Wall bug?


im not sure if this is a bug or not

i never noticed it before, but then again i was never under constant attack before

i think its costing me more unit losses and possibly even village losses due to what i am about to try and explain....

say for example i have a village with a level 10 wall and it has several walls in the queue for building, then that villages gets nuked (the HQ stays intact at level 20+) and the wall is reduced to nothing...

then the wall rebuild resets for level 1 to about 1 hour something, rather than the 15 minutes-18 minutes rebuild it should be

if u click 'cancel' on the last rebuild after the nuke hit, it will show u the overdue amount u are owed, ive had one that said 2:48 (2 hours 48 minutes overdue), so my walls went from about level 2 to level 7 (couldve been more) with just cancelling that one build...which is alarming as of course this makes a big difference especially with higher level walls as to how many opponents you defeat defending

i wouldnt mind with it being a few villages, but when its hundreds of villages under attack, this is getting pretty tiring and monotonous

i hope i made sense

is this a bug or part and parcel of the game make-up?


heres an instance that i just copied and pasted that just happened to me: -

Heres my village immediately after the nuke, note the times

Construction assignment Duration Completion Cancellation
Wall (Level 1) 1:02:42 today at 15:55:52 cancel
Wall (Level 2) 2:07:00 today at 18:02:52 cancel
Wall (Level 3) 2:32:24 today at 20:35:16 cancel
Wall (Level 4) 3:02:53 today at 23:38:09 cancel
Wall (Level 5) 3:39:27 tomorrow at 03:17:36 cancel
Wall (Level 6) 4:23:21 tomorrow at 07:40:57 cancel

Additional cost for the next assignment in the building queue: 56%
There is no refund for the additional costs that were charged for putting a building into the building queue
Construct Demolition

Buildings Requirements Construction time
(hh:mm:ss) Construct
Village Headquarters (Level 22) 14534 16762 11304 23 3:55:54 Resources available today at

^ See how the HQ is still a good level too

Now i press cancel on the last wall in the building queue, and....

Press cancel on the last build
Construction assignment Duration Completion Cancellation
Wall (Level 1) 0:05:45 today at 14:59:28 cancel
Wall (Level 2) 0:20:31 today at 15:19:59 cancel
Wall (Level 3) 0:24:37 today at 15:44:36 cancel
Wall (Level 4) 0:29:32 today at 16:14:08 cancel
Wall (Level 5) 0:35:27 today at 16:49:35 cancel

Additional cost for the next assignment in the building queue: 25%
There is no refund for the additional costs that were charged for putting a building into the building queue

Construct Demolition

Buildings Requirements Construction time
(hh:mm:ss) Construct
Village Headquarters (Level 22) 14534 16762 11304 23 3:55:54 Resources available today at 20:17

very monotonous work as i said :icon_rolleyes:


I was sure the game fixed this automatically, but I could be wrong. I've never monitored it enough to be sure. Maybe it's worth sticking a ticket in?


2010-11-29 19:03:01
Hello Paolo83,

This is a known bug, but it happens quite rarely so unfortunately the developers have not been able to find a solution yet.


Jon Dawson


for how rarely it happens, its happening on every single village of mine

whoopie goldberg!


lol .

Yh this became an issue in clear! for the guys that got mass attacked frequently and im afraid this has been happening for a long time and is not a rarity if you are attacked frequently. Its very frustrating and part and parcel of the game :)

Good Luck :)


I just tested it and it happens in all villages that get walls knocked down while building walls.

Sort it inno!



well its not an excuse then, and i dont want to use excuses, if were all in the same boat, i cant anyhow


There is an even more upsetting side to this wall bug

sometimes, about 1 in 10 times, when you press cancel on your last build to put the actual build times it should be in motion, it actually makes the build time longer........ :icon_eek:

dont ask how, or why

i dont have a clue :lol:


well it hapens to me a lot!!!! it is a reareity for me to be attcked. so i have very strong and well defended villages. this wall bug is really anoying and tedious!!!!!!! GET IT FIXED PLEASE!!!!!!!


if its so rare that you are attacked, why on earth would it bother you so much, you seem more upset about it than i am when im under constant attack from skilled players, not little noobs like you will be

"very strong and well defended villages" - what do you mean by this?


There is an even more upsetting side to this wall bug

sometimes, about 1 in 10 times, when you press cancel on your last build to put the actual build times it should be in motion, it actually makes the build time longer........ :icon_eek:

dont ask how, or why

i dont have a clue :lol:

yes i know :(

That happens to me alot to . you wonder whether to press cancel or not :S


A rarity?

Clearly, our tireless programmers at Innogames don't have the luxury of playing TW themselves, or else they'd know this happens ALL THE TIME lol.

I've had the same problem too - for a long while I had the 2nd most ODD in w26, so believe me I know your frustration with this stupid wall bug, Paolo!


Any chance you can get this put in suggestions to improve the game paolo ?

This screenshot is enough proof :)


It's definitely not a rarity. The same error can be replicated every single time. If it can be replicated, it can be fixed. If they pay me £300 an hour, I'll work it out for them so they don't lose more customers.


il fix it for £200 but someone will need to tell me what to do :)


i have over 1000 troops in my main village and all my walls are level 20
plus i have a noble train in its last satge of being built just need the nukes!!!!!