What makes TW so addictive?


We've all been there. We've all reached the stage were we say we're going to quit TW for good. But a month later, you're back. My question is, why? What makes this game so addictive? Is it the amazing people you meet? Is it the thrill of nuking someone's backside to space and back? I wan't to know what you guys think. :icon_biggrin:

Keep the spam to a minimum please! <3


I think the same to be honest. There are not many places you can meet up with a load of people just like you, who you can speak and socialise with without even meeting them in person. It removes the element of shyness, allowing you to be yourself.


On the occasions where I have tried to give up, I started playing again because I missed the people.

I kept talking to them on Skype, and before long, I was back again :p


Likewise. I play through boredom of small periods, and then it lags on into the times when I'm busy and not bored anymore. I love the strategy, the thinking and the timing. It's satisfying. But the people play a part too. I love hunting around in game for those few people on the same level and with the same aspirations as you.

I was in a tribe once where we kept no secrets, no backstabbing, nothing. If we were planning to attack an NAP, 3 days before we dropped the NAP and told them we planned to declare in three days. Most fun I've had. No one on the other side understood, but respected it. I want a group of players like that again :(


I actually enjoyed the game itself while I played, time has hit me now where I can't play successfully at the level I would like, and I'm a competitive person, so when I can compete with other people around the world on a well-established and setup game and get to know them all at the same time, I really enjoy it.


The TW community and the friends I have here are what makes me come back.


For me, the reason is, the people you meet in game/skype..


What makes TW so addictive: The competition and rank of yourself/tribe or winning a war / tactic.

Why I like TW so much: The social element, and where good teamwork really shines.


The main reason i cam back to Tribal Wars was the fact that i missed talking to all the big names and spamming with them on skype.

Plus I got to know a couple of people really well who still play TW. It is just a game that you cant quit, probably more addictive then nicotine....


If I deleted my Skype account I think I would probably manage to quit. But I just couldn't.


I quit many times! I can't remember how many times I come back! I miss the game,the challenge,the flames,trolls,annoyed,funny and weird picture,smiley and war declaration.. In short I miss them all, because in other games I cannot get all this things at the same time! These elements makes the life complete and alive.. still so many things to see,read and learn....
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I like the little animation of the windmill, I could stare at that four (I keep my typos) for hours....:)


i like the parties your villages have during the festive times


I like the little animation of the windmill, I could stare at that four (I keep my typos) for hours....:)

I like watching my villagemen, in particular the owners of the res pits, who merrily work constantly until the warehouse is full.


i dont understand how the warehouse can be full when no one lugs the resources from the pits to the warehouse, what do they just magically transport???