Weekly Top 20


So I am guessing this is not getting updated this week. Quite sad I liked the first post.


I gave mine to postman to post...I was punctual...he wasnt. If nothing happens by wednesday. I will take over and do the thing because thats when I have got some time to do it
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Oh...PS: If anyone wants an interview...see meh on skype on wednesday :D


why dont you interveiw N/A leadership ? theres only like 30 of us?


no returning i'm afraid..
no time to play, specialy in summer season..

edit : but, thanks for asking..

/me pokes the body..

Does it live?

Hey Mate, hope things are well with you!
Hold strong, don't return, once you've escaped Alcatraz you should never look back!


lol...I would, but it wouldnt be very interesting...seems most only have 2 gears: Kill and....errr...kill


Current wars...

[SPOIL]Time vs B.B.S
Time vs Turks
Time vs whoever else they fight
THX F. vs Sky
THX F. vs Turks
Sky vs N/A
.:TD:. vs small tribes of north[/SPOIL]

Wars to keep an eye on...

[SPOIL]-Sky vs N/A-


[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: N/A

Side 2:
Tribes: SKY

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 175
Side 2: 36
Difference: 139


This war still seems to be exciting but has settled down in the last week with, looking at the warstats, N/A seeming to dominate the war. However, I believe SKY still has a few cards to play. It seems that SKY has three operations which should hit in the next two weeks, the first one of which is already ongoing on myworld3. It is rumoured that if SKY fails at these operations, big players from sky shall leave and therefore break sky. Therefore, I think that is primary that N/A makes sure the targets of the operations are defended properly, as it could make the difference between a more difficult war and an easy war. That all said though, N/A seems to be dominating the war since the banning of kumilg early this week and the deletion of chicguy, which has caused sky to stop nobling N/A and start nobling barbarian villages, showing a lack of priority. I think that it will be this lack of priority which will cause SKY to mess up the operation and ultimately lose this war.

Update: SKY's op against lady ashley fails miserably with only 3 people (sychadelic, gmenestr2 and iveey) taking part. This caused sychadelic and ufidei to move to N/A. The rest will be rimmed



[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: THX

Side 2:
Tribes: FRDM

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 222
Side 2: 10
Difference: 212


With a huge gain of 222-10 in the last week, THX unsurprisingly looks well on top. Just looking at FRDM's last 20 conquers:

- 16 Internal nobles
- 4 barbarian nobles

It seems that similar to sky, it is choosing to internally noble and barb noble instead of enemy noble. In my opinion, FRDM have already lost this war, it is just a matter of time until THX mop up. One notable thing to watch though is zarak2 in K69 and how he seems to be disappearing for some reason from that continent. All in all, THX looks very impressive so far in this war and it would be interesting what is going to happen after FRDM is gone.

-Time vs B.B.S-


[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: Time

Side 2:
Tribes: B.B.S

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 121
Side 2: 66
Difference: 55


The longest drawn out war of the three major wars in W32, and one that seems to stretch on. Although this is the war I personally know least about, I believe that Time is slowly winning this war as many good BBS players such as pordi have quit their accounts and gone onto other things. BBS are still fighting back, however over the last week, splinter tribes have been formed from BBS and I believe that BBS's morale is falling rapidly, which may cause an early closure of this war.

... :)


Nice update.

You know what I would find interesting? (Personal Opinion of course!)

There's a thread for each of those wars already to keep an eye on.
So it would be nice to see a statement from 1 representative of each tribe on those current big wars on a weekly basis.
It'd help give the world some insights into each of the major tribes around here I think. Sometimes statistics don't always paint an accurate picture (although to be honest of late they are!)

Also it would be nice if you could find a little known war out there, between someone out of the top 8, which we aren't already aware of and give us a little blurb on it.
Not sure how easy that'd be lol, but there are a few rim tribes left, there's gotta be something going on, and a statement one could get from both sides, along with some stats to make it interesting :p~


N/A vs SKY(inside the mind of a duke of N/A)

Well from once being outnumbered we now outnumber them. This seems to happen to us a lot but I'm not complaining. At first we looked like it could go either way but our guys were just destroyers, complete respect for my N/A campers, they poured on the heat, provided with THX hammering them in the North we broke SKY up into FRDM. But not without casualties, I've seen a couple of my guys go inactive and a few get hit hard, but in war that happens. We've recruited a few great players who I feel can help make N/A better, and push this war with SKY onto total victory. Some of SKY still fight, like Tiger and caleb and we can't get complacent as this war is far from done. I just feel we have more drive and more passion to win than SKY do. Just now we just need to focus on clearing our areas out and expanding the frontline, if you look you will see N/A are eating K77, a former contested continent but now largely under our control. N/A are continuing to expand whilst SKY are still trying to clear out their clusters of N/A and can't focus on the war zones of k67/77/86.

My view from N/A perspective :)


Nice update.

You know what I would find interesting? (Personal Opinion of course!)

There's a thread for each of those wars already to keep an eye on.
So it would be nice to see a statement from 1 representative of each tribe on those current big wars on a weekly basis.
It'd help give the world some insights into each of the major tribes around here I think. Sometimes statistics don't always paint an accurate picture (although to be honest of late they are!)

Also it would be nice if you could find a little known war out there, between someone out of the top 8, which we aren't already aware of and give us a little blurb on it.
Not sure how easy that'd be lol, but there are a few rim tribes left, there's gotta be something going on, and a statement one could get from both sides, along with some stats to make it interesting :p~

I will see what I can do although I do not have much time and I have a war to wage


Stat update:

[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: N/A

Side 2:
Tribes: SKY

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 164
Side 2: 20
Difference: 144


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,595,943
Side 2: 186,584
Difference: 1,409,359


Side 1:
Tribes: Time

Side 2:
Tribes: B.B.S

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 261
Side 2: 117
Difference: 144


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,563,164
Side 2: 1,116,940
Difference: 1,446,224


Side 1:
Tribes: THX THXa

Side 2:
Tribes: FRDM SKY

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 45
Side 2: 44
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 416,941
Side 2: 408,102
Difference: 8,839



Anyway...moving on. I managed to waste around half an hour of AP's time to get an interview :)

[SPOIL][10:45:48 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: hello sir

[10:47:21 PM] Anomandaris Purake: :D hello

[10:47:27 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: how are you?

[10:47:31 PM] Anomandaris Purake: is this my interview? ;)

[10:47:47 PM] Anomandaris Purake: I'm tired but good :) just handling diplomacy just now

[10:48:44 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: lol...

[10:48:55 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: err....sure

[10:49:08 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: (I completely forgot about this)

[10:50:14 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: so, you are one of the leaders of N/A right?

[10:50:25 PM] Anomandaris Purake: yes, one of like 10 :p

[10:52:06 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: recently your tribe has been getting a lot of publicity publically for your ongoing war with SKY. It seems that N/A is doing quite well compared to sky. What reason would you cite that being due to?

[10:55:29 PM | Edited 10:55:43 PM] Anomandaris Purake: Friendship, seriously, every member of N/A are friends. 4 of them I have known since I had 1 village. We grew up together through variuos tribes and always been able to rely on one another. The whole tribe is like that. We are relaxed and make the game fun. We are motivated becuase we like the tribe and want to succeed. We also have Bagheera, who eats babies for a living. No joke, he scares me :(

[10:57:54 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: trust me, you arent the only one scared of bagheera. Personally, I have to agree with you about N/A being a group of friends, even though I only know a few people there, people seem to get on well compared to sky.

[10:58:33 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: Now, as I have no idea what to say next (I was never ever a good interviewer), I wonder whether you could enlighten us a bit about your experience in tribalwars?

[11:03:54 PM] Anomandaris Purake: I have only ever played 3 worlds serioulsy, W1(nub I was) W2 where I met my mentor and learned everything from defending to how to work as a team to W32, where after being in a fail tribe I decided "hey, I am gonna try this leadership malarkey and hope for the best" luckily my first 5 members were all experienced players and helped me a lot(Lady Ashley and bell still being here this day).

It took me 30 worlds to feel confident enough to lead, I played for 3 years being a member and was happy doing so. I was in W2 learning as much as I could from some great people like Grimlock, hooch and jellytots. I also played the norwegian server as Grimlock(friend and mentor) dragged me there. That was fun but I never was very good there. Most of my experience came from W2. I was scared of the forums until W32 as well. Then I just threw myself in and got into it. I guess W32 is where I really learned most things :)

[11:08:25 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: I played in world 1 too, and trust me, I am still a nub to this day. I am interested though that this is your first time leading, although you do have a great group of players to lead and an equally great group helping you. I think we both know that N/A is probably going to win this war now sky has started to splinter, my only question is, what is the future for N/A?

[11:13:30 PM] Anomandaris Purake: My first time leading yes, I still can't believe I have survived this long without someone realising I am a nub and shouldn't be leading. I don't rate myself as a leader, I think I have major flaws but my members seem to trust me, still don't know why.

As for our future ehm... Pass? No just kidding, we'll consolidate and eat our inactives and then we'll push on for another big war. We actually have a tribe attacking one of our weakened members whilst we are distracted. They shall pay. Then we shall head corewards, as we are already on the rim. We need to keep progressing, keep being the same N/A, BORED and Smile! we have always been. Agressive, in your face and most of all, fun. If it ain't broke why fix it? :)

[11:14:57 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: Agreed. You certainly seem to be on track lol :D. Other than N/A, do you think there is any tribes we should watch out for?

[11:20:46 PM] Anomandaris Purake: THX, I've said since day 1 they are a big power in W32. Ken(k-Wolff) is a leader who I respect, he is 110% into doing what is best for his tribe, completely dedicated and fights rather well too. Fear his cat nukes!

Time, as long as they got AYK, will be number 1. But we'll beat them at top spot one day :p

FearUs, they are the only tribe in the North West worth anything anymore. Clustered, good expansion room, I expect them to go far.

N/A I have to mention because really, I think we can become a power house just like Time, THX and BBS. Long live N/A and... Fear teh Bags!

[11:23:16 PM] Ballistick/Nemesis: I have really ran out of ideas now. Well, thankyou for taking precious time out of your schedule to be harrassed by me and hopefully you will be able to see a posting on the public forums within half an hour on the top 20 thread which I seemed to have taken over from rozza for some reason

[11:24:34 PM] Anomandaris Purake: :D well thanks, its been a blast and I hope people take what I said as humour :) its a game after all so everyone should have fun. And Balls... let's noble some SKY! :D

Oh and lastly...on a short sidenote. Genghis park has nearly broken his own record of pointwhoreness by internally nobling 91 villages in the last week. If there was only a way to set the beast that is genghis on the enemy...
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[11:13:30 PM] Anomandaris Purake: My first time leading yes, I still can't believe I have survived this long without someone realising I am a nub and shouldn't be leading. I don't rate myself as a leader, I think I have major flaws but my members seem to trust me, still don't know why.

The fact that you can admit you have major flaws will win the hearts of many.
It's a rare quality in leaders, but it truly incites followers, and for all the right reasons.


I have to agree,players relate not to the mask but the person behind the mask. The key to absolute loyalty is friendship, which can only be created by showing the person behind the typing, warts and all.


It is me :icon_wink: AP used to be co-played but then my co-player left. I am AP, warts and all.

I completely forgot about your sig.

I just read up to here :[11:03:54 PM] Anomandaris Purake: I have only ever played 3 worlds serioulsy, W1(nub I was) W2 where I met my mentor and learned everything from defending to how to work as a team to W32"
and then posted. :icon_neutral: