W66 bomb


Hello world 66. Not many of you know me, I don't expect you to know who I am anyway. Only those rare few who encountered me or my tribe back on world 47 may remember me (LAP were a well organised tribe, well done on defeating us back then, the experience really taught me a few things)

I am daredeviler, a player who originated on world 9, and have only ever quit once against my own will, for a year. I enjoy leading, and may who follow me for the haul are generally respectful of my open minded and down-to-earth, honest leading.

I have opened up a tribe on world 66 called BOMB. We'll be in it for the long haul, and I am someone who knows my own strengths and weaknesses in leading. Thus, my introductory and recruitment post here.

I hope to get my tribe up off the ground, and the 30 members limit will make things interesting. I stand for respect, honesty, loyalty, organisation, and activity. Especially activity! I've learnt the lessons the hard way.

Starting from scratch, bar a few friends from old and new worlds, I hop people take an interest in this "Band of Madness" as one once described us.

I wish to run BOMB from the get go. Pre-reg is a risk, but it may make things interesting.

If you wish to join, do note that the only requirement is to be enthusiastic. New, or experienced, it doesn't matter. New players ar free to ask any and all questions. After all, we all use to be that lowly noob working towards that glorious 12k village.

If you want to join, post your IGN here OR message me personally.

I cannot accept invitations! You must accept them from me if you wish to appear nearby the tribe when the world is released.

I hope to see you there.

~serious and fun do mix~