w82 finally starting to get going - who will be the first tribe to fall?


I wish you guys would shut up and just appreciate what I've done for once :icon_cry:



I wish you guys would shut up and just appreciate what I've done for once :icon_cry:


Hey that is what Nubz says to me!! It is his special line reserved only for me when I point out very apparent facts that the rest of the world can see but he is blinded by.

Little birdies tell me that the top 10 is way over due for a shake up and that one or 3 tribes will have major changes in them in the next 24-48 hours.

I wonder which of the top ten will fail and which one is to grow. It should be intresting to watch and I have been giving warnings it was going to happen :)
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Se7en and our allies will complete our mission in this war...jag is feeling the pressure i assure you. it would appear their members is not to happy..we will see what happens.


Hey that is what Nubz says to me!! It is his special line reserved only for me when I point out very apparent facts that the rest of the world can see but he is blinded by.

Little birdies tell me that the top 10 is way over due for a shake up and that one or 3 tribes will have major changes in them in the next 24-48 hours.

I wonder which of the top ten will fail and which one is to grow. It should be intresting to watch and I have been giving warnings it was going to happen :)

And as usual your birdies are correct :)