I can understand why phippsy won attacker by a landslide.
As their tribemate I've personally witnessed how relentless they are at attacking villages regardless of my claims, my nukes, and my nobles (en route or returning).
They often canceled my noble claims in conjunction with their ferocious attacks and noblings of villages I cleared or was clearing and nobling and only after I moved farther south and practically begged them to stop following my activities did they let up in revoking my claims and noble sniping me. I'm not sure how internals are planned out but it always seemed they were johnny on the spot with getting to claim them and if they did apparently forget about their claims on an internal that lapsed and they were not sending any attacks at, they didn't hesitate to ignore my attacks and nobles and revoke my fresh claims on internals as well in order to get in those extra attacks (previous sentence referred to enemies I claimed that they wanted to attack but may not have had the claims space to reserve them prior to my attacks and claims on such). I have to say they're the worst leader I've tolerated too. I saw 6 months ago I was having an iron shortage and needed to take at least 10 iron bonus villages to help even it out over the next few months. They decided to intrude on my account planning to save these 1500 point barbs ostensibly for other tribemates to farm rather than let me take and build them into the iron resource producers I needed because they had more noble slots than me at the time I believe and they felt they could manage my account better than me was their other reason in a nutshell. In case you wondered, players who constantly attack and rebuild offense in this game use a disproportionate amount of iron which results in a huge iron demand as high as 10-1 trading in the markets of some worlds that don't cap it at 50% like w93 does.
Is there a worst leader award also? just curious. Ike was one of the worst leaders, players, and personalities I've come in contact with. I was quite unhappy that douche followed me from our original tribe (can't remember the name, lots of w87 people were there though) which I quit and restarted to join screw early game after seeing the leadership types (Ike included) were morons (not including our w87 duke who also made it into screw after successfully coordinating our w87 win start to finish by motivating everyone to never stop fighting and coordinated an upset against huge family tribes by recruiting their best players and other strategic operations that were constantly planned).
Because of the good experience in w87, I was a little disappointed when the wosh account decided to noble me out of my new cap near the front in K6X a few months ago and then another tribemate nobled me out with a couple slow nobles from a village recently after they sent prenobles ahead of my prenobles causing me to noble their claim (yes, I had command sharing so they saw my nobles en route before sending prenoble/s and then slow nobled it after I capped it by sending 2 consecutive noble strikes on a village I owned). That was also a border village where claims don't matter much anyways.
Coming from a tribe in w87 where we attacked like a pack of bees, always having an area to constantly press into I was a little surprised at how little the pressure being applied on a consistent basis in this world. There was mostly unanimous consensus in the w87 tribal forum regarding the regenerative strength of offensive units being such that constantly launching the full offense as hands down the most beneficial style of playing. Seeing this world drag on the last 6 months IMHO quite justifies this belief as some tribemates went 3 weeks without gaining oda.
As their tribemate I've personally witnessed how relentless they are at attacking villages regardless of my claims, my nukes, and my nobles (en route or returning).
They often canceled my noble claims in conjunction with their ferocious attacks and noblings of villages I cleared or was clearing and nobling and only after I moved farther south and practically begged them to stop following my activities did they let up in revoking my claims and noble sniping me. I'm not sure how internals are planned out but it always seemed they were johnny on the spot with getting to claim them and if they did apparently forget about their claims on an internal that lapsed and they were not sending any attacks at, they didn't hesitate to ignore my attacks and nobles and revoke my fresh claims on internals as well in order to get in those extra attacks (previous sentence referred to enemies I claimed that they wanted to attack but may not have had the claims space to reserve them prior to my attacks and claims on such). I have to say they're the worst leader I've tolerated too. I saw 6 months ago I was having an iron shortage and needed to take at least 10 iron bonus villages to help even it out over the next few months. They decided to intrude on my account planning to save these 1500 point barbs ostensibly for other tribemates to farm rather than let me take and build them into the iron resource producers I needed because they had more noble slots than me at the time I believe and they felt they could manage my account better than me was their other reason in a nutshell. In case you wondered, players who constantly attack and rebuild offense in this game use a disproportionate amount of iron which results in a huge iron demand as high as 10-1 trading in the markets of some worlds that don't cap it at 50% like w93 does.
Is there a worst leader award also? just curious. Ike was one of the worst leaders, players, and personalities I've come in contact with. I was quite unhappy that douche followed me from our original tribe (can't remember the name, lots of w87 people were there though) which I quit and restarted to join screw early game after seeing the leadership types (Ike included) were morons (not including our w87 duke who also made it into screw after successfully coordinating our w87 win start to finish by motivating everyone to never stop fighting and coordinated an upset against huge family tribes by recruiting their best players and other strategic operations that were constantly planned).
Because of the good experience in w87, I was a little disappointed when the wosh account decided to noble me out of my new cap near the front in K6X a few months ago and then another tribemate nobled me out with a couple slow nobles from a village recently after they sent prenobles ahead of my prenobles causing me to noble their claim (yes, I had command sharing so they saw my nobles en route before sending prenoble/s and then slow nobled it after I capped it by sending 2 consecutive noble strikes on a village I owned). That was also a border village where claims don't matter much anyways.
Coming from a tribe in w87 where we attacked like a pack of bees, always having an area to constantly press into I was a little surprised at how little the pressure being applied on a consistent basis in this world. There was mostly unanimous consensus in the w87 tribal forum regarding the regenerative strength of offensive units being such that constantly launching the full offense as hands down the most beneficial style of playing. Seeing this world drag on the last 6 months IMHO quite justifies this belief as some tribemates went 3 weeks without gaining oda.