In my view Tudadar is missing the whole thing about tribal wars, achievements being number one in the world doesn't mean anything if your tribe or allies will lose.
be it paying for it using PP but it all of it will be for nothing if your tribe is defeated. Its not about justifying anything regarding paying for the game, its the complicated strategy of finding the right one to win a game, this complicated strategy cannot be done with one player, sure having the number 1 player in world can make a difference but the tribe that he is allied or he is in didn't use him properly, in fact they made sure not to use him, maybe because of disgust or maybe he is not a team player or maybe they don't know how good he is offensively or deffensively.
A player or a tribe who gets defeated is really painfull, a player or a leader will ask himself what did he do wrong. Back then, Tudadar tribe and his allies got all the advantages in winning a world, if he participates in even one of the those massive opps that WET organized maybe it will make a difference, be it cover fire or noble attacks.
Lets say that he didn't participate, but he went on and attack the enemy on a diffrent area, maybe, that to could make a way to win a world.
Basically he didn't exert himself as a beacon of power back then, he didn't show anything to inspire his tribe....He didn't rally his mates to win the world...Sure its the Job of the leaders, but being number 1 in the world is more dangerous.
#1 player, achievements is nothing if you didnt inspire a whole tribe to win. Make this a lesson for you Tuda, maybe someday we will play together and win a world, and you will be the #1 player the champion a beacon of power who will inspire tribes in winning a world.