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LOL hey there cody, and ya the end proccess is kinda the same idk why im the reason people leave all the time in the end :icon_rolleyes:

and chad about the blame it was ashly thats how i got to know her in the first convo.

lol everytime sergei is left in charge the tribe either disbands or we end up nobeling a player from our own tribe XD

wooo sergei you must have learned from the best :p


lol everytime sergei is left in charge the tribe either disbands or we end up nobeling a player from our own tribe XD

wooo sergei you must have learned from the best :p

hey it wasnt my fault that you leave unstable people in charge every time you go, than i always need to say the same thing 10 times till it happends my way, really i see nothing wrong in that:icon_rolleyes:


Finally, it would seem AXES has an enemy that knows how to play the game and does not seem to be one that wants to roll over and die like everybody else. Clearly he also does not intend to win this world as this is just a pure numbers game, impossible odds no matter how good you are.

I personally don't see a coward, I see somebody who is willing to take on the world by themselves and is not afraid to do so.

Traitor? I don't think so. He stuck it out even though it was clear he and leadership did not get along and ended up gathering the highest ODA in the world and in our wars with a very large cap against the enemy count to compliment it, so clearly pulled his own weight. He did not leave to fight for the enemy but instead just left to fight everybody.

Lowest form of life? I don't think so, I know Chad was one of the few who I knew I could turn to to sit my account when I needed it to be done and to actually watch it like his own, somebody I know I could co-ordinate with and actually hit the target on time, and somebody I know I could have talked to about an issue or anything and actually had them reply to what I was talking about even if it was trivial. I can't say the same for a large amount of those in AXES for any of those feats.

The idea that all this is was a ploy to make the world last longer is not really to big of an issue, the way I see it if AXES really wanted to end the world fast they would have actually kept up with the whole "no more barb nobling" rule instead of letting people just snag them if they were out of the way in the middle Ks.

|X| fought well as did *S*. We where outnumbered 100-1 and yet we still fought well and hard. fundamental admit it some of |X|'s members where very experinced, espically M7. Man when we merged into |X| they were still giving you lot hell people. |X| knew they couldn't win but they weren't going to give you victory easily. fundamental you took out Global, you noob !!!! Global was a barb whore who rarly attacked anyone but barbs!! Come on if you wanted fun you should of taken down Tonybolws or M7VPC or even Merlinz or Ro-boy as he really is. Axes you lot are a bunch of darn well idiots who don't even know what your enemy was doing. Noobs thats so what you are.

|X| is te better tribe. We had joe and me !! Having a heck of a time irraiting M7 and making everyone laugh. Thats whats it's about having fun and kicking you guys butts. They where fun times and now i am stuck in =RS=. |X| will be remembered as a great tribe and AXES as scum.

fundamental join |X| or somthing and kill AXES. Or even make your own tribe and me and Smerky will join you there :D

call it whatever you want

Perisan Prince TT

war vetren and |X|'s old spammer. Best friend= Joe :D :icon_cry:


haha!! don't be ridiculous! (balki voice)

M7 was pretty good, i noticed him while sitting SM; but the rest of names in your yada-yada (signature included).. c'mon! :)))


|X| fought well as did *S*. We where outnumbered 100-1 and yet we still fought well and hard. fundamental admit it some of |X|'s members where very experinced, espically M7. Man when we merged into |X| they were still giving you lot hell people. |X| knew they couldn't win but they weren't going to give you victory easily. fundamental you took out Global, you noob !!!! Global was a barb whore who rarly attacked anyone but barbs!! Come on if you wanted fun you should of taken down Tonybolws or M7VPC or even Merlinz or Ro-boy as he really is. Axes you lot are a bunch of darn well idiots who don't even know what your enemy was doing. Noobs thats so what you are.

|X| is te better tribe. We had joe and me !! Having a heck of a time irraiting M7 and making everyone laugh. Thats whats it's about having fun and kicking you guys butts. They where fun times and now i am stuck in =RS=. |X| will be remembered as a great tribe and AXES as scum.

fundamental join |X| or somthing and kill AXES. Or even make your own tribe and me and Smerky will join you there :D

call it whatever you want

Perisan Prince TT

war vetren and |X|'s old spammer. Best friend= Joe :D :icon_cry:

What is this |X| that you speak of? Ohh I see it now that tribe down there in third place. Yeah I remember it, I remember the stacking and lack of good offensive maneuvers, I remember sending nukes to it's members and having them message me to stop, I remember not losing more than 2 villages to them because of this.

I remember how their own players that I was speaking to left the tribe and explained to me it was because the tribe was "garbage, had no communication or team work, a truly poor tribe". Yeah they would rather be on their own against AXES than be with that tribe, although I guess from what they were saying they were on their own the whole time :icon_biggrin:.

But the thing I remember most about |X|? The 233 caps I have against them since re joining AXES a couple months back, not including the caps on the members who ran to other tribes or the caps I had before being removed and rejoining AXES.

M7 was a good guy, we talked frequently, but even a good leader can't lead an army of noobs to victory.

I mean after all I did not know that kicking our butts meant losing to us horribly with a measly 115 caps against us and the 3880 caps we have against you (since the war option was enabled and war was declared).

I think that you are wrong about people remembering |X| as great and AXES as scum. In fact I don't think anybody besides the members of |X| will remember |X|, just another tribe that feel without mercy to the AXES army.


is sergei the one running axes now?


you guys all suck :)


I'm a big noob

but I know when someone doesnt know how to defend or coincidentally had to do something IRL just as he declared war on Axes.

and what's up with the barb noblings.

what a douchebag.

sergei i know you suck.

and Sich your still a machine.

to all admins, you suck x1000 compared to sergei so that's some good sucking going in TW.

Therin your a dick.


Contributing Poster
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I'm a big noob

but I know when someone doesnt know how to defend or coincidentally had to do something IRL just as he declared war on Axes.

and what's up with the barb noblings.

what a douchebag.

sergei i know you suck.

and Sich your still a machine.

to all admins, you suck x1000 compared to sergei so that's some good sucking going in TW.

Therin your a dick.

Looks whos talking douchebag.

Ofcourse I'm gonna support Chad. Sergei always had been and always will be a turd of a player, and I've always liked Chad from our chats on skype.


did i ever say all of |X| was good. By the way i love arguments :D

There where a group of us who never never sent mails saying please stop ! I was one of them. I used to send them messages to but them off me nothing aout stop attacking though. |X|was a g8 tribe you will never know that though because you destoryed it. |x| did give up when Joe and M7 pretty much left so they joined you. The whole point was that |X| was a fun tribe and normally loyal expect when stupid idiots joined and we noramally booted them. Well like me...

I am a noob people

who wants to chat about being a noob ?

noobs are awesomely cool :D

Noobs are fun

noobs attack with swords and arches :D

noobs = Me :D


thanx for the loving :icon_eek:

dos come back and learn to actually play to the amount you talk :p

and therin once stay and fight instead of deleting your acount, or more from sitting acount, you never seemed to do things on your own acount....


Contributing Poster
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thanx for the loving :icon_eek:

dos come back and learn to actually play to the amount you talk :p

and therin once stay and fight instead of deleting your acount, or more from sitting acount, you never seemed to do things on your own acount....

You know nothing about me sergei. Your default setting is ignorance as you are as per usual willing to demonstrate. Reminds me of recently suko telling me on Minecraft that there had briefly been a mix-up on W53 where people apparently thought I quit on an account under-fire and dumped the sitting. Therin =/= Theron or whatever the noob's name was.

Chad is still playing I hope.


Killed 8 enemy nobles today (the non-rebuildable kind) and recapped 3 or 4 vills.

And rebuilding from their attacks. And regathering my nukes to launch my third wave (have clobbered sau with two heavy waves, doing considerable damage, look at his nobling history and points graph, took two dives).

Oh yes, i'm still playing. Just not "how they would like me to play".


I do seem to be getting catted a lot at the moment my lack of nobling is unrelated though. I'm not quite sure why you decided to cat me though seems a slightly strange choice.


still not sure what game it is your playing. I'm guessing its the "rain on their parade" or "be a pain in the ass" game. But either way you have no room to boast about 4 recaps and pointless attack waves that gain you nothing and really don't hurt us at all, it reminds me of people bragging about their spear armies at the start of a world. On point

Side 1:
Players: fundamental
Side 2:
Tribes: AXES

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 4
Side 2: 657
Difference: 653


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 4
Side 2: 87
Difference: 83



You know nothing about me sergei. Your default setting is ignorance as you are as per usual willing to demonstrate. Reminds me of recently suko telling me on Minecraft that there had briefly been a mix-up on W53 where people apparently thought I quit on an account under-fire and dumped the sitting. Therin =/= Theron or whatever the noob's name was.

Chad is still playing I hope.

is it hard getting back in your face what you give others mate? hmm wonder whats the right word for it....


The question was asked "am i still playing".

I thought mentioning some caps and describing some of my current activity would answer the question. Sorry if that sounded like boasting. But if you want to keep taking potshots and being snide jarl, i'll of course be discontinuing my status as a tribe. And you can go back to calculating war stats the harder way, manually. I do a person a favour, and he just keeps being snide. Sheesh. That's the thanks i get?

Let me phrase it like this jarl, so you can see the ass you are being. Say i am one person, against 20. And i have 4 caps, against your 80 odd. To me? That sounds about even. Each of those 20 people have 4 caps against me. And i have 4 caps as well. So, i guess i would have just as much reason to crow as any of those 20, perhaps more so. In your first war stats post, you were clearly crowing, boasting, trying to rub my nose in it, etc. Don't say you weren't. But i dare to have a little success of my own, on about the same scale as any one of those 20+ arrayed against me, and you cry foul?

So i guess what you are indicating, is that only if i, one person, against dozens, had an equal number of war caps, that this would be "fair", and i could reasonably start boasting? As you have been doing?

You are like a leader of a gang on the streets. And your gang of 20 beats the crap out of a single enemy. And you laugh at that one enemy, as he only got off two or three good shots and gave a couple of people a few bruises or black eye, then laugh because your 20 mates meanwhile broke every bone in his body? And you say that single enemy can't boast, because he only got off one or two good shots? So, only if he gave as good as he got, broke the bones of every single one of his attackers, though he was outnumbered 20+ to 1, would you say he acquitted himself well?

Oh the rose coloured glasses. I laugh at you.

And as for answering "still not sure what game it is your playing".... sigh. As per usual, you didn't even read my posts. I believe i answered this, very, very clearly. Need i quote the exact line? Look for the post with the word "guerilla" in it. Sigh. Damn you frustrate me. You always do this. Partially read a post, then ask a question that clearly shows you skimmed the rest (at best).

What's the point? Why do i even talk to you lot?

But moving on to someone who seems like a more reasonable poster/speaker.... sau, i chose you for a host of reasons, but predominately two main ones. First, geography. I wanted someone near to both of my two main clusters. K58, and K76. And not only was one of your own two main clusters near me, but both of them were. So i could reach your entire account from fairly close range.

And second, because you were a large player. About the time i attacked, you had been #1 ranked in the world. (Though technically, if i remember right, jarl had surpassed you just slightly before i launched). I wanted to finally take on an account about my size. I'm too used to taking on accounts about half my size, or less.

I considered sergei, for personal reasons. But the geography was much less favourable. Egora was very VERY much a possibility. He has both his clusters at point blank range to me, even closer than you. Plus, he seems meek and unwarlike, which would probably have meant he would not be capable or willing to fight back much. Which would make him tactically a good target. Though a bit less appealing for "lack of challenge" reasons. I also thought jarl would make a decent target. Most notably because i knew he had craptons of nobles all over the place, and i might catch a few at home. I very VERY strongly considered first spiking every farm around jarl, knowing full well that he "blind farms" a ton. And i could have destroyed much of his D without him even knowing (for sure) what was going on, and who was doing it. THEN launching my nukes. This would have probably been the "tactically most prudent" course of action. But it... felt a little wrong. As it would be a "form" of war, when war had not yet been declared.

I had no qualms about leaving the tribe, declaring war any time i liked, and attacking moments thereafter. To me, that is fair. But, it felt "a little wrong" to leave the tribe, spike farms sneakily, THEN declare war and directly attack.

I considered it. Decided i didn't feel right doing it.

And so on. I had (and have) several targets in mind. I chose you. Nothing personal. At all. It's a game. You were in the wrong place, at the wrong time. And on the wrong side.
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