What's going on?!


So, I've been gone for a while but started up on a new world. Just wondering what happened to this world. I can't say I recognize any of the tribes anymore besides NeuWar and Fear again. In need of an update :)


HIRE and Or.D merged into HD

you might remember RMC? well they've done some tribe changes changing names etc into BAM! atm

and HD is fighting Bam! :)


Thanks for the update; I'm surprised that only that much has changed over the past months. I would have expected more.


Well as you might have known being in RMP

FEAR and SIN/KW war'd
RMC, RMP, RMA war'd ~Or.D~ and Smurfs and the ~SIN~ members that we invited in

We moved all out inactives in Smurfs (Perfect oportunity for RM to take easy villages in our area, not such a good idea on our part, advetiseing our weakness)
Also the North west corner, with little support was a perfect target for RM but no, nothing the North West did excellent, some of the best players in the world their no dought.
but any hoo, RM family started to get pwned by ~Or.D~ and kept claiming that the stats would "change"

then I think some mergeing and stuff happend it was just RMC vs ~Or.D~ still nothing, Or.D was getting a better lead though RM were starting to do good, winning a week or two on the stats. but still ORD was pwnign them.

Then HIRE was all like were bored. and we were going to war HIRE coz we were bored of RM so they got news and sneakily declared on us first, maybe an hour or so befor we were going declare :p HIRE pwned ~Or.D~ and RM disbanded into a few little tribes due to Dukes leaving etc...

BAM! one of them, feared HIRE. so asked for aliance. HIRE were like no were to awesome for you. show us what you can do to ord and then we'll talk?
BAM! did nout, they maybe took a few villages but meh... after while we new it was time to throw in the towel and disbanded into ND. after a while we came to HIRE for an aliance and they said the same. Prove your selves. as we did much planning we decided best just to merge the two tribes and finish the world as a killing machine.

now we are waring Bam!

thats all I can remember in a 5 minute re-cap, I might have got an odd thing wrong but that sums it up nicely.


I'm glad to hear that all is well. I'm sad to see many that I once knew have quit and don't play anymore.


Miller, You forgot my departure! ;). Although that was a long long time ago now, I hope someones still tending to Thras...


Miller, You forgot my departure! ;). Although that was a long long time ago now, I hope someones still tending to Thras...

Who would want to remember that... it was just one of the 100 times you've done it (which for now, seems to have been the last one) :icon_wink:


Havnt played in a while, but glad to see their are still fights in World 6.


shut up, you're still my bitch dk and so is miller, so don't try to do a slave run on me.


Who would want to remember that... it was just one of the 100 times you've done it (which for now, seems to have been the last one) :icon_wink:

Has been at least a year now, I'll start to get nostalgic if I'm not careful :icon_wink:. I only left 4 times, once permanently :icon_biggrin:


I guess your sig says it all :p
pat on the back of King Matt :p