WET Vs Bush


why all this talk about this player warrior ? honestly long as i fought against wet, i never saw a single nuke or support from this player. he might as well be a ghost, id not have known he was even alive except for externals. did he even take a bush town the whole wet/bush war? i honestly didnt even know he was in wet he was so inactive.


why all this talk about this player warrior ? honestly long as i fought against wet, i never saw a single nuke or support from this player. he might as well be a ghost, id not have known he was even alive except for externals. did he even take a bush town the whole wet/bush war? i honestly didnt even know he was in wet he was so inactive.

well he was more aktiv in the earlier times of the world, and is still well hated here

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why all this talk about this player warrior ? honestly long as i fought against wet, i never saw a single nuke or support from this player. he might as well be a ghost, id not have known he was even alive except for externals. did he even take a bush town the whole wet/bush war? i honestly didnt even know he was in wet he was so inactive.

He was one of those behind the scenes players and caused a lot of internal problems for WET :icon_razz:


WET is losing for not having the ability to handle Bush even with Phat's assistance, and for the reasons listed above. SOHK's involvement only sped up the speed of WET losing :icon_razz:

Just made some stats to see if that was right. Without Shadow WET were winning (Shadow no longer exist so cannot add them to the stats) and Bush only started to take villages back at all after Phat gave up not that it really matters anymore as WET lost overall.

Also davidga, thats sounds about right for warrior. He was a long way away from bush but helped cause the war with SOHK by him being an extremely annoying player who will lead to most tribes getting taken out.

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Just made some stats to see if that was right. Without Shadow WET were winning (Shadow no longer exist so cannot add them to the stats) and Bush only started to take villages back at all after Phat gave up not that it really matters anymore as WET lost overall.

If you go back far enough, you'll see Bush holding out under impossible odds on accounts like kingmq38 for months. WET were winning by failing on him for 2-3 months of solid heavy-fire attacking? I would say Bush was winning even then. If not in stats, then in skill and tribe-work.


phat was still at war with bush when wet started losing badly to bush. i was there and remember it. bush had started destroying bbb, cap, techno in k53 at that time, i believe phat spoke on helping with sitting on those accounts and support. didnt do them much good though as bush ran right through them. stats wet was still up but bush was taking handfuls of towns a day at that time. phat then tried help wet with a op on w-hat and phil but only took 5 towns. by then bush was about 1/3 way into k53 and had hit k63 hard as well. about that time phat and bush started talking nap. phat tried helping wet, but there wasnt anything they could do to save it. warrior though id not talk much about until he fights someone. lots of people talk on tw, few fight. just a small area player here.


well can sum1 post stats or is the war over???...cause wet dont look as strong as they did back then when i was around..

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The war is effectively over. A few ex-WET players left to eliminate.

Stat info:

  • $hadow no longer exists & so can't be added to the stats via twstats
  • This doesn't include any deleted WET accs/tribe hoppers

Side 1:
Tribes: Bush
Side 2:
Tribes: WET

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,088
Side 2: 674
Difference: 1,414


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 19,286,998
Side 2: 6,524,795
Difference: 12,762,203



Every time you necro a thread god kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens.


my advise. stop talking to yourself. they have doctors for those issues. isnt one name enough on tw?


my advise. Stop talking to yourself. They have doctors for those issues. Isnt one name enough on tw?

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