W83 World Cup SEMI FINAL

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
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Results of the QF are


daddysmurfprezeh - 9
nebula - 6

welsh celts - 13
nugget putin - 2 I think the lowest votes so far Nugget got rekt! <3

between the sheets - 3
capt morgan freeman - 11

fuzzy navel - 8
sweetmisery - 6

Bonus round results
West side - 2
East side - 5

Rank 1 ODA (13.Krieger) - 8
Rank 1 ODD (sartais) - 0

13.krieger - 6
14.kriefer - 2

So now, moving on to the Semi-Finals the competition is tough. We have already see some fantastic players drop out, so now we have some interesting match ups.

DaddySmurfPrezEh - Welsh Celts

Capt Morgan Freeman - Fuzzy Navel

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
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DaddySmurfPrezEh - Welsh Celts

Any other time i would have fancied me and my co players on this one, but as this is the world 83 WC and myself and my co players have let the bar slip with our activity until recently. On top of the great job welshy is doing down south, im voting against myself on this one.

Capt Morgan Freeman - Fuzzy Navel

Arguably the most difficult decision yet, i think this match up would have made a great final.


Deleted User - 10618707

Damn this is hard....

1. Welsh
2....I need to revisit....Fuzzy


DaddySmurfPrezEh - Welsh Celts
Welsh Celts these guys have been tried and tested. Great players.
Capt Morgan Freeman - Fuzzy Navel
Capt Morgan Freeman, I have had the priv to know Rizz a long time and know what he is capable of. Love to Fuzzy <3



Nam has the 4 best accounts this world as this vote is 100% accurate AKA they have this world in the bag, sooo that's why they have been acting like the world is won on externals



Nam has the 4 best accounts this world as this vote is 100% accurate AKA they have this world in the bag, sooo that's why they have been acting like the world is won on externals

I don't think anyone thinks this competition is accurate. I think that was stated in the first round of the cup.

ted the stoner

I think that without trying to be intentionally one eyed, more nam players did vote on this than any other tribe, and everyone is gonna vote for their own good players as they see them first hand, I imagine if more golden posters voted on this sort of thing, it could quite possibly have gone the same way.

Sinful Angel

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I don't think anyone thinks this competition is accurate. I think that was stated in the first round of the cup.

This is just an externals popularity contest in the end, the tribe that has the most people on the externals will always win because of course they'll vote for their own people. The real "World cup" is the actual world we're playing.


Don't forget that most of us haven't bothered posting in these. :x


This is just an externals popularity contest in the end, the tribe that has the most people on the externals will always win because of course they'll vote for their own people. The real "World cup" is the actual world we're playing.

Not really, i mean you could be the best player in the game but stuck in a shitty situation and area causing you to be nobled up on the basis of this competition.

Deleted User - 10618707

I think that without trying to be intentionally one eyed, more nam players did vote on this than any other tribe, and everyone is gonna vote for their own good players as they see them first hand, I imagine if more golden posters voted on this sort of thing, it could quite possibly have gone the same way.

That's totally why NAM has voted against itself....right?


Notwithstanding the fact, that more NAM members were in it, from the beginning, which something to do with the current top 20, when the original thread was created. Therefore with more entrants from NAM, its sort of expected that there is a higher probability of them being the one's at the end,,,
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Deleted User - 10618707

Sigh, voted against NAM, meaning voted for a player outside of NAM.

ted the stoner

That's totally why NAM has voted against itself....right?


Notwithstanding the fact, that more NAM members were in it, from the beginning, which something to do with the current top 20, when the original thread was created. Therefore with more entrants from NAM, its sort of expected that there is a higher probability of them being the one's at the end,,,

you realize you don't have to flame me for everything i post?
All i'm saying, is you see this guy in your tribe beast mode-ing it up, you're gonna vote for him regardless of how good (if not better) the other player is because you've seen said person in action and feel like they deserve that win, every tribe is going to largely vote for it's self. I in no way took a shot at nam, in fact i stood up for you lot from what baulder said.

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
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Please stop the tears, its a bit of fun. Yes more NAM voted and that's probably got something to do with why its an all NAM semi, but that is kinda the point of the game. You vote for who you think would win, if not enough vote for you then you dont get through :icon_eek: Get tears off my thread and just vote!

ted the stoner

I stuck up for why there would be an all nam semi but whatever.
For the reason i played with him on 71 and he seems a great guy and a great player
Morgan freeman
Rizz is a boss and i like the wutang reference :p


I think that without trying to be intentionally one eyed, more nam players did vote on this than any other tribe, and everyone is gonna vote for their own good players as they see them first hand, I imagine if more golden posters voted on this sort of thing, it could quite possibly have gone the same way.

Are you even going to cry over this thread as well? Should we hold other tribes hands and tell them to come vote or post on externals? Can you let us have fun in this one or you need tissues in this thread as well? Holy cow, you can't help not to mop your tears in every thread you see there is a possibility to include your nemesis NAM in it. I wonder why.


1- Daddysmurfprezeh-Welsh celts
"Inbefore Sam kicks me out of the tribe, but still since w71, welshy <3"

2- Cpt-Fuzzy
Altho styxy is my favorite person in tw, but still tardo cpt just too good.

ted the stoner

Are you even going to cry over this thread as well? Should we hold other tribes hands and tell them to come vote or post on externals? Can you let us have fun in this one or you need tissues in this thread as well? Holy cow, you can't help not to mop your tears in every thread you see there is a possibility to include your nemesis NAM in it. I wonder why.

Would you actually read before you post? I was litterally sticking up for nam after comments made by one of our members :|


Yeah guys don't take this too seriously just abit of fun xoxo