Weekly Interview


Hello all ive gotta inspired lately and ive been interviewing poeple i will post here weekly or when ever


Hello kokobest,

Im glad you took the time for this interview. I guess I will jump into it now.
What is one goal you expect to see your tribe complete in 1 month?
Control more territories in the north and keep up with the skirmish against Time.
As of right now who do you belive is the biggest threat to your tribe Fearus
Right now it would be Time coming into the North.
Most people will agree when I say family tribes almost always fail. They are made for those that need numbers to win wars.

This world is full of family tribes do you belive they will prosper and can u see your tribe having one anytime soon?
I think it depends on the situation and the leader, some family tribe fail, some propser, I have seen plenty of both, not that much different from a regular tribe.

We will not have a family tribe.
Interesting so...

Do you think any wars that we all will have to keep an eye out for?
Well I think all the tribes that can war, are already fighting currently. We'll have to see if the west and southwest can regroup into one tribe, that area will be the wildcard.
ahh ..

As you know this is not a new world but not an old one A world with endless possibilites What do you think is upcoming in the world?
A lot of nuking and nobling is going on between the top 5 and I think is going to continue in the future. I think Time and F~G definitely have the advantage of having a much larger average player size than their opponents, but it is not overwhelming.
1 year from now do you expect to see your family still on the maps fighting strong? If so why?
Yes, the north has plenty of active and talented players, I have been here for over a year and I plan to stay and lead my tribe until the very end.
Well glad to talk thank you for taking ur time with this interview. Be sure to check out my weekly Interview in the forums

Please tell me how i did
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Id try to use better grammar, and id ask some more detailed questions as to the intentions of FearUs if i were you, or something more personal to the person your interviewing, because if you ask everyone the same questions, then it will get very boring.

but other than that, i feel you did well, very good for a first time


Interview ... Interview ... errr ... I dunno lol. theres not many people worth interviewing that we dont already know about. But if you want one, I suppose Nk1029 is a good candidate. Otherwise why dont you make a poll about it



Person Nk1029
Tribe Free Game

I see you are a leader of F~G What are your tribes goals in the passing months to come?

Goals ? for sure we want to win over THX & THXF which we are currently warring with.

How much longer do you think this war will last?

I cant estimate accurately, but it surely will last for months, depends on how the situation progress daily or weekly. Both tribes giving their all best as far as i can see. credit to them. Even you're from THXF, i will treat you professionally - this time i see you as a journalist, not as an enemy.

Yes i happy you think of me as that just because we are just doing an interview nothin more ok

Once the wars over what do you think some personal goals are?

Personal Goals - to be in the Winning Tribe for W32.

What do you see in store for world 32 in the near future

Cant predict too much, as far as i'm concern was the Eastern Part which where we are located. But dont know what's is going on the Western Part. Probably FearUs goes expanding downwards - or ex-BBS re-unite. Maybe we might see Time vs FearUs ? maybe ?

i think that would be interesting

1 year from now do you expect to see your tribe still on the maps fighting strong? If so why?

Yes i do, first of all we have to think positive about our tribe, have faith on your members drive them to glory and have all members plays a role. But TW are losing to real life issues which kept players away from their account. If we can keep our members giving their full commitment, we can keep our momentum on and on.

Well thank you for taking your time with this interview i will be posting the results in 5 minutes check the forums


bbage - you iz stealing ma job! :lol:

They are good interviews but they are short; look at the one I did with curroptkiller72 in my blog. The next one I am doing, whilst has similar questions isn't the same. You do it question by question, player by player. You create a conversation out of the interview and thats how you get your best gossip.

I'm still perfecting that technique though XD


bbage - you iz stealing ma job! :lol:

They are good interviews but they are short; look at the one I did with curroptkiller72 in my blog. The next one I am doing, whilst has similar questions isn't the same. You do it question by question, player by player. You create a conversation out of the interview and thats how you get your best gossip.

I'm still perfecting that technique though XD

srry i got bored if ya want ur job take it ill stop