Umm don't really care about the whole argument, but DHM did drop account sits on the Aretas account multiple times while being opted both agreed sits and sometimes without even messaging the account first. And then would often times not be back by the agreed time making players on Aretas sit the account passed when they planned or look for another account to take over the sit only to find DHM players were around, they just didn't want to defend/end the sit.
yes I know that Aretas but that's not what I said, I just said it was after I left and the reason for that was simple by that time James was the only one playing the account actively and he played 99% of the time on his phone so yeah the account wasn't in good shape there for a time.
But I heard from Virg that you guys saved our asses there after I left so thanks alot Aretas that if something help us survive during that time.
But that was as I stated after I left because I didn't wana spend 12-14 hours a day playing and then having Toka claim that they deserved the win because they played the most. Which wasn't true.
I have no problem someone saying we use PP because we did and I know alot of the other top players did too. And saying we didn't deserve it from the other heavy users is just bs. If war-peace or any other low pp user wana claim we stole there spot that would be true. But comming from other heavy users that you can't use PP because we can't afford too use it anymore so now no one can use it is just bs.
And coming from valour claiming he got attacked more is just simply not true and claiming someone else statpadded when you where the most heavy statpadder yourself is also abit foolish.
Alpha deserved his ODA spot him DHM and toka was the ones competing over it for most of the time and he just was the best attacker he swapped flags with us contantly and used every edge to get it.
ODS would have gone too toka he was ahead and DHM where second for a very longtime we tried to keep up but they where just very good at having there troops in the right place at the right time.
ODD as stated before it's just a measure of who got attacked the most which DHM clearly was but. As it's just a mather of geting as much shit as possible thrown at you it's a pretty useless stat for most of the game the player being in the shitiest position at that time was the one having the most ODD. But claiming Valour got hit more then DHM is just bs there is a 42% diffrence in warstats and every sane player dodges and let some slip thru for recap. Which of course was the case for DHM too.
And for the topspot if toka was around and hadn't totally lost there mind when we bought the load of pp and they realised they might loose the top spot the might very well had been the top account. At that time we where more focused on just having enough nobles and troops to circle around ILs south front from behind and finish of this war 3 months ago.
But that was when it was very apparent that stats mattered more then playing togheter to finish IL off. And sure we messed with toka about taking the topspot but at that time we where more interested in getting back our ODA score which we had hold most of the game.