When the Grim Reaper Catches an STD


Hello there dears.

It's your old Granny here just sending out a lovely message on these here interbooks to let you know how she is doing over in the northeastern lands.

Your Granny is faring quite well since she caught that STD. But you can rest knowing that it's not a terminal condition. Although Granny and her STD are doing the best we can to stave off the looming GRIM REAPER that seeks to kill us off, they where victorious in the latest battle.

"Let me be the first to congratulate catbugg of GRIM for being the first of his tribe to successfully ennoble an STD village."

Your sweet old Granny reached out to catbugg for comment and asked if it was worth it?
The answer was yes.

Apparently ladies and gentlemen, almost a week of lost nobles and offensive troops from multiple GRIM players, means yes.
Apparently, ladies gentlemen and Stealthy, a two thousand point village is worth the hassle that the GRIM REAPERs went through to take but one STD. village.
A village that GRIM had been catapulting for days. A village that had so many attacks sent to it, that the victim I.Always.Sleep had an OD that rose to seventy one thousand during the attack... Was worth the trouble? Was worth it? Apparently.. Yes.

"So again, let this be an awfully salty sounding congratulations to Hydra of Lerna, the Duke of GRIM for an outstanding job in coordinating his tribe in taking one village. A village in the centre of your own tribes cluster."

Best of luck to you skeleton men, from your dear old Gran. I wish you all the best in what amounts to skirmish the likes of which I'm sure you have never seen.

Oh.. Before you sweet old Granny checks the oven to see if her sweet pigeon pie has been baked, a couple of honourable mentions to some STD players that got a village or something... I don't know, Grannys hearing isn't so good.


Wait a minute... Second from the bottom... Isn't Director Fury the Duke of Reaper?
I asked Roavak if he knew he had done that deliberately. Judging by his two minute long fit of hysterics, I'm taking it as a no.
Then I was in hysterics for another few minutes when Roavak shows me the reports of the guys village.
100% scout strat. GG.

Dears, please. Stop making Granny laugh. She doesn't have the bones for it any-more.

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Side 1:
Tribes: STD.
Side 2:

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 11
Side 2: 1
Difference: 10


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 31,107
Side 2: 2,105
Difference: 29,002


Just in case any one is curious. FYI we are not at war


From where I'm sitting it looks like a series of local skirmishes. I wonder if GRIM see it that way.


All the fakes GRIM sent had like 1-3 scouts anyways. All dead even without defense :D


Whats the point of this exactly? Since its just a "Local skirmish" is being pompous really needed? But good job guy, your soooo good. Is it just me, if so, my bad playa, keep nobling scrubs and tell us more about it.


Whats the point of this exactly? Since its just a "Local skirmish" is being pompous really needed? But good job guy, your soooo good. Is it just me, if so, my bad playa, keep nobling scrubs and tell us more about it.

I enjoyed it. Of course it doesn't matter, but by that metric, nothing that has happened in this world matters. Might as well not post anything in these forums at all.

Where was this snarky comment in the stealthy thread, or in fact any thread? Or are you just some kind of hypocrite? Lighten up, have a beer if you are of legal age and have some fun.
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Just ignore old Waalter he has always been a sceptic ;)

The point is that Granny thought she would share her thoughts with us, bless her cotton socks!! If you dont see the relevance no need to comment simple as that.


Whats the point of this exactly? Since its just a "Local skirmish" is being pompous really needed? But good job guy, your soooo good. Is it just me, if so, my bad playa, keep nobling scrubs and tell us more about it.

Have you seen Granny's posts? Everything he writes is in full fledged old scrawny shriveled lady character. He literally cannot be not pompous :lol:


I enjoyed it. Of course it doesn't matter, but by that metric, nothing that has happened in this world matters. Might as well not post anything in these forums at all.

To compare one with another is fair in some aspects, but completely different in others. True nothing matters at this point, but topics like this, unlike some others, can be posted by multiple other people to the same effect.

Where was this snarky comment in the stealthy thread, or in fact any thread? Or are you just some kind of hypocrite? Lighten up, have a beer if you are of legal age and have some fun.

Clearly the majority disagree with me, so my bad for stating my opinion. Just brought it up, didn't mean to dampen the attitude. I'm quite lit, so no need to lighten up or have another beer. As for being a hypocrite, yeah probably am, as we all are in some form. Others just a bit more than the rest.

I'm just here to have fun too. It's a game not a chore.


As we all are. Not sure the point of that post either or really who / what it is in response too. Seems out of place.

Just ignore old Waalter he has always been a sceptic ;)

The point is that Granny thought she would share her thoughts with us, bless her cotton socks!! If you dont see the relevance no need to comment simple as that.

By all means, if you disagree just ignore me, doesn't bother me in the slightest. Again just wanted to post my conflicting views as everyone agreed with him and loved it, which i didn't understand. But again, i couldn't care less.

Have you seen Granny's posts? Everything he writes is in full fledged old scrawny shriveled lady character. He literally cannot be not pompous :lol:

Well the whole post was bragging on one end and demeaning on the other. Clearly they are ass (not the good kind at that) if they are truly sending 1-3 scouts in their attacks. How many people around the world have seen ish like this so far. My guess would be a lot.

But my bad for going against the general consensus. Man the rap game has changed over the years...


Some GRIM players got cocky that they took a village.
This was me taking them down a peg and having fun doing it. It was good fun.

Expect more from me, throughout all stages of the game. Later on, and unreasonably early. :)

Save the saltmongering for when I'm calling you out on something later on. ;)


Whats the point of this exactly? Since its just a "Local skirmish" is being pompous really needed? But good job guy, your soooo good. Is it just me, if so, my bad playa, keep nobling scrubs and tell us more about it.
I for one love to hear about local skirmishes in other areas that i may not know bout so i can learn more about whats going on in the world its good.


Clearly the majority disagree with me, so my bad for stating my opinion.

Why are you apologizing? Opinions promote discussion, a positive aspect of the game :) Everyone who has talked down on you has also merely expressed their respective opinions. Don't back down so easily like that worried cookie monster in your profile avatar :lol: