Hello World 76, and welcome to the next edition of our little Newspaper! ;D
We have a fun little bit of information to start things off with this time. The Duke of TRY! decided to contact me and give a bit more information pertaining to the disbanding of t.p.1. So without further ado, let's not waste time and see what he had to say!
[spoil][8/23/2014 6:25:18 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): are you there?
[8/23/2014 6:26:08 PM] DK: Yes sir
[8/23/2014 6:26:15 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): well
[8/23/2014 6:26:24 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): I read the forum w76
[8/23/2014 6:26:59 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): and I saw that is a lot of interest in the topic T.p.1 disband
[8/23/2014 6:27:19 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): I am the only one who knows 100% the story
[8/23/2014 6:27:40 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): not Marjojil or anyone else
[8/23/2014 6:27:46 PM] DK: Oh really?
[8/23/2014 6:28:09 PM] DK: I'd love to hear what you have to say on the matter.
[8/23/2014 6:28:28 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): and I see that Try! is out of the story with a bad reputation about what happened
[8/23/2014 6:28:48 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): yes Im the Bosspt xD the leader of Try
[8/23/2014 6:29:22 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): I just want that every gets cleared
[8/23/2014 6:29:30 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): (sorry about my english)
[8/23/2014 6:29:34 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): im portuguese
[8/23/2014 6:29:35 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): xD
[8/23/2014 6:29:48 PM] DK: No man, it's all good. Please, continue at your own pace.
[8/23/2014 6:31:34 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): Well basically what happened is that we wanted to make a reform inTry!
[8/23/2014 6:32:21 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): Dead-weight out, and we had a lot of contacts inside T.p.1 (the best players)
[8/23/2014 6:33:04 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): so we started to talk to the members that we wanted in our tribe and cleared the dead-weight
[8/23/2014 6:33:18 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): A top tribe to win the world
[8/23/2014 6:34:31 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): We had the opportunity to put 1 spy inside T.p.1 that got Duke powers (we were not expecting that) and we had all the information that we need
[8/23/2014 6:35:42 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): I tried to talk with Oldwelshbloke (leader of T.p.1) but he was rude and we stopped.
[8/23/2014 6:38:32 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): When we finished the plan, discovering who was the players to be kicked (16 players I think) and invite 10 top players (big majority from T.p.1) We started to talk with them 1 by 1 and they all accepted to enter in Try! and the arguments was that T.p.1 was going to Finnish (as we all were aspecting)
[8/23/2014 6:40:29 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): We decided the day and put the plan on the march
[8/23/2014 6:41:49 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): Then inside of our council appeared the idea of disbanding T.p.1 and we all accepted, thing that now we think we should not have done
[8/23/2014 6:42:04 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): and our spy accepted
[8/23/2014 6:42:46 PM] DK: So, the disbanding was a last minute idea?
[8/23/2014 6:43:56 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): Yes, the idea was just reforming the tribe and not disbanding T.p.1
[8/23/2014 6:44:10 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): T.p.1 was never a threat to Try!
[8/23/2014 6:44:24 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): We had full control on them
[8/23/2014 6:44:53 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): We know the players, the council, the forum everything
[8/23/2014 6:45:10 PM] DK: I see.
[8/23/2014 6:45:38 PM] DK: So the original intention was to just snag a few of the better members? Possibly a merge of some sorts until the Duke was rude to you?
[8/23/2014 6:47:41 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): Yes our council had very good relations it that group of players from T.p.1 and some of them even talked with us before the Reform.
[8/23/2014 6:47:56 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): I tried to speak with the duke
[8/23/2014 6:48:09 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): but we was rude so he didn't care
[8/23/2014 6:48:15 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): we*
[8/23/2014 6:48:56 PM] DK: And why are you having second thoughts about the disband decision?
[8/23/2014 6:51:17 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): Because the community of world 76 saw that as way that we arranged to run from war against them (T.p.1), and that was never our intention.
[8/23/2014 6:52:24 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): And now we have Rush that are leftovers that we gonna clean so that is not any question about our intentions about T.p.1
[8/23/2014 6:52:38 PM] DK: So, less of a cowardly act, and more of a statement towards the Duke of t.p.1?
[8/23/2014 6:53:32 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): we never gave attention to T.p.1
[8/23/2014 6:54:42 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): We give a lot more attention to other tribes in the world or even inside k44 that to T.p.1 or is Duke
[8/23/2014 6:54:53 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): it was not a cowardly act
[8/23/2014 6:55:12 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): only a reform that probably ended with a wrong act just that
[8/23/2014 6:55:18 PM] DK: I see.
[8/23/2014 6:56:05 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): any question?
[8/23/2014 6:56:10 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt):
[8/23/2014 6:56:54 PM] DK: I think I understand the situation with t.p.1. However, I do have a few questions. What are your toughts on the tribes currently in the top 10? Any future plans for any of those tribes?
[8/23/2014 7:00:51 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): We are not concern about any tribe. We have the players that we need to face any tribe. And as you can see in Tw things change very quickly. I can say that we want to attack Ya bro and in 2 months we could be working with them against another tribe so I can't saw nothing specific.
[8/23/2014 7:01:54 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): The only plan I can say for sure is that we will fight to conquer k44 against all the tribe in it.
[8/23/2014 7:02:00 PM] DK: I see, I see. Any other final thoughts?
[8/23/2014 7:03:51 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): No. I just hope that the situation about T.p.1 is clarified
And that we are here to stay.
[8/23/2014 7:04:45 PM] DK: Alright, thank you for your time! Look forward to the next edition of the paper!
[8/23/2014 7:05:49 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): I'm the one to thank for helping us clarifying this mess.
[8/23/2014 7:06:58 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): And we are always ready to help the forum journal
[8/23/2014 7:07:17 PM] DK: Good to hear!
[8/23/2014 7:07:44 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt):
[8/23/2014 7:07:49 PM] Diogo Costa (Bosspt): Thanks[/spoil]
Well now, that was quite interesting. They actually feel bad for doing it. ;-;
Do you guys remember how I said we were taking a bit because we were having problems getting interviews? Well, let me show you an example. The following is our attempt at trying to interview -END- before most joined Shrekd.
***** Aug 17, 00:51
How are you doing on this fine evening, I hopes good. If you be so kind as to answer some questions for the newly establish w76 external newspaper. I have a few q's for you.
***** Aug 17, 01:14
is the not responding thing a no?
RagingBudha Aug 17, 02:28
Okay, I'll bite. Shoot.
***** Aug 17, 02:41
Tribe Questions:
1. What is END's future plans
2. Can you tell us who and what are the positions in the tribe?
Personal Questions:
1. Do you think your tribe will succeed?
2. Have you at some point regretted joining it?
3. If you had to choose between an Apple or an Orange, what one would you choose?
Answer what ever your little heart desires
RagingBudha Aug 17, 04:20
You have far too much time on your hands.
***** Aug 17, 04:21
Please answer the questions
RagingBudha Aug 17, 04:41
Absolutely not. I'll likely not even read your messages for a while either.
***** Aug 17, 04:55
Damn... okay
***** Aug 25, 16:44
Would you like to re-consider those interview questions?
RagingBudha Aug 25, 16:48
Definitely not.
***** Aug 25, 17:07
How about new ones.
What if I came up with new ones?
RagingBudha Aug 25, 17:14
***** Aug 25, 17:43
I'll take that as a yes.
1) So how long have you been playing tribal wars?
RagingBudha Aug 25, 20:12
Here is a question for you...
How far is too far to noble someone just to get them to stop annoying me.
38hrs? Maybe. I wouldn't mind a vacation village down your way.
***** Aug 26, 04:49
:O ok.... o more messages for you
***** Aug 26, 04:49
***** Aug 26, 06:39
Not nice budha,
This message has been forwarded by *****.
As you can tell from the above, a lot of the players we have attempted to contact have been rather rude with us. So please, be kind. We are only here to entertain the masses. What's a few minutes of your time really worth?
With that being said, I would like to cut off here for a second and share a little add with everyone! ;D
Are you still sitting there without a second village? Unsure what to do as everyone around you keeps you down? Well, the players with multiple villages have banded together and have the following message for you!
Look at that? The bigger players are being kind and including the smaller players in the initiation process known as rimming.
Now then, how about we take a second and see what our resident moderator has to say? WARNING! He answers with essays. o.o
[spoil][8/25/2014 2:04:56 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: Okay
[8/25/2014 2:50:23 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: ready
[8/25/2014 2:55:26 AM] DK: Alright. I'll start you off with an easy one. And while you answer it, I'm going to get me something to drink!
[8/25/2014 2:55:33 AM] DK: Tell us a bit about yourself Jake.
[8/25/2014 3:10:19 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: ok
[8/25/2014 3:10:20 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: fyi
[8/25/2014 3:10:22 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: I write a lot
[8/25/2014 3:10:39 AM] DK: Just means more for the readers to...well...read! ;D
[8/25/2014 3:11:48 AM | Edited 3:13:59 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: haha this is a rather broad question/statement!
Well, my name is Jake. I am 27yrs old. I was born and raised here in Sydney, Australia. My dad is from Italy and my mum Sri Lanka!(best of both words! haha)
I am a personal fitness trainer and councillor/psychologist. I have been doing more personal training though lately as I’ve gotten loads more clients in and if I get the work for it, the pay per hour is great
I’m a follower of Christ! Raised up in a christian home, but not a religious one. I think people get confused with religion and that, personally, what I would define my ‘religion’ is as a relationship with Christ. I am pretty kick back, and as much as I am a ‘witness’ of Christ and enjoy sharing what he has done in my life, I do not and will not ever shove my belief in God and life down other people’s throats. I tell off other christians that do that, as I don’t see any benefit in it, you simply piss people off
If the opportunity ever came up and they were interested, then I’d be more than happy to share. I am currently also a leader at church and do a lot of ministry there
I am getting married in a couple months! Which is exciting news, looking forward to that and the journeys ahead with all of it. My wife is a beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed Australian…I’ll just leave it at that
[8/25/2014 3:14:46 AM] DK: Oh my! That's quite the response and quite an attitude you have there good sir! And congratulations on the engagement!
Expect a thread to be started after the next edition gets posted, haha.
[8/25/2014 3:15:26 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: haha cheers!
[8/25/2014 3:15:38 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: keep the questions coming just so you have to go and I take forever to reply
[8/25/2014 3:16:54 AM] DK: Haha, alright. What made you decide to play Tribalwars? Why did you continue to play?
[8/25/2014 3:30:41 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: Well, to be honest, I think when I first saw the game, it was an advertisement on the side of my screen. Funny thing is, you normally see them as spam and never click them. But for some reason that I have no idea why, I clicked the link, started playing the game, and there I was, in w2…little Jakey, strolling this game,nobbling barbs, and growing those barbs, every one of my villageswould be defensive as I’d love to see nukes die at my wall! Not to mention, I didn’t even know at the time, but morale was a pain for all those attackers ;p haha
I remember making it to 40k pts and I was like…dam! Was pretty proud of myself at that point, so I left the game in thoughts of my great victory and how amazing I was. I played from that point on and off, really picked up my skill in just a few worlds after. I’ve won I think 3 or 4 worlds in my career of tw and I’ve been in the winning tribe around 6 or 7 times up until this point. Some may say this is boring, and would stop after winning a world, but to be honest, its not the winning of worlds that gets me to continue playing.
The reason why I mostly continue playing is firstlythe fact that I am addicted to the game, just on it all the time(mp), its easy and accessible, I like all the thought put intothe game, the statistics and how it all works and the different strategies in success. Secondly, I enjoy coming across a variety of players! It is the players that make the game all so very interesting, some are annoying, some are smart, some are funny, some are dumb, some are full of leadership and power, some are full of stupidity. It is the people that bring flavour to the game and I find it a great aspect of the game how communication is such a key! We got external forums, internal forums as well as many ways of personal mail in and our of the game. Doing this creates an environment ofaccessibility to one another and connects the players and allows for greater co-ordination!
[8/25/2014 3:32:24 AM] DK: I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that found Tribalwars by clicking on an ad to the side. ;P
[8/25/2014 3:32:43 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: hahaha
[8/25/2014 3:33:17 AM] DK: Speaking of diverse players, what do you think of the lot we have in the world 76 section of the externals?
[8/25/2014 3:42:44 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: Yes, w76 is a rather large group of players that enjoy spamming the externals! Just makes it more fun for me, get to infract more people
I think there is most definitely a vast group of players from different experiences and servers. Players that have been well in participating in the analysis of players and tribes. I know that for worlds I’m currently playing, the externals are close to quiet and even have been at the starting of the world.
I’m glad to see the external forum world is opening up! I encourage it and would like to see that continue! I can’t say much more, other than I am proud there is a large group contributing and I would like to see them continue to do so as it will lift up players contribution in game and their performance. Personally, I believe that externals is a great part of the game that has a strong indirect influence on the in game world. So participation in externals makes the game all the more interesting
[8/25/2014 3:44:12 AM] DK: Yeah, I have noticed you have been getting onto a few people. Glad I've stayed off your radar so far. ;P Care to take this time to politely remind our readers of a few rules they seem to keep forgetting?
[8/25/2014 3:47:05 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: hahaha well they can go look at the rules!
Well, without being direct to anyone. The word ‘shit’ is allowed and words like it. The only way in which it is not allowed if it is used as such, “You’re shit”. You are allowed to call someone a shit player, just not them as a person.
No personal remarks at all! Anything that is directed at an individual, whether it be racist, sexism, or simply abuse to an individual and it was specified to an individual, you will be infracted. So please be careful and no personal remarks.
Under no circumstances though, is the “F-word” allowed. There is no exception and you will be infracted.
[8/25/2014 3:47:44 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: eh
[8/25/2014 3:47:50 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: thats just a few things
[8/25/2014 3:47:54 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: not gonna go in depth
[8/25/2014 3:48:32 AM] DK: Fair enough. That's what the rules section are for if they want details.
[8/25/2014 3:48:54 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: indeed
[8/25/2014 3:49:19 AM] DK: Now, I know you said you didn't want to appear biased, and I completely understand. So, my next question is one you can answer based off of facts presented to you just like everyone else. How do you see the top ten tribes a month from now?
[8/25/2014 3:54:55 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: I am gonna be very brief. There is a nice variety of players, both noobs and skilled. I think only three or so tribes(which I will not name) will be in the top10 in a month from now. But the game is too early to decide, everything gets tossed around, merges happen, hugging happens, alliances, mass recruitment, all of it! So, I can not say for sure. All I’ll say is that in about a month and a bit from now, it’ll be very interesting with wars that may appear and all of that
[8/25/2014 3:55:51 AM] DK: That's quite the unbiased answer you gave there! Haha. Is there anything else you would like to say to the denizens of world 76?
[8/25/2014 3:57:48 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: Well, not really…just…be nice!
[8/25/2014 3:58:10 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: I’d also like to challenge tribes out there to not be like the norm, don’t mass recruit, don’t mass ally, don’t merge, just war and have fun doing it!
[8/25/2014 3:58:44 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: I’ll be watching
If I see all them hugging, you will lose respect in my eyes
[8/25/2014 4:00:54 AM] DK: Haha. Well thank you for your time Jake. ^^
[8/25/2014 4:02:16 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: haha will that be it?
[8/25/2014 4:02:25 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: Anything comes to mind or anything you’ve forgotten, just let me know~
[8/25/2014 4:02:48 AM] DK: Will do! I have to be careful what to ask you so you can remain unbiased.
[8/25/2014 4:03:00 AM] Jake - DreamSweeper: indeed
Oh my. He sure did have a lot to say. I do hope all of you read it. Especially you rule breakers!
Oh look, someone did a review of some personal Coat of Arms.
The following piece is a small group interview. It was decided that one of the Dukes of Axe should be interviewed. Since I'm on the paper, it would be best if it was Aethonx that was interviewed. But, I can't trust him alone. So it became a group interview. ^^
[spoil][8/25/2014 11:21:54 PM] Timikay: Hello, today. You shall be interviewed for the W76 newpapers. Some questions will be about your tribe, some about yourself. If you are uncomfortable answering the questions, that's okay.
[8/25/2014 11:22:39 PM] DK: One of our Barons strips for PP. Trust me when I say it takes a lot to make us uncomfortable.
[8/25/2014 11:22:45 PM] Aethonx: I'll answer whatever you'd like (inlove)
[8/25/2014 11:23:02 PM | Edited 11:23:18 PM] DK: ^ plus he does whatever a female asks of him.
[8/25/2014 11:23:17 PM] Timikay: (rofl)
[8/25/2014 11:23:50 PM] Timikay: Does everyone know each other from past worlds?(or is it mass recruit?)
[8/25/2014 11:25:00 PM] Aethonx: Well, the initial core of the tribe. Myself, DK, Vistaa, and Little Dwarf met each other on world 75. Everyone I've met in this world or 75 I've met in the last few months
[8/25/2014 11:25:16 PM] Aethonx: The rest of the tribe went through an application process.
[8/25/2014 11:25:29 PM] DK: Then there are the ones I know. Such as Darkx. I've known him since world...39 I believe?
[8/25/2014 11:26:22 PM] Timikay: Does that mean you guys play favourites, with players you previously know vs. players who have to go through the application process?
[8/25/2014 11:28:05 PM] DK: Not at all. Everyone is held to the same standards. We've already kicked a few friends from the tribe because they fell behind and had no intention of catching up. Hell, one of them was someone I know in real life. We've even promoted a few people from within...people we had not known existed until they applied to our tribe and passed the application process.
[8/25/2014 11:29:02 PM] Timikay: Not biased a little
Okay, we'll go with that. Whats the application proccess like?
[8/25/2014 11:30:59 PM] Aethonx: Well, upon contacting a member of leadership or applying through the tribal profile. We then check past experience on other worlds, or at least attempt to get a better understanding of the track record they have. Then if they do seem to be at least knowledgable in the game we account sit to verify they know how to build their villages properly, then of course the dreaded troops to point ratio math begins.
[8/25/2014 11:32:35 PM] DK: I hate the points to troop ratio part. So many people argue that because they build so many troops that take up so much population (like scouts), that they have the needed troops. |-(
[8/25/2014 11:32:54 PM] Aethonx: That's because you're a noob and you suck.
[8/25/2014 11:33:21 PM] DK: You're going to make grab a bottle before this is over, aren't you Jonah?
[8/25/2014 11:33:30 PM] Aethonx: Damn skippy
[8/25/2014 11:33:36 PM | Edited 11:34:47 PM] Timikay: Lots of work :O So would you say your members are pretty experieced.
[8/25/2014 11:33:43 PM] Timikay: No Drinking during interviews
[8/25/2014 11:33:56 PM] Timikay: Your answers will be influenced
[8/25/2014 11:35:22 PM] Aethonx: That would depend upon what one considers experienced. I feel we have a rather talented tribe with a good bit of experience, but some core elitist might say otherwise
[8/25/2014 11:36:09 PM | Edited 11:36:40 PM] DK: Honestly though, it comes down to detemination and teamwork. Those are two qualities I know for a fact our tribe is full of.
[8/25/2014 11:36:28 PM | Edited 11:36:40 PM] Aethonx: Wow how do you misspell determination
[8/25/2014 11:36:43 PM] DK: You saw nothing.
[8/25/2014 11:36:48 PM] Timikay: No spell check in skype
[8/25/2014 11:36:53 PM] Aethonx: My mistake
[8/25/2014 11:36:56 PM] Aethonx:
[8/25/2014 11:37:14 PM] Timikay: Have you at some point regretted creating/ founding/ joining axe?
[8/25/2014 11:37:44 PM] Aethonx: Every day that I wake up and see how far down DK is on the members list.
[8/25/2014 11:37:59 PM] Timikay: (rofl)
[8/25/2014 11:38:04 PM] DK: I have my reasons, you know this! D:
[8/25/2014 11:38:24 PM] Aethonx: Don't explain yourself to me.
[8/25/2014 11:38:45 PM] DK: Though in all honesty, if anyone ever saw our council chat, they would think we were all morons.
[8/25/2014 11:38:54 PM] Aethonx: Because we are morons
[8/25/2014 11:39:01 PM] Timikay: Maybe cause you are
[8/25/2014 11:39:03 PM] Timikay: Ok, next question. If you had to choose between an Apple or an Orange, what one would you choose?
[8/25/2014 11:39:10 PM] DK: Orange
[8/25/2014 11:39:15 PM] Aethonx: what kind of apple
[8/25/2014 11:39:24 PM] DK: Irrelevent.
[8/25/2014 11:39:26 PM] Timikay: Green Apple, the sour ones
[8/25/2014 11:39:31 PM] Aethonx: Apple
[8/25/2014 11:40:11 PM] Timikay: Apples are the best
Other then your own tribe, what tribe do you have a lot of respect for? What tribe dont you have respect for?
[8/25/2014 11:42:24 PM] DK: I would have to say personally I respect OGRES. After my conversation with their duke, I was quite impressed. I expect them to go far. As for no respect, I pick ~GUN~. Their horrible leadership provided hours of entertainment for Axe Council.
[8/25/2014 11:42:47 PM] DK: I can't tell you Jonah's opinions though. He will have to say so
[8/25/2014 11:43:54 PM | Edited 11:44:04 PM] Aethonx: I would say the most impressive currently would be that upstart shrekd. I respect a lot of how doubt has managed themselves for sure. I'd say the tribe I have the least amount of respect for would be Burn. They couldn't plan something to save their lives
[8/25/2014 11:44:28 PM] Aethonx: Yeah you forgot about Burn didn't you
[8/25/2014 11:44:36 PM] Aethonx: Oh wait you probably weren't on
[8/25/2014 11:44:36 PM] DK: Ah yes, BURN. w00ter6 is wrecking them as we speak.
[8/25/2014 11:45:00 PM] DK: No, I remember them. I just remember what we did to ~GUN~ and how easy it was, haha.
[8/25/2014 11:45:10 PM | Edited 11:45:15 PM] Aethonx: Bless them, they tried
[8/25/2014 11:46:15 PM] Timikay: I saw that from the otherside, not impressed
Next question What is your opinion on co shared accounts.
[8/25/2014 11:47:32 PM] DK: Eh, Jonah and I got bored haha. As for co-playing, I see no problem with it. This game requires a lot of attention, and some people can't provide that much attention due to real life. Co-playing solves that problem. So long as you pick someone you can trust and agrees with your mindset.
[8/25/2014 11:48:03 PM] Aethonx: Well, I currently have a co-player that plays with me on world 75 as well as 76. I feel due to the nature of this game; A true real time strategy, that it is the best way to succeed on Tribal Wars. The more online time an account is given, generally the better it is
[8/25/2014 11:48:58 PM] Timikay: If you were walking down the street and a butterfly started talking to you, what would you say to it
[8/25/2014 11:49:25 PM] DK: Wut
[8/25/2014 11:49:49 PM] Timikay: I get Bored SOMETIMES... NO JUDGING the questions
[8/25/2014 11:50:01 PM] DK: No, that's legit what I would say xD
[8/25/2014 11:50:12 PM] Aethonx: Is it a monarch butterfly
[8/25/2014 11:50:29 PM] Timikay: Nope
[8/25/2014 11:51:30 PM] Timikay:
[8/25/2014 11:51:34 PM] Aethonx: Initiate conversation and begin to refer to it as navi
[8/25/2014 11:51:43 PM] Timikay: Why navi?
[8/25/2014 11:51:48 PM] Aethonx: With that photo in mind
[8/25/2014 11:51:53 PM] Aethonx: I would run away
[8/25/2014 11:52:06 PM | Edited 11:52:09 PM] DK: Bro, that's not Navi
[8/25/2014 11:52:06 PM] Timikay: (rofl)
[8/25/2014 11:52:10 PM] Aethonx: Bc Legend of Zelda silly
[8/25/2014 11:52:21 PM] DK: That's baby Mothra! D:
[8/25/2014 11:52:22 PM] Aethonx: but obviously not that monster
[8/25/2014 11:52:42 PM] Aethonx: So excited for the next godzilla, Mothra will be in it (inlove)
[8/25/2014 11:52:46 PM] DK: KILL IT BEFORE IT GROWS
[8/25/2014 11:53:04 PM] Timikay: Its an innocent lil thing. It did nothing but chill :O
[8/25/2014 11:53:16 PM] Aethonx: Well it chilled a little too ugly for my tastes
[8/25/2014 11:53:27 PM] DK: That's what they said about Godzilla, and look what happened to Tokyo!
[8/25/2014 11:53:44 PM] Aethonx: I don't think they said that
[8/25/2014 11:54:05 PM] Timikay: Godzilla is the nature balancer, without it we would all be dead
[8/25/2014 11:54:05 PM] DK: I only guessed because I don't speak Japanese.
[8/25/2014 11:54:17 PM] Aethonx: Yeah listen to her you scrub
[8/25/2014 11:54:43 PM] DK: I'm trying, but there are no sounds to her text she is typing.
[8/25/2014 11:54:52 PM] Aethonx: Use your imagination
[8/25/2014 11:55:08 PM] Timikay: (facepalm)
[8/25/2014 11:55:14 PM] Timikay: What is your opinion on hate mail/ restart mail?
[8/25/2014 11:55:14 PM] Aethonx: I know I am (kiss)
[8/25/2014 11:55:20 PM] Timikay:
[8/25/2014 11:55:29 PM] DK:
[8/25/2014 11:56:19 PM] Aethonx: I tend to send friendly mail to people who I am nobling. Because I've found I get better responses that way. Plus they begin to beg after awhile (devil)
[8/25/2014 11:56:41 PM] DK: Restart mail? I never do it. And I laugh at those that send it to me as they rarely last long. It's an intimdation tactic that a few players tend to use as they aren't confident in their own skill.
[8/25/2014 11:56:59 PM] DK: And like Jonah said, being nice leads to a friendlier conversation. ^^
[8/25/2014 11:57:14 PM] Aethonx: But I dont tend to send anything without having cleared them or have a train on the way.
[8/25/2014 11:58:03 PM] Timikay: But you do send a message to players you noble?
[8/25/2014 11:58:26 PM] DK: Depends on who I'm nobling.
[8/25/2014 11:58:34 PM] Aethonx: Generally if they are putting up a good fight. If it's easy then I don't care to waste my time.
[8/25/2014 11:59:07 PM] DK: If they betrayed me, talked shit to me, or just down right pissed me off...then yeah, I will message them when I noble them.
[8/25/2014 11:59:15 PM] Aethonx: Dk hasnt nobled anyone in years. Don't listen to him
[8/25/2014 11:59:31 PM] DK: ^ legit. Took such a long hiatus from this game.
[8/25/2014 11:59:41 PM] DK: Plus I'm lazy.
[8/25/2014 11:59:49 PM] Aethonx: We know
[12:00:46 AM] Timikay: Same, same -- (took a break) If that dude from end actually trys to noble me, Im blaming you DK
[12:00:57 AM] Timikay: Do you guys play any other online games?
[12:01:05 AM] Timikay: Not limited to the PC
[12:01:21 AM] DK: It's not my fault RagingBudah was rude to you when you tried to get an interview! D:
[12:01:38 AM] Timikay: He did'nt like my questions
[12:01:57 AM] Aethonx: Not anymore, I've devoted much of my free time into Tribal Wars. I suppose garry's mod counts but that is once in a blue moon. Hard to balance college and a game such as TW
[12:02:51 AM | Edited 12:03:00 AM] DK: Well, I've played the obvious Call of Duty and Halo. I also play Minecraft and other games on the Xbox 360. Looking forward to playing Elder Scrolls Online for the PS4 though! My favorite game was LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth 2 though. I cried when they closed the server.
[12:03:06 AM] Aethonx: Pussy
[12:03:14 AM] DK: Hey, I played that game for years!
[12:03:28 AM] Aethonx: I played your mother for years!
[12:03:28 AM] DK: My matches on there would take six plus hours.
[12:03:34 AM] DK: Who hasn't?
[12:03:41 AM] Aethonx: Little Dwarf
[12:03:46 AM] DK: Lulz
[12:03:53 AM] Timikay: I loves Elder Scrolls, best games ever.
[12:03:59 AM] DK: I like how everyone thinks he's a girl.
[12:04:23 AM] DK: Elder Scrolls is legit.
[12:04:27 AM] Timikay: Just call it an it, then no one worries
[12:04:36 AM] Aethonx: Was it him or W00ter that said their name was Veronica
[12:04:49 AM] DK: I think it was w00ter?
[12:04:56 AM] Aethonx: Idk he tricked the plebs
[12:05:07 AM] DK: Wait, was that when the council spent like...two hours discussing actresses?
[12:05:21 AM] Aethonx: Around then, yes
[12:05:28 AM] DK: Ah. Thought so.
[12:05:28 AM] Aethonx: Blake Lively is life
[12:05:31 AM] Aethonx: btw
[12:05:38 AM] DK: Eh.
[12:05:42 AM] Aethonx: (inlove)
[12:05:51 AM] Aethonx: You can go burn in hell
[12:05:58 AM] Aethonx: That might be blasphemy
[12:06:33 AM] Timikay: cough*** tatum channing*** hot
[12:06:44 AM] DK: You have a serious obsession with blondes with big breasts bro.
[12:06:50 AM] Aethonx: That's a pretty man
[12:06:54 AM] Timikay:
[12:07:00 AM] DK: But at least you didn't say Megan Fox. So I can live with that.
[12:07:02 AM] Aethonx: It's the eyes.
[12:07:07 AM | Edited 12:07:09 AM] Aethonx: Idc about hair color
[12:07:15 AM] DK: Robert Downey Jr. and Johnny Depp guys.
[12:07:19 AM] DK: COME ON
[12:07:24 AM] Timikay: (inlove)
[12:07:25 AM] Aethonx: I'd have to go with rob
[12:07:30 AM] Aethonx: Less weird
[12:07:32 AM] Timikay: Both
[12:07:34 AM] Timikay: both
[12:07:38 AM | Edited 12:07:41 AM] Aethonx: At the same time?
[12:07:44 AM] Aethonx: You trollop
[12:07:49 AM] Timikay: (bandit)
[12:07:58 AM] DK: Can you blame her?
[12:08:09 AM] Aethonx: No not entirely
[12:08:30 AM] Timikay:
[12:08:40 AM] DK: That's like blaming me for liking both Jennifer Lawrence and Natalie Portman at the same time.
[12:08:47 AM] Aethonx: Mmmh Padme
[12:09:00 AM] Timikay: What is your favourite type of world, Hauls or No-hauls
[12:10:19 AM] Aethonx: Hauls, only because my availability gives me an edge. No-hauls better show someones talent at building the most streamlined village. No-hauls generally seperate the good players from the great.
[12:10:59 AM | Edited 12:11:04 AM] DK: I prefer no-hauls simply because of my laziness and amount of time I spend doing stuff in real life instead.
[12:11:09 AM] DK: Not going to lie.
[12:12:43 AM] Timikay: NO hauls is the best.
Okay, LAST QUESTION, so better be a good answer.
[12:13:01 AM] Aethonx: Are you going to ask for a dirty picture
[12:13:11 AM] Timikay: :O I havnt thought of that
[12:13:15 AM] DK: Jonah shares his dirty pictures all over the council chat.
[12:13:18 AM | Edited 12:13:22 AM] DK: No liez
[12:13:20 AM] Aethonx: Do not
[12:13:23 AM] Timikay: Yes please send a dirty picture
[12:13:24 AM] DK: Do too
[12:13:27 AM] Aethonx: NO
[12:13:29 AM] DK: YES
[12:13:32 AM] Timikay: DO IT
[12:13:38 AM] Aethonx: YOU WERENT THERE
[12:13:55 AM] Timikay: your were not part of the orgy DK,
[12:14:00 AM] Timikay: do you feel left out
[12:14:00 AM] Aethonx: Were you really?
[12:14:11 AM] DK: Dude, I'm always lurking
[12:14:11 AM] Aethonx: Bc that legit happened
[12:14:42 AM] DK: Honestly, I don't know why the 76 chat wants to see Vistaa strip. It's nothing impressive.
[12:14:54 AM] Timikay: DK, so you sometimes feel that your tribe does not invite you to everything, like the pictures.
[12:15:08 AM] Timikay: and its cause Vista said on the fourms he would strip
[12:15:12 AM] Timikay: hes a promise breaker
[12:15:27 AM] Aethonx: Well he just hasn't stripped for you yet (mm)
[12:15:31 AM] DK: No, I don't feel that way because I just invite myself like a party pooper.
[12:15:45 AM] DK: Also, Jonah does not share dirty pictures for free.
[12:15:55 AM] DK: And I'm his agent. So you have to pay both of us.
[12:16:13 AM] Timikay: Im's good, I never pay
its just freely given
[12:16:26 AM] Aethonx: Well I doubt I'd charge you
[12:16:27 AM | Edited 12:16:32 AM] DK: You also owe me a birthday present! D:
[12:16:47 AM] DK: See, Jonah, this is why I'm your agent. You do everything for free. ;-;
[12:17:02 AM] Aethonx: It's my body I'll do as I want
[12:17:13 AM] Timikay: Free stuff is the best
[12:17:16 AM] Aethonx: ^
[12:17:24 AM] DK: Yeah, well, your free body is going to bring diseases into the tribe with no benefit for the rest of us!
[12:17:47 AM] Aethonx: Well, I still had my fun
[12:17:51 AM | Edited 12:18:16 AM] Timikay: Now leggit last question
At what point would say TW could potentialy become Dangerous?
[12:17:53 AM] DK: ...fair enough.
[12:18:21 AM] Aethonx: Could you rephrase or describe what you mean?
[12:18:29 AM] Timikay: no
[12:18:30 AM] DK: Do you mean like...real life dangerous?
[12:18:32 AM] Aethonx: Well
[12:18:47 AM] DK: Or get rimmed dangerous?
[12:18:58 AM] Aethonx: I know a guy who can find out your address and tax record from your skype
[12:19:01 AM] Aethonx: If that counts
[12:19:02 AM] Timikay: Anyways, mental, physically, emotional.
[12:19:11 AM] Timikay: THAT IS SCARY (worry)
[12:19:31 AM] DK: Well, it gets dangerous when you encounter a player who takes this game WAY to seriously and threatens to find you in rela life.
[12:20:23 AM] Aethonx: I'd say TW is rather harmless as far as that goes. Other than the random 12 year old telling you he F____d your mother
[12:20:48 AM] Aethonx: I could see how it may strain relationships if you devote too much time into it, over the signifigant other
[12:20:53 AM | Edited 12:21:20 AM] DK: At the same time, you make it dangerous for yourself when you yourself take this game to seriously. I've known players that had a million points and got rimmed during a war. They had a mental breakdown. What everyone needs to do at the end of the day when they log off is remind themselves that Tribalwars is just a game. Life will go on no matter what happens.
[12:21:21 AM] Aethonx: Or someone who got banned/lost their job as a mod and go apeshit
[12:21:25 AM] Aethonx: (wasntme)
[12:21:36 AM] DK: *cough*Chase*cough*
[12:21:43 AM] Aethonx: (highfive)
[12:21:49 AM] DK: (highfive)
[12:22:18 AM] DK: She keeps spamming me saying she will make me never show my face on another world and make sure I'm never allowed to post in the externals as those are HER forums.
[12:22:22 AM] DK: She makes me laugh.
[12:22:43 AM] Timikay: Ya that was a bit radical.
[12:23:01 AM | Edited 12:23:11 AM] Timikay: I like drinking and partying too much for me to ever really succeed at tribal wars.
[12:23:13 AM] DK: Come party and drink with us
[12:23:14 AM] Aethonx: As Lil Wayne once said, "If I die today, it'd be a holiday" applies to you if you get kicked off
[12:23:29 AM] Aethonx: Uh
[12:23:31 AM] Aethonx: Yes please
[12:23:35 AM] Aethonx: (inlove)
[12:23:38 AM] Timikay: yep, Interview over, I ran out of questions.
[12:23:47 AM] Aethonx: Can we ask you questions now
[12:23:56 AM] DK: Ooo...I like that idea.
[12:23:58 AM] Timikay: :^)
[12:24:01 AM] Aethonx: No lets not
[12:24:05 AM | Edited 12:24:06 AM] Aethonx: Too late for that nonsense
[12:24:11 AM] Timikay: (nod)
[12:24:22 AM] DK: Fair enough. Drink and party time?
[12:24:24 AM] Aethonx: I'm getting eccentric
[12:24:32 AM] Timikay: Go drink and party
[12:24:41 AM] Aethonx: I'll be drinking to recover from those lost nukes on 75.
[12:24:45 AM] Aethonx: (d)
[12:24:52 AM] DK: I don't think she will be joining us. ;-;
[12:24:55 AM] Aethonx: Well
[12:25:07 AM] DK: Spam the council chat then while getting drunk?
[12:25:15 AM] Aethonx: Do you know much courage it takes to ask someone to join us
[12:25:24 AM] Timikay: Drinking?
[12:25:32 AM] Aethonx: I can't believe how inconsiderate you are
[12:25:33 AM] DK: Quite a lot as we are insane.
[12:25:36 AM] Aethonx: (u)
[12:25:46 AM] Timikay: DK you just became legal.
[12:25:57 AM] DK: That's not the point!
[12:26:12 AM] Timikay: And drinking by yourself is the first step in having a problem
havnt you seen the TV adds
[12:26:30 AM] DK: Jonah, I really do think we should let random people sit in on our Council Chats for an hour or so. Would be funny. xD
[12:26:39 AM] Aethonx: We mentioned this before
[12:26:43 AM] Aethonx: but your schedule
[12:26:44 AM] Aethonx: is
[12:26:45 AM] Aethonx: so
[12:26:49 AM] Aethonx: sporadic
[12:26:56 AM] DK: Don't hate, appreciate!
[12:27:33 AM] DK: Alright. I'm putting an ad out for this in the paper. THIS IS HAPPENING.
[12:27:46 AM] Timikay: I volunteer (wave)
[12:28:02 AM] Aethonx: We need to make sure wooter is on though ]
[12:28:08 AM] DK: Naturally, haha.
[12:28:19 AM | Edited 12:28:25 AM] DK: And look, we have a volunteer! If only she knew...
[12:28:26 AM] Aethonx: Bless her soul
[12:28:48 AM] DK: The level of spam within the externals is nothing compared to our chats...
[12:29:10 AM] Timikay: I get in trouble for spamming (bandit)
[12:29:25 AM] Aethonx: I hope he hits Crownie's smithy
[12:29:28 AM] Aethonx: So hard
[12:29:49 AM] DK: Wrong chat. xD
[12:29:53 AM] Aethonx: whoopsie
[12:30:05 AM] Timikay: (rofl)
[12:30:19 AM] Aethonx: That filthy Swede
[12:30:40 AM] Timikay: (facepalm)
[12:31:06 AM] Aethonx: I think he honestly believes he is part of the master race
[12:31:37 AM] Timikay: that borderlines racism.
[12:31:40 AM] Timikay: :O
[12:31:46 AM] Aethonx: He's a scandinavian
[12:31:54 AM] Aethonx: They're known for that sort of thinking
[12:32:18 AM] Timikay: Kill them before they breed
[12:32:20 AM] Timikay: JK
[12:32:24 AM] Aethonx: No
[12:32:27 AM] Aethonx: I like you
[12:32:31 AM] Aethonx: I like what you're about
[12:32:59 AM] Timikay:
...that just happened.
On behalf of Axe, I would like to take this time to announce the following. Everyday (or whenever we feel like it), one lucky player in world 76 will be selected and invited to sit in on the Axe Leadership Skype Chat for an hour! That's right, you'll get first hand experience at how the minds running Axe work! If you are interested in being one of those lucky players, then send me a message and you'll be added to the list! The only requirement is that you must have Skype! So act now!
Offer only lasts until we get bored and decide to stop doing it.
Oh know, a rumor was heard! That's right, we here at the paper committee heard a lovely little rumor! What is it you ask? Well, it's been said that there is a coalition forming around DOUBT!!! LE GASP! But who is in this coalition should it be true?
I'll just share this map and let you figure that one out.
Over one hundred years prior to the beginning of the story, giant humanoid creatures called Titans (巨人 Kyojin?) suddenly appeared and nearly wiped out humanity, devouring them without remorse or reason. What remains of humanity now resides within a country surrounded by three enormous concentric walls: the outermost is Wall Maria (ウォール・マリア Wōru Maria?); the middle wall is Wall Rose (ウォール・ローゼ Wōru Rōze?, pronounced like rosé) and the innermost is Wall Sheena (ウォール・シーナ Wōru Shīna?, alt. "Wall Sina"). Inside these walls, humanity has lived in peace for one hundred years; many people growing up without ever having seen a Titan. This all changes when one day, within Eren Yeager's hometown, the Shiganshina district which juts out of Wall Maria, a giant 60-meter (200 ft) tall Titan known as the Colossus Titan mysteriously appears and breaches the outer wall, allowing smaller but still deadly Titans to infiltrate the district. Many are killed and the wall separating Shiganshina from the lands within Wall Maria is breached when a second Titan smashes clean through. Mankind is forced to abandon the land between Wall Maria and Wall Rosé, evacuating the remaining population into the inner districts. The sudden influx of population causes turmoil and famine.
If you like violence and the chance of ANYONE dying, I highly recommend watching Attack on Titan.
And with that folks, this edition is wrapped up! Remember, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please post them here in the discussion thread! -
~~Dwarven King