start out with.

Unlike reality, there is no currency like money. There are no BANKS which provide constant funds.

A break here, i just want to say i'm a sophomore at Fordham University in New York City. My 2nd personality/identity is yellow night in TW. I am also a campus tour guide, which is why I like getting involved in many things, mainly the external forums.
Break time's over, back to work:

WARS. Ha, yes there are wars in reality and in businesses. But in businesses, they fight by competing. They do not ATTACK OR PILLAGE VILLAGES. they compete by selling products, investing in stocks and bonds, they hire more clients (more players) which are well known and have experience and have more money (more points).
Now when you consider wars in real life, they destroy the entire world literally but the world continues and moves on once a victor is decided and they come to a NAP. Neutral agreement. After an ultimatum of sorts (WW2).
Businesses compete by comparing how much total income they've made over each month, every 3 months or a "quarter" in a year. They like to HUG like the tribe Org. But rather than merging all the time, businesses choose mergers wisely and certain firms/organizations/businesses dominate in that field like MCDONALDS in the fast food chain. FACEBOOK in social media. PRUDENTIAL in insurance. Just examples.

Let's consider mcdonalds since we all like to go there every once in a while:
THEY ARE NOW THE #2 LARGEST CORPORATION (tribe) AND FAST FOOD BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. only second to subway. In tribal wars terms, subway= org; mcdonalds= panic. But they are best friends in TW! HOW CAN THAT BE?

BECAUSE THEY HUG. They coexist, knowing that they have full dominance of the world.
oh hello agency aka Burger King. You have many customers (villages) as well! and increasing # every day!
Wars are not as fast at all as they are in TW. There are no ENDS to the world (oh sorry apocalyptic movies like 2012, Solar Attack, War of the Worlds, etc.). Unlike reality, TW ends the world once a tribe has reached 75% dominance over the world, and is closed for further new players (in real life terms, no more babies no more increasing population, except from what already exists. LAND IS A FIXED RESOURCE. EVEN IN TW at this point)

How do businesses and TW make friends, neutral agreements, and enemies???
How is it that Mcdonalds and Burger King coexist???
Because they have similar products that people CRAVE. It's in the biological makeup of the burgers. Thanks to all those cows out there!

How do all the tribes coexist? Because they each have valuable VILLAGES. 9k or more in points.
WHY WAS AMAZON POPULAR even after the period from 1938-1962? because it tailored to EVERYONES needs.
it provided what people wanted during that time, regardless of the world war 2 slump.

In businesses, they seek mergers. ONLY WHEN THE PROFITS ARE GREATER THAN THE COSTS.
Would you invite a 100 point player over a 9k player? only if the 9k player's a complete noob. you must consider all factors. Would Org invite a player like me to join them??? NOOOO. because they are elite, and i am not the best of the best.

However, I have my unique qualities which is why i lead my tribe in this world, and have already begun on w64. Sorry, getting sidetracked. Blame my ADHD.

ALLIES NAPS AND ENEMIES. Thank you, brilliant mind of mine.
Businesses COEXIST (allies) because they realize that they are on the same PLAYING FIELD. would mark zuckerberg give $1,000,000 to a hobo? NO. Would he like a meeting with Bill Gates or Warren Buffet? PROBABLY. WOuld he make Facebook merge with Twitter or Myspace? NO. because he is greater.

Would org merge with Agency? MAYBE. a possibility, but probably not gonna happen. they are too similar on the playing field, and they realize that they are BIGGER than them (not necessarily better or greater, but bigger nonetheless and HAVE NO QUARRELS WITH THEM). Does Mcdonalds want to steal customers from Burger King? PROBABLY. So they send spies!!!!! DUHHHHHH Org has spies in many other tribes Lambezz admits it. Oh hello there health inspector. Yes this burger tastes like yesterday's laundry. (in TW terms, the result would be, tribe leader dismisses useless member)

ALLIES vs. Enemies/NAPS in business:
I've already covered the allies section in business to some extent for you to get the big picture.


ENEMIES: consider the link above. would rank 1 and rank 2 merge? Possibly Would they become allies? Even more of a possibility. Would rank 1 and rank 50 merge? most likely not as rank 1 realizes he has greater dominance and more of an audience or customer range than rank 50 does, and has more INFLUENCE IN THIS WORLD (oh hey there Org= rank 1 and rank 50=JEFFRY)

These enemies FIERCELY compete with those lower by stealing from their customers, thus their MONEY goes to them, and not rank 50. Think of money in terms of villages, troops, and players.

This causes rank 50 to go BANKRUPT. Sorry JEFFRY tribe, this is just an example.
In TW Terms, JEFFRY DISBANDS as it realizes it has no further use to go on, and the costs outweigh the benefits.

Want more?

I will continue the rest soon. Getting tired.

I hope you enjoyed!
Sincerely, yellownight

*still think I'm just a dumb TW player? NO.
Think again.


You should just stick to the game rather than bothering me on the public forums. Unless you want me to repost our entire conversation here as well.


You think only in terms of the game. You have no compassion, but rather only the urge to fight and win.
You don't even realize what you gain out of it. This is what your tribe leader has said to me and he is a much more intelligent player than you shall ever be.

DominusMorentustoday at 11:48
Actually, you win as part of a team of friends who made a long-term commitment to one another to work towards the common goal of being the last tribe standing.

You win knowing you've fought better than any other tribe, been more resilient than any other tribe, and that your teamwork has been superior to anybody else's.

Coming from someone who has won past worlds both on .net and other servers, I would know exacty what it is you win. The premium points only matter to tribes like Org who try to hug their way to a world victory due to their lack of interest in ever fighting a tribe that can in any way possibly pose a challenge to them.



It can all be found on google (the facts, the link, the largest food chains). But i created all of it on my own.


Dude, please share what ever you're on! I'm begging you!


Go away, no one is going to take the time to read that garbage nor does anyone care about your feelings. You've basically just given us another reason to hate you. Agency arent you guys near him, can you just noble him out please.


Their nobling me has caused me to write this. Thanks 7 trolls ya old buddy of mine :icon_biggrin:
bah everyone ignore khick23 he's just jealous of me.

I am on a 24 hour no sleep period right now, soon to be 48 hours or more.

Including no phone and no internet service for the past 3 days.


khick23, and Rawr Mode, and anyone else who hates me, you are the embers that spark the fire that cause me to write this.

And I've been meaning to get this message across to my dad's company. I talked about tribal wars and promoted it in front of my father's company!!!!

I have very little credibility as a speaker since I'm 18 (bday in a month and a few days), and only a sophomore in college, but I like promoting my tribal wars ideals and strategies in front of people I know. It's taught me so much!

So to anyone who bothers nobling me (yes that means you , hustlelikeaboss)
and to you DominusMorentus, thank you for giving me the support i needed to voice my opinions of tribal wars.

You are the light that shows me the way, the archers that defend my walls, the soldiers that support my army, and so much more. Thank you.


ummm....you are losing it buddy...take a break, get some fresh air.


Hear the sirens? That's the men in white shirts coming. To the mental institution you go!


khick23, and Rawr Mode, and anyone else who hates me, you are the embers that spark the fire that cause me to write this.

And I've been meaning to get this message across to my dad's company. I talked about tribal wars and promoted it in front of my father's company!!!!

I have very little credibility as a speaker since I'm 18 (bday in a month and a few days), and only a sophomore in college, but I like promoting my tribal wars ideals and strategies in front of people I know. It's taught me so much!

So to anyone who bothers nobling me (yes that means you , hustlelikeaboss)
and to you DominusMorentus, thank you for giving me the support i needed to voice my opinions of tribal wars.

You are the light that shows me the way, the archers that defend my walls, the soldiers that support my army, and so much more. Thank you.
Kill it with fire.


Hahahaha, my close friends keep me sane. They know my limits.

THE REASON I wrote this, and the medieval parallels rant was because I want you players that have survived this far in the game without deleting their accounts is because I want you all to think OUTSIDE THE BOX. If you go to taco bell, live up to their motto. Think outside the bun!

Critical analysis and try applying most of the strategy and tactics you learn on tribal wars to real life!!
It's fun!!
I made a good impression on my dad's business partners, as well as on my personal friends who think I'm nuts.

But here on tribal wars, freedom is speech is rather nice. As long as its somewhat relevant. That's why I posted this here. My public speaking skills are getting better.

Mental institution you say? Well, how about you try not sleeping for 36 hours straight for two days in a row witha 5 hour nap in between?
This is what I give to tribal wars. My life, for these gratifying responses. Worthy deal? ha, even i cant answer.

The next one i post will relate the world's countries to w62. Or what's left of it.

Get it? Apocalypse December 21, 2012 anyone? Perfect timing, eh?


Did you even read this one to be expressing mock horror?

But I disagree with OP, tribes are inherently different from businesses in that while business must cater to the masses to become 'top dog', a TW tribe has no public to serve as a handicap on the road to supremacy.

Furthermore in regards to the TW/Business co-existence example McDonalds and Subway are easily able to co-exist because they're not in the same line of business as one another. McD's offers burgers whereas Subway offers Subs. To continue Panic! and Org cooperate because they wish to win w62, there is no such 'winning' in the business world and as such businesses aren't inclined to buddy up with eachother as much as tribes are in TW.

It is also of my opinion that you're way off the mark in regards to merges/enemies/alliances. For instance, I think it is safe to say that Mac OSs and Windows are the two most widely used operating systems in the world. You'd not see Microsoft merging with Apple just to improve their share of the markets even if they're both giants due to the differing software approaches used. This translates into TW that merges aren't often between the top dogs simply because they view themselves as the 'Elite', it's more often caused by friendships and personal relationships between people in the tribes, a possibility you ignored.

You also create a paradox in saying that tribes wouldn't merge with tribes on the same playing field as them but also wouldn't merge with lesser entities. <-----One must be false because merges happen.