War Updates: W72 @ War


its funny how we hear things like betrayal and hugging.... as for betrayal did you guys not have an alliance/agreement with TKWSN then turn on them and start attacking? and for the hugging did your leadership not contact every tribe on the rim like TK, Respect, Skype, and on the captcha side Nomads and EIN and some others to work together to try and topple the turtle/cruel alliance... wouldnt that be hugging?

Asylum Escapee

its funny how we hear things like betrayal and hugging.... as for betrayal did you guys not have an alliance/agreement with TKWSN then turn on them and start attacking? and for the hugging did your leadership not contact every tribe on the rim like TK, Respect, Skype, and on the captcha side Nomads and EIN and some others to work together to try and topple the turtle/cruel alliance... wouldnt that be hugging?

I assume you are referring to Mayhem by 'you guys' , but regardless, no, Mayhem did not break anything with TKSWN, in fact it was TKWSN who ended the NAP


its funny how we hear things like betrayal and hugging.... as for betrayal did you guys not have an alliance/agreement with TKWSN then turn on them and start attacking? and for the hugging did your leadership not contact every tribe on the rim like TK, Respect, Skype, and on the captcha side Nomads and EIN and some others to work together to try and topple the turtle/cruel alliance... wouldnt that be hugging?

To begin with, TK ended the NAP as their leader got a bit too big for his boots and tried to throw his weight around which didnt end well. Its not an entire tribe going to war on TK merely appears a small number of players attacking and nobling each other nothing different than what would've happened anyway prior to any relations. Not that it appears that they were attempting to "topple the turtle/cruel alliance" just attempting to gain advantage in other areas of the world map, i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


8008135 has been doomed for a long time, im surprised it lasted as long as it did.


You were slightly losing not losing by much though and mayhem were pushing turtle back in the 50s and were gaining ground on turtle, it was an even war with both sides taking loses and losing in some places.

now it is 3/4 of the world vs 1/4

Yeah you were losing slightly but you gave up too easily.

This is too funny. Pushing us back in the K50's? Really? Because you've nobled and held a grand total of 2 villages from anything K5X related in the last month. Your caps have came in the K3X's through an inactive and off TK, in no way shape or form have you pushed us back anywhere.

K52/53 is a warzone, but mostly on Farmercy taking an absolute beating and gaining 50M+ ODD over the last week.


8008135 has been doomed for a long time, im surprised it lasted as long as it did.

Yeah even with you and callum leaving with no warning, we managed to get along just fine for quite some time.


This is too funny. Pushing us back in the K50's? Really? Because you've nobled and held a grand total of 2 villages from anything K5X related in the last month. Your caps have came in the K3X's through an inactive and off TK, in no way shape or form have you pushed us back anywhere.

K52/53 is a warzone, but mostly on Farmercy taking an absolute beating and gaining 50M+ ODD over the last week.

I am not in mayhem.

Mayhem have taken control of k51 through mainly tk, 52 and 53 they have made alot of gains and some off turtle and ninja some off other tribes and barbs, they are close to taking over the k on the dominance map. They have gained ground into turtle territory.

On the farmercy front i did notice that the player gained 50 million odd and only lost 13 villages while also taking 100 from other sources. From an outsiders perspective that op was a failure as turtle gained nothing from it.


I am not in mayhem.

Mayhem have taken control of k51 through mainly tk, 52 and 53 they have made alot of gains and some off turtle and ninja some off other tribes and barbs, they are close to taking over the k on the dominance map. They have gained ground into turtle territory.

On the farmercy front i did notice that the player gained 50 million odd and only lost 13 villages while also taking 100 from other sources. From an outsiders perspective that op was a failure as turtle gained nothing from it.

13 villages is 13 villages in my book, and is a push forward. It's only a failure if pressure isnt kept on.


Oh I'm so sorry we couldn't keep him from nobling 3k barbs and TK inactives. I didn't know full on carpet bombing OPs had to result in immediate ennoblements since we're having to clear 100k stacks.

But what do I know right, I'm not the one who has a crumbling frontline :icon_rolleyes:


Oh I'm so sorry we couldn't keep him from nobling 3k barbs and TK inactives. I didn't know full on carpet bombing OPs had to result in immediate ennoblements since we're having to clear 100k stacks.

But what do I know right, I'm not the one who has a crumbling frontline :icon_rolleyes:

ibol and nggadavid have both lost villages with getting far less odd per village.

13 villages is 13 villages but it is not success taking 13 out of 1300, especially when the player is nobling 100 more to replace the 13.

Side 1:
Tribes: Turtle
Side 2:
Tribes: Mayhem

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 81
Side 2: 257
Difference: 176


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 6
Side 2: 14
Difference: 8


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 736,238
Side 2: 1,996,743
Difference: 1,260,505


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 36,721
Side 2: 124,251
Difference: 87,530


In the last 48 hours, mayhem have gained 3x the amount of villages turtle have and also taken 14 to turtles 6.


Yeah even with you and callum leaving with no warning, we managed to get along just fine for quite some time.

Fair play to you, but by that point the tribe was not working out as planned, but i suppose plans can be useless, as they are just plans. Good job of course. But it was never going to work. Never actually heard from callum again xD. Was a fun tribe.


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In the last 48 hours, mayhem have gained 3x the amount of villages turtle have and also taken 14 to turtles 6.

Conquers that are not against the enemy are irrelevant to the war in the long run. Don't have the time to check this but I'm betting anything that the majority of your "other" conquers are barbs or low point players in smaller tribes. You're doing the exact same thing TKWSN did when it became apparent they would lose the war between Turtle. Look where they are now. Insignificant specks spread throughout several K's on the rim.

Asylum Escapee

13 villages is 13 villages in my book, and is a push forward. It's only a failure if pressure isnt kept on.

Conquers that are not against the enemy are irrelevant to the war in the long run. Don't have the time to check this but I'm betting anything that the majority of your "other" conquers are barbs or low point players in smaller tribes. You're doing the exact same thing TKWSN did when it became apparent they would lose the war between Turtle. Look where they are now. Insignificant specks spread throughout several K's on the rim.

That's garbage. An extra million points in the long run is no joke and many, many end games have been decided over similar nobling differences sustained over a few months.


Conquers that are not against the enemy are irrelevant to the war in the long run. Don't have the time to check this but I'm betting anything that the majority of your "other" conquers are barbs or low point players in smaller tribes. You're doing the exact same thing TKWSN did when it became apparent they would lose the war between Turtle. Look where they are now. Insignificant specks spread throughout several K's on the rim.

The stats showed that Mayhem were gaining more villages from turtle aswell as other sources than turtle form them and other sources, that is winning.

Mayhem and turtle are not making significant gains against each other while mayhem is crushing the tk family and nobling millions of points more villages than turtle are. These provide extra troops and alot of extra troops they can provide in that number.

tkwsn nobled barbs to replace what was lost while mayhem noble barbs for added troops.

Turtle has more inactives than mayhem and is nobling at a slower rate looking at the stats and due to this will lose the war unless the cruel family step in to help again.


Mayhem will run out of 3k barbs before they will ever have the chance to rebuild and solidify their front. The only thing they have going for them is the Christmas break to buy them time to slowly build those crap barbs to try and make defense troops.

Eating farm barbs and your own internals has never worked to win a world and has already been tried on this world with no success either. People will get bored and sick of getting pounded while nobling farms and having their borders beaten down.


Wow what a joke of a post. Yeah so we have started barbling more, cruel has been doing it for months; turtle for about a year (look at 7ronnpan / turtles core); who cares? The humiliating thing for the hug alliance is that now that we have dropped or loosened our barbling rules, we are more often than not topping the nobling map, despite being smaller.

And yes barbling get boring and people quit when they are bored. Good thing we have a 30 mil point tribe to eat in our backyard right? Are you really as stupid as you sound or is your post just a shot at trying to bring mayhem's spirit down, or a lousy shot at propaganda?

I would be more concerned about the activity over in Cruel. Who likes merging to the top spot, and then boxing in all the core players by completely getting rid of the 3 continent long frontline they were working on so long? lol buzz kill. Not to mention the mixed feelings that many players over there will have about this mess.

As for not being able to rebuild our frontline, yes everyone is running for the hills now that you guys have spent 1-2k nukes taking 13 villages max off farmercy. Our whole frontline is ruined, what do we do? :icon_rolleyes:

and MRG, i understand you don't know the situation, but if you are gonna compare us to tkwsn, look at this:

Side 1:
Tribes: Mayhem, -A-
Side 2:
Tribes: TKWSN

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 3,210
Side 2: 887
Difference: 2,323


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 419
Side 2: 25
Difference: 394


As for padova's spill. You are on the externals, seemingly trying to justify what you did (Or what Dan did, Dan is a different person than you, right?) . Here is my view of the alliance b/w mayhem and 800813s. It is purely my view and I am not speaking for anyone else. I have never liked any leaders of that tribe much tbh, besides Pack, and TheArtfulDodger closer to the start.

8008: we gonna fight turtle. support us and then declare on turtle.
Mayhem: may as well

8008: No don't recruit this player. Don't do this, don't do that. We are bigger
8008: We need more support
Mayhem: sure... okay sent...

First 8008 Dukes leave. Gun Fairy account owner loses interest and the account is a shell of what it was. Inactivity. Padova joins 800813. New dukes are appointed. New duke 1 (fireramendrillnoobles) spends time painting his privates and posting pics. Beginning of the End.

8008: Can we have one of your players to man the Gee Wizz account?
Mayhem: yeah sure here is a player. Don't want our ally losing one of their main accounts

New Duke 1 runs out of skin paint, has fallen in love with xman. New Duke 2 is hating the game. Inactivity in 800813. New Duke 1 gets mad and jumps to conclusion that 800813's lack of success and ultimately their downfall is the fault of Mayhem and its leadership. Very logical.

New Duke 1, to Mayhem: I am quitting I've hit delete.
New Duke 1, to Cruel: Take my players, mayhem suck. They think I am deleting. mwaahaha
New Duke 1, to Turtle: Oh please oh pretty please give me a home. I told Mayhem I'm deleting, cheheheheh, let's scheme

Mayhem: Guess we pull all support from ex-800813s now.

Padova (also on fireramendrillnoodles after failing to bring the gun fairy account back to glory??):I dont see it as a betrayal.
Padova:My account was set to be internalled. [but Mayhem were told it was set to delete]
Padova:I did what was best for my guys, and would do it again tomorrow.
*Meanwhile various ex-8008s are forced into cruel, until cruel and vil3 are full and the remaining players are left out to wait.*

This is an interpretation. Feel free to get your panties in a knot now


Honestly I would hope it would get a rise out of Mayhem and maybe make this something of a war. So far it's just been a huge carpet bombing from us onto you with absolutely jack squat in retaliation, thus your only nobling coming on an unmanned sat account and counter-nobling off a guy in the middle of the world's slowest merge.

I won't air your tribe's dirty laundry because quite frankly after the break I don't see Mayhem sticking around much longer, and out of respect for Locjam and others I won't talk about what was spoken of confidentially between members of Mayhem's leadership and ours.

Side 1:
Tribes: Turtle, Ninja
Side 2:
Tribes: Mayhem, -A-

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 1,959
Side 2: 3,214
Difference: 1,255


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 239
Side 2: 105
Difference: 134


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 17,589,270
Side 2: 24,345,403
Difference: 6,756,133


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,177,559
Side 2: 941,041
Difference: 1,236,518


You keep worrying about TK, we'll revisit these stats in about 2 month's time when we've overrun Farmercy and have a direct line right into your backyard. This doesn't even show the 2:1 lead over the last month in the amount of troops of Mayhem's we've destroyed. He's a tough nut to crack but he's got some big gaps in that wall of defense and soon enough, they'll come falling down.


People get bored and frustrated losing nukes with little to no gains, more likely turtle players give up attacking than mayhem give up defending.


I'll bite. First off I am Dan, the only player on the FRN acc other than someone who is helping out currently.

As for padova's spill. You are on the externals, seemingly trying to justify what you did (Or what Dan did, Dan is a different person than you, right?) . Here is my view of the alliance b/w mayhem and 800813s. It is purely my view and I am not speaking for anyone else. I have never liked any leaders of that tribe much tbh, besides Pack, and TheArtfulDodger closer to the start.

So you rag on me for what I did but both pack and artful both deleted. Great leaders. Pack knows his involvment in leadership as does everyone else who was in 800. It was minimal and that was fine with me.

8008: we gonna fight turtle. support us and then declare on turtle.
Mayhem: may as well

8008: No don't recruit this player. Don't do this, don't do that. We are bigger
8008: We need more support
Mayhem: sure... okay sent...

That would be callum / Art you loved so much, and Jaime as leadership who bullied you guys around not me.

First 8008 Dukes leave. Gun Fairy account owner loses interest and the account is a shell of what it was. Inactivity. Padova joins 800813. New dukes are appointed. New duke 1 (fireramendrillnoobles) spends time painting his privates and posting pics. Beginning of the End.

Again Bella stepped up as leadership and I helped out aswell by moving accounts to bring activity to our east. I did not join at this point so you have no idea what you're talking about.

8008: Can we have one of your players to man the Gee Wizz account?
Mayhem: yeah sure here is a player. Don't want our ally losing one of their main accounts

We did not ask for smarts to go on geewizz, his friend was on the gun fairy account, and he wanted to play in the same tribe as his friend. Again we also didn't ask as his account was backline and it was his decision. So you are wrong yet again.

New Duke 1 runs out of skin paint, has fallen in love with xman. New Duke 2 is hating the game. Inactivity in 800813. New Duke 1 gets mad and jumps to conclusion that 800813's lack of success and ultimately their downfall is the fault of Mayhem and its leadership. Very logical.

Again you're wrong. I had been leading the tribe solo at this point for some time. Making all the ops etc myself and running all other aspects. Including trying to come to you guys to run a joint op on k54 in which I was told. "We can add it to our fakes of the day script" But we are opping a different area.

Our downfall was inactivity and effort. Same few people sending fakes, same few participating fully in ops. Mind you we are being hit by Turtle and Cruel this entire time.

New Duke 1, to Mayhem: I am quitting I've hit delete.
New Duke 1, to Cruel: Take my players, mayhem suck. They think I am deleting. mwaahaha
New Duke 1, to Turtle: Oh please oh pretty please give me a home. I told Mayhem I'm deleting, cheheheheh, let's scheme

I was asked numerous times what would happen with my account. I had planned on hitting turtle in 54 then passing the sit to Cruel, but as our shared forums heated up quite quickly. I decided to stick around since you all had words to say. Now you have the chance to back them up ingame vs me. I never begged Cruel to take my members, and I never begged turtle for a spot lmao. (unlike some of your guys haha)

Mayhem: Guess we pull all support from ex-800813s now.

Padova (also on fireramendrillnoodles after failing to bring the gun fairy account back to glory??):I dont see it as a betrayal.
Padova:My account was set to be internalled. [but Mayhem were told it was set to delete]
Padova:I did what was best for my guys, and would do it again tomorrow.
*Meanwhile various ex-8008s are forced into cruel, until cruel and vil3 are full and the remaining players are left out to wait.*

I'm not sure what you even mean about the gun fairy account. I played on that account, and helped grow it quite a bit.

Again I did what was best for my guys, and would do it 100% again tomorrow. Noone was forced into cruel. Wolf made a point of letting us know she could take in everyone (shows how dead your tribe is) and it was to late by then, as I had already negotiated everyones spots.

Blame me all you want, but the only thing that has changed, is that I am attacking you now aswell. Noone that was ex 800 has hit you yet from what I can tell.