I legit need someone to translate this holy shit am i old or what is going on
It was a typical cool summer morning…
The sun’s warm embrace was peeking out, above the crest of the hillside..
The chirps of the waking birds called softly to Mike, beckoning him back into the world.
Glancing down at his phone, he sifted through the masses of fanmail until he saw a strange message from Father Jacob….
“Name Change?” He inquired.
Rubbing his eyes, he re-read the message…name change… what could that mean?
Rolling out of bed, he booted up his PC, still puzzled from Kim Jung IL’s comment.
Temporarily forgetting this conundrum, Mike opened up TW to begin his regular morning farming run.
….. he froze… “Chitwi…. This username does not exist”
The heck. A bead of sweat dripped off his brow…
Had I been banned? Were my attack timings on Mikus too godly? Was it the thousands of fakes he had sent to CREATI.... He pondered.
Nervously pulling up TWStats… his eye’s widened… the precious Chit-Wi account had vanished… and in its place … an imposter “DoRightNKillEverything”
The heck. What does that even mean???
Glancing down at his phone again, the discord was now full of the most juicy and ripe memes known to Man and W97. Even the Toka crew were poking fun.... "2/10 name change booooooo"
Never in his life had Mike been bamboozled so hard. This didn’t even compare to manually dodging 4k fakes from Slightly Sober and AA friends.
Looking at his village list he saw the village name “HeroinSpeedCokeMDMAIceWeedPills”
Dear jesus… did I have another wild stupor last night without realizing it. What is reality?
No… it must be on of the co’s…
By this time all hell had broken lose. Memes made there way from the tribe discord to the externals… Many players in 97, still confused with the sudden influx of activity.
Innogames began to receive calls from Fans, worried for the health of Mike and the Dearest Chitwi account. They had already received 3000 requests to steal the name, and it hadn’t even been an hour… something had to be done.
The CEO… Eike Klindworth took an emergency flight back to Germany….. All activity on Elvenar and Warlords of Aternum was halted.
Chitwi needed to be saved before he overtook the monstrous Toka account.
Entering the nuke codes, Eike went deep into the source code of Tribal Wars… erasing all trace of “DoRightNKillEverything”
A thunderous Cheer erupted in the world, and balance was restored once more to W97.
Mike collapsed with exhaustion…. What a start to the morning he sighed.
PS. Luv u EJ