we should probably make it clear first of all, VU = Damutantman if i'm not mistaken? right?
we should probably make it clear first of all, VU = Damutantman if i'm not mistaken? right?
Your sounding a bit bitter mate. First of all there is a fundamental flaw in your arguing. We are not a team with GotRob, ever have been or ever will by the looks of things.
Things were that bad Teh Gow had a promise of autonomy and an individual squad to lead apparently. Don't think I could work like that.
Yes mistakes were made, the blame is not just on GotRob, it was a horrible show by me as well. I should have done better, but I dropped the ball as well. GotRob knows now who not to have sit pressured accounts, they also know how PITA plays, so in a way I did help my tribe even by dieing:icon_biggrin:.And I believe we made the right decision. Look at how carefully VU's sitters treated him. Apparently mass naming incomings to Ram's, wow. Some team.
So you are going to find a way of getting rid of 97 members if Ride was included..... yh good luck on that. I highly doubt you'll make it work :icon_rolleyes:
No.Please tell me where you are getting your information from that PITA won't let Ride merge into us? Anyone who proves worthy gets a spot in PITA.
if you're gonna point fingers at someone, make sure you got your own back covered and stop throwing those sharp rocks into the glass tower, 'Cause its really taking the piss with each one of you trying to argue a new thing everyday and trying to prove yourself. do it in-game before you start going off on the externals.
This calling of who will win this world based on this one war puts me in mind of world 8 and how everyone for a very long time called that the Bloc would win that world. Three years later and my Tribe Flame Dragons and our Brother Tribe Fenix finished our merging and won the world with the Bloc relegated to the dust 2 years before.
Irregardless of this current situation and its outcome. There is a long way to go before the end settings on this world is reached and a winner announced and alot of things can happen between now and then. So to call this world for any tribe based on if and when GotRob looses this war is a futile attempt to try and get people to change their present course.
We are both a team in that we both lose to PITA if PITA kills GotRob. Friends by enemies.
Often times a tribe that breaks up into groups can be very successful to deal with multiple fronts. Apparently you have never been part of a tribe that does so.
Yes mistakes were made, the blame is not just on GotRob, it was a horrible show by me as well. I should have done better, but I dropped the ball as well. GotRob knows now who not to have sit pressured accounts, they also know how PITA plays, so in a way I did help my tribe even by dieing:icon_biggrin:.
I need to agree with Gear here, your logic in this instance is awful. For the reverse is true. Surely we would then be friends with PITA in that instance...
And then it fails to answer the points I have rose about not wanting to be in rob, chose to ignore it.
I have, but when in those tribes they answered to a duke, a higher power. Gow had autonomy, complete control, and none for geani, so please, less of the condescending tone![]()
You are right, such a help... Really, why dont people do it more often?
Lots of blah blah blah
Because nobody is as good at it as I am.
No offense mate, that ship sailed long ago. This war is no where near about that.
A general arrogance from diplomatic correspondence from a certain Lady-who-will-not be named.
We were given the chance to join the -34- war, egged on by [R] who also wanted us to join, "as they would if we did" apparently. But having no issue with Rob at the time and the general vitriol spewed from Hodgy about Rob and his threats to "attack us if we did not join" put us off. Surely if we were trying to get into PITA there would have been a time to "prove ourselves" to a larger degree.
What is going on here? Seems like a begging thread :icon_eek: Just too much desperation VU, too much desperation. Ohh and by the way kenny forgot to add INN to the list of members you should include in 75![]()
Remind me, what am I desperate for?
Remind me, what am I desperate for?
Well I'm guessing the pita council member I talked to and the three members of Ride are mistake then hmmmmmm......
Have u ever been in a diplo chat with blue? O yea u weren't included in those either.
Seeing as I said this. I said if u joined we prob would. Never said definitely. No the reason given was that you were "too far away" and u were terrified Pita would op you. As they barely even opened ur mail at that time. I remember I had to mail my friend b4 they even answered.
I wonder if you read this thread at all or just jumped straight on your high horse of "I know everything". Because I remember you suggesting you had spies everywhere, especially in PITA and "knew all the PITA council's thoughts." You said you knew PITA would join the war on -34-'s side and I find how wrong you were... hilarious.
So excuse me if I struggle to believe your posturing and instead treat it as bull.
Well I don't know how many that could be. I mean u were never involved in the majority of R and Rides convo's. And you werent involved in the Rob one. Anything u are saying here is second hand knowledge. I actually find it funny that you think an internal chat about diplo is the same as being included in the actual chat itself. Again with just pure unfounded slander. Seeing as I was never a diplomat in One or any other tribe, I find it really hard to believe I could of been removed for "ineptitude".Yeah, quite a few actually. And we as a council share most correspondence? Have you had much correspondence with him? I seem to remember you were removed from the diplomacy post due to ineptitude![]()
I am struggling to find the skype chat due to my struggle with getting skype to do what I want, I am not going to lie, so if you don't want to take my word you are more than welcome to look up the chat yourself.
But I believe the exact words were "If you dont join we will have no choice but to attack".
That actually a definite mate. Not a probably.
Terrified is the wrong word, we were unsure of the threat PITA posed. Which was wholly logical. We were unsure where ex-Tuff stood and all credit to them they observed a long standing diplomatic relation that was no longer officially in place and they had no need to.
You wished us to join a war without a frontline and send all our support over to you. We were proved right in this when PITA, despite you saying otherwise, turned out on Robs side. So really mate, your argument is void and I believe the decision we took was a sound one to say the least.
And for barely opening my mail, incase you have forgotten, I am talkative. And barely leave a mail unanswered. And most, if not all, of our diplomatic discussion was done on skype![]()
Neither was Santa Claus... :icon_wink:
But i'm Glad you think, that with 20/20 vision and in the fullness of time, that we made the Right Call: Fully expecting Pita to do the Right thing and Honour their Alliance, while it was still active, all be it by then potentially on Rocky ground?
Btw, Might i ask why you left GotRob last night, and then rejoined?