W97 Best of/Worst of


Dhm did not deserve rank 1 ODD lol. You guys were a joke. Dropping few dozens of pp to defend one op. Give me that pp and I could have doubled my ODD.

Valour took the most hits in w97 and that account deserved rank 1 ODD. The account had rank 1 ODD throughout the duration of the war until you got hit for a while in the end where you just spam clicked the reduction time button every time your wall level dropped.

And from what I've heard, you unicorn are the one who bought all that pp for dhm to stat pad. So I don't really think you should be calling others stat padders when you are the biggest of em all lol.

I don't know how it was down south but until the very end everyone pped the walls between attacks. Thats the main reason we started using 10 off pallys and time them in with just a second of each other to be able to break something. I would have loved if no one was pping walls but if everyone is doing it you hafe to join the group or get squashed. Then somepeople are just mad we beat them at there own game but that up to them. And Saying that valour got hit the most is a joke the warstats tells a completly diffrent story.

IL war.jpg

And the reason for that is simple. Fox and Grumpy got in som rl trouble which we of course noticed and took advantage of so we broke thru the IL front ending to go behind the IL south front and attack it from the weaker backside, crush that front and then switch in the south players in our now huge exposed flank. But Toka forbid us too go south stating that it would block other people growth even do we clearly stated the plan was to let the other players take frontline village from us so that we all could continue north. But no we where told the only way we where alowed too go was north into the intire IL mid and backline and of course they sent everything they had at us which we had to take with our own troops since all the extra def troops from the tribe where down at your place. But the problem with that for you is that even if there is more troops comming your way you hafe to share the OD stats with the guys supporting you while we where left to fend on our own thus we got all the OD for ourself.

And the reason we had the ODS spot was because when IPOD joined Creati we switched 70% of our villages to def villages since we where well aware that IL would jump IPOD right away which happend and during that time most of IPOD was supported by our troops. Then Toka jumped in and took care of the support for the entire north part of the core and took back there ODS rank until they deleted. Thats also why we fell in the ODA ranking by that time since we just didn't have the troops to attack with.



I am not going to waste my time reading all that lol

But I did read some of it..and as I said you were a joke.

Ask anyone in IL which creati account was opped the most and you will get your answer. In valour we must have used a total of maybe 1k pp to pp up the wall. That too only when I felt pping would save the village. Unlike you who must have emptied your bank to defend one op lol. If I had that many pp I could simply keep the walls at 20 and kill a lot more nukes than the account originally did.

Either way, I don't personally care about who finishes rank 1 in rankings. If I did I wouldnt have stopped playing 2 months ago when the war was already over. But I just couldn't let a stat padder like dhm to get rank 1 in everything. Hence I sent some nukes to take back the rank 1 ODD. Call me whatever you want to doesn't really matters.

All the best on future worlds btw. Cus you will win every world with the amount of pp you spend.




I am not going to waste my time reading all that lol

But I did read some of it..and as I said you were a joke.

Ask anyone in IL which creati account was opped the most and you will get your answer. In valour we must have used a total of maybe 1k pp to pp up the wall. That too only when I felt pping would save the village. Unlike you who must have emptied your bank to defend one op lol. If I had that many pp I could simply keep the walls at 20 and kill a lot more nukes than the account originally did.

Either way, I don't personally care about who finishes rank 1 in rankings. If I did I wouldnt have stopped playing 2 months ago when the war was already over. But I just couldn't let a stat padder like dhm to get rank 1 in everything. Hence I sent some nukes to take back the rank 1 ODD. Call me whatever you want to doesn't really matters.

All the best on future worlds btw. Cus you will win every world with the amount of pp you spend.


If you would had read it you would have realised that the reason you where behind in ODD was quite simple you had to share OD with all the tons of supporting troops you had placed in your villages. So even if you got attacked more we could also ask who had the most support in creati and the answer would be the same. And if you think we cared that much about ODD we could have easily gotten it back by just attacking ourself. But ODD is in my opinion the least worth OD stat since it's just a figure of how much you got attacked you really hafe to do nothing to get it. Other then sit on your ass and look at the incomming nukes.


If you attacked yourself I'd have attacked myself again and taken it back lol

just accept that you suck and need pp to shine and move on...unicorn.


If you attacked yourself I'd have attacked myself again and taken it back lol

just accept that you suck and need pp to shine and move on...unicorn.

Haha Ali Shah I'm guessing your math skills isn't that high if someone with 600 nukes attack himself he will get twice the amount of ODD compared to the guy with 300 nukes attacking himself.
In other words if we really wanted the ODD spot there is just nothing you could have done even if you wanted too.


Oh what makes u think I'd only use my nukes? Lmao

There is nothing you could ever do to finish rank 1 in ODD.

Nooblet pp user :D


hahaha once again you need someone else too help because your not man enough to do it on your own.
And we could have had other people nukes us just as well as you could and considering we had 3 times the nukes you had, we would even had to break a sweat.
And even after you attacked your self you barely took the top ODD rank.


Active Member
Reaction score
Pp are a resource that everyone can get for free or purchase. Isnt there a saying: accept things that you cannot change, change what you cannot accept?

Everyone that signed up for w97 knew it was a pp world (with the pros and cons). If people really hated it so much, why not simply dominate w100? From what I have heard that world was a big disappointment (which really raises questions in my opinion what all the pp hating pro players do).

Yes, we used pp thats why we also finished better than just our total loot of 17B would suggest. Did we use the most? Certainly not. Even Toka used a lot during the early game. I can only say: i wanted to win the world and be the best possible rank (incl for what i defined as reasonable pp use). I got a lot of shit from players that i care about rank - looking back at the world end, its obvious that a lot more people cared about rank (eg toka deleting, all the above mentioned ODD and ODS patting). I actually feel that at least I was straight about it ;-)

Could i have spent more pp to get #1 from DHM? Sure but i didnt want to. I also told thom that if i would get #1 i would give it up bc he deserved it more.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
"Hey paul why do you always quit before lategame?"

This. This is why.


If you would had read it you would have realised that the reason you where behind in ODD was quite simple you had to share OD with all the tons of supporting troops you had placed in your villages.

Thats not how ODD works. All of the units killed attacking your village gets attributed to your Opponents Defeated Defending score seperate to what is attributed to external troops supporting your villages.


hahaha once again you need someone else too help because your not man enough to do it on your own.
And we could have had other people nukes us just as well as you could and considering we had 3 times the nukes you had, we would even had to break a sweat.
And even after you attacked your self you barely took the top ODD rank.

Yup just like you have 1 Mill PP to help you on stat padding I got my friends to help me xD

Oh and no one is going to nuke your village lol. I doubt anyone even liked your account enough to help you stat pad more. If you go back on this thread majority chose you as the best stat padder.

So calm your tits, accept you suck without pp and move on kid.

Hell you don't even know how ODD works. All you know is how to buy premium..and spend them.

Typical stat padding noob lol


Yup just like you have 1 Mill PP to help you on stat padding I got my friends to help me xD

Oh and no one is going to nuke your village lol. I doubt anyone even liked your account enough to help you stat pad more. If you go back on this thread majority chose you as the best stat padder.

So calm your tits, accept you suck without pp and move on kid.

Hell you don't even know how ODD works. All you know is how to buy premium..and spend them.

Typical stat padding noob lol

Well I think you have us confused with your friend pphontas we never used no where near that much PP we just always concentrated our PP use around the minigame when you get double for your money instead of buying it when you get nothing extra.

And sure if ODD works that way it's even worse for you then you didn't do jack shit it wasn't even your own troops defending your villages you had the hole of Creati supporting you even do we obviously was attacked more since we had 40% more ODD.

But of course your cry baby skills are leet so I'm not suprised people took pitty on you and sent there def troops over.

Roket Rakun

What iz going on! Whats the argument about? Valour is the defensive genious, no doubt about that, Alpha is the lion and Kul is the king.
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Well I think you have us confused with your friend pphontas we never used no where near that much PP we just always concentrated our PP use around the minigame when you get double for your money instead of buying it when you get nothing extra.

And sure if ODD works that way it's even worse for you then you didn't do jack shit it wasn't even your own troops defending your villages you had the hole of Creati supporting you even do we obviously was attacked more since we had 40% more ODD.

But of course your cry baby skills are leet so I'm not suprised people took pitty on you and sent there def troops over.

Stahp talking noob PP using unicorn. Saying dhm got hit the most lmao.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I would just like to say that James still hasn't learned to snipe, best thing that happened this world was fleezus not wanting that noob.


wtf are you even saying? lmao

I did not spend 100s of K pp defending an op like you. I did what a normal player would do. If my wall went down to level 15 I did not pp it up to 20 in few seconds. I did not stack villages unnecessarily and dodged throughout the duration of war. Whereas you did not dodge and enemies caught your troops at home which also resulted in them losing their troops which IS ALSO another reason why you have more war ODD than me lol.

And as for calling me 'horrible defender', ask any single person who played w97 during end game about valour and you shalt get your answer XD

The truth is your account would have never lasted on the world just like most of your IPOD garbage if you did not have those pp. Every time your IPOD accounts got hit, they bled heavily and eventually quit and the account had to be internalled. Kalix, gras, newatabak. You survived cus you had to pp to abuse and recover from the losses but they didnt.

Now stop embarrassing yourself by saying things that dont make any sense little Jimmy. Try to find something relevant to say (which you won't) and then come here to blabber how good 'dont hit me' was in the world.
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wtf are you even saying? lmao

I did not spend 100s of K pp defending an op like you. I did what a normal player would do. If my wall went down to level 15 I did not pp it up to 20 in few seconds. I did not stack villages unnecessarily and dodged throughout the duration of war. Whereas you did not dodge and enemies caught your troops at home which also resulted in them losing their troops which IS ALSO another reason why you have more war ODD than me lol.

And as for calling me 'horrible defender', ask any single person who played w97 during end game about valour and you shalt get your answer XD

The truth is your account would have never lasted on the world just like most of your IPOD garbage if you did not have those pp. Every time your IPOD accounts got hit, they bled heavily and eventually quit and the account had to be internalled. Kalix, gras, newatabak. You survived cus you had to pp to abuse and recover from the losses but they didnt.

Now stop embarrassing yourself by saying things that dont make any sense little Jimmy. Try to find something relevant to say (which you won't) and then come here to blabber how good 'dont hit me' was in the world.

Well obviously you are as clueless as ever of course we dodged, sniped and recapped villages which every normal player do and if the wall is down to 15 you should still be killing everything that gets thrown at it. And to start off with the discussion started about claims that Alpha was stat padding and my statement was simple everyone in the top OD ranking statpadded in some way or another and you and floyd most of all by attacking your self. Which is the ultimate looser move, everyone buys PP but no one attacks themself for stats except you so that should really tell you something of your level of skill. Until that move I'm sure many people would have though you where a good defend sure but now your took the price for the biggest statpadder instead congratz. ;)
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I had seen your account Lil Jimmy. Either I was sent the sit or the sitter shared screenshot. And you lot clearly did not have any idea what you were doing. And I was giving an example when I said about wall level 15 lol. But of course you brain isnt developed enough to understand simple logic. Which sux but after all you are a dhm guy :D

Honestly I couldnt care less about ranking. I would have happily let anyone else stay rank 1 ODD if they had it. But ofc not you baby ;)

Also, idc if ppl call me stat padder. The world knows about valour and my friends know why I nuked myself. That is good enough for me.

Atleast I dont need to spend millions of PP to stat pad xD