When the Grim Reaper Catches an STD


Thought I'd make a quick update on the war as I see it, seems there is a gangbang brewing in the North East, everyone versus STD.

Currently got GRIM, S.C.O and ABC. Word on the street is that the Pirana family is just starting and the ABC family is joining in. Goodish news I suppose for STD. is that they seem to have broken the GRIM duke who is being rimmed but I don't see them winning this one. By my numbers they are outnumbered over 3 to 1 on size and 8 to 1 on members.

Side 1:
Tribes: STD.
Side 2:
Tribes: SoV, REAPER, S.C.O, SILENT, Prana2, Pirana, BIA, =BIA=

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 44
Side 2: 8
Difference: 36


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 132,270
Side 2: 25,048
Difference: 107,222


Size means nothing in this war. ABC aren't added to any stats as there hasn't been anything going on between the sides I don't want to promote unnecessary propaganda about it.

As for the rest well Anyone looking in from the outside should simply see easy nobles from alot of small tribes who cannot defend themselves.


8 tribes vs 1 and this is the stats?...like i said..STD could win the world!...lol nice work guys! good luck to all in this war..should be interesting to watch!:icon_cool:


As far as I'm concerned we're discussing SoV vs STD. in this thread.

Lord Ike brought up one of his amazing charts, '8 Tribes vs 1' :
''SoV, REAPER, S.C.O, SILENT, Prana2, Pirana, BIA, =BIA=''

REAPER - Disbanded long before the war even started
S.C.O - Did join in, however no conquers against the opposite side have been made for either them or STD. since the declaration of war , hence I do not see why it would be included at this point.
SILENT - S.C.O's family tribe, same message as above.
Prana2 - Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.
Pirana - Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.
BIA - Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.
=BIA= -Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.

If making up random conspiracy theories about your tribe standing alone vs the world and including random skirmishes into a chart claiming they all united against you..well be my guest. Doesn't that make you sound a bit silly though?

As far as the war goes here's the real stats:

Side 1:
Tribes: SoV
Side 2:
Tribes: STD.

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 8
Side 2: 25
Difference: 17


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 25,048
Side 2: 83,395
Difference: 58,347


Far from impressive on our side, I agree, however keep in mind, that STD. is 3x the size of SoV, leaving that fact aside, we still managed to hold our own quite nicely, leaving us Rank #1 in ODD, majority of the losses originated from random skirmishes before war was even declared.
In all fairness I haven't played TW seriously for a while now, so I don't mind going to war with #1 Tribe (At that time) and them having a clear advantage. I don't mind losing either, as long as we can give a good fight and have decent fun while at it. In the end, that's the whole point, isn't it?
With that said, I mean no disrespect to STD. or their leadership, but would like the correct info next time I see a post like this. :)


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Far from impressive on our side, I agree, however keep in mind, that STD. is 3x the size of SoV, leaving that fact aside, we still managed to hold our own quite nicely, leaving us Rank #1 in ODD, majority of the losses originated from random skirmishes before war was even declared.
In all fairness I haven't played TW seriously for a while now, so I don't mind going to war with #1 Tribe (At that time) and them having a clear advantage. I don't mind losing either, as long as we can give a good fight and have decent fun while at it. In the end, that's the whole point, isn't it?
With that said, I mean no disrespect to STD. or their leadership, but would like the correct info next time I see a post like this. :)

I agree with your comments regarding adding random skirmishes, etc. All that does is make the lone tribe shown have more "free" villages shown which pads their conquers.

Hypothetical scenario:

Two tribes are warring; A and B.: They each have taken 10 villages off each other. Tribe A decides to show stats that show them being up 80 vs. 15 with a chart that is Tribe A vs. B/C/D/E/F/G despite only tribe B actually "warring" them or focusing on them. People who glanced at it without doing any further research would think this means tribe B is being badly beaten when that isn't at all the case.

However, despite agreeing with that sentiment: "however keep in mind, that STD. is 3x the size of SoV"

This to me is irrelevant. You had the same opportunities to become as big as they are as they had, they capitalized on those opportunities better than you did, it is not as if they had some built-in inherent advantage. It irks me when I see people bring up being smaller than their opponent as a means of defense, because it is their own poor play that resulted in them being smaller than their opponent in the first place.

The Roman Empire

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Thought I'd make a quick update on the war as I see it, seems there is a gangbang brewing in the North East, everyone versus STD.

Currently got GRIM, S.C.O and ABC. Word on the street is that the Pirana family is just starting and the ABC family is joining in. Goodish news I suppose for STD. is that they seem to have broken the GRIM duke who is being rimmed but I don't see them winning this one. By my numbers they are outnumbered over 3 to 1 on size and 8 to 1 on members.

We're no family :(


Affliction i think u should read oheine statement first then after that be rational of how you can significantly justify that the "gangbang" afformentioned in the above qoute is nothing but a false information since stats is the reliable reference, thus showing or presenting the stats as what ike did was a professional way of dealing the subject matter. Use your imagination please.


I haven't really commented on the situation too much simply because I don't see it as a war, but just one of many tribes we are skirmishing in order to expand, but mostly for entertainment. The stats are mostly irrelevant, one group wins, one group loses and it doesn't really matter who comes on the other side, I'll be betting on my team to pull it off.

After I've had a shower, I'll probably rant about why I dislike stats.
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Far from impressive on our side, I agree, however keep in mind, that STD. is 3x the size of SoV, leaving that fact aside, we still managed to hold our own quite nicely, leaving us Rank #1 in ODD, majority of the losses originated from random skirmishes before war was even declared.
In all fairness I haven't played TW seriously for a while now

We all started around the same time my friend.we have heard different versions about how reaper was done with ,how s.c.O. joined late , how players from your tribe were just making pp,how you guys are not playing seriously

Well with all due respect I can safely say I made more pp in 87 then any of your tribe members.so that's no excuse

If you are not playing seriously then move over and gift us your villages.

I liked hydra as my one of my coplayers Sam said good things.however all the respect vNished the moment he used Slut word to rename his villages towards a tribe mate.

It's a game,we don't insult opponents.ok they may not be skilled or active but respect them as individual.

I believe hydra is where he is because he used that word for one of our tribe mate after she lost few villages.

Nothing more to add


REAPER - Disbanded long before the war even started
S.C.O - Did join in, however no conquers against the opposite side have been made for either them or STD. since the declaration of war , hence I do not see why it would be included at this point.
SILENT - S.C.O's family tribe, same message as above.
Prana2 - Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.
Pirana - Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.
BIA - Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.
=BIA= -Randomly included by Ike, for no specific reason apparently.

First of all I would like to say that since my stats were posted I was informed my information about BIA and co was incorrect and they do not have any relations etc with SoV and are not supporting them in the way I thought, OK onto the rest of it!

Right, I would like to remind you simple players in SoV that this didn't just start when you declared and Official war onto us you have had this planned and we have been fighting for Quite some time.

REAPER - Your Acad tribe simply put Laughable at true. Still your acad when the fighting with STD. and Grim started? they were! Why are they disbanded? We killed them that's why.

S.C.O - Doesn't matter if they are taking something or we have they are still part of this war and as such should be included in stats.

Silent - Same as above.

Now it gets interesting - ABC Whom i really should have added, Sitting your accounts Sniping our trains stacking your villages! Pirana Same as without the sitting, you cannot even defend your own accounts and our size has nothing to do with it!

Funny fact for you all, Before this all kicked off SoV or Grim as we know them Actually on "Size" was bigger than STD on Points,Members and even Villages. you want to disown your acad/sister/baby tribe because it makes you look as bad as you really are? GET OVER IT!

Even with the help of so many other tribes your nothing special, your duke is gone a day after you declare and the rest of you will soon follow. :lol:

I mean no disrespect to any tribe in this post other than SoV but find it funny how they still fight the fact this is a gangbang that has been long planned.


Just because there haven't been captures from other tribes, does not mean they haven't tried. The fact that they have tried is enough reason to add them to stats. Not to mention the fact that they were invited to this war.


First of all I would like to say that since my stats were posted I was informed my information about BIA and co was incorrect and they do not have any relations etc with SoV and are not supporting them in the way I thought, OK onto the rest of it!

You could always add another tribe to the list to make your stats look even better, I mean thats what you seem to care about :lol:


Side 1:
Tribes: STD.
Side 2:
Tribes: SoV, S.C.O

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 33
Side 2: 9
Difference: 24


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 115,016
Side 2: 28,716
Difference: 86,300



Stats don't matter ,they will keep changing every 12 hours.It's all about having great time with friends


Completely forgot about this, but allow me to elaborate now. As I see it, statistics tell very little other than a vague look at how a war is going in pure physical terms. The major issue with them is not that they are necessarily inaccurate, but that they are viewed and interpreted by those pretty illiterate as to their significance.

Take the various sets of above statistics for example. First you have the issue of who is fighting who. Obviously SoV and STD. are fighting, but if S.C.O joins the war declaration by SoV and starts attacking, then should they be included in the war statistics? I think most people would argue yes. The murkiness comes when you add in ABC for example pre-attacks. Now ABC clearly have supported and sat SoV accounts, does that mean they should be added as an official combatant? I think you'd get mixed answers here. What if tribes just have plans on attacking? Does that make them exempt, I think most would argue yes. What about players who leave those tribes during the war, just before the war? The list goes on.

Lets assume we are able to establish a set of combatants, now we have to establish an accurate start date. Is it when the war was officially declared, is it when hostilities started, is it since the time when SoV had the misfortune of clicking the wrong starting direction? Different statisticians give different answers to this, though the general answer seems to be whatever suits their purpose best.

Now we got the combatants, we got the time period, the numbers are plugged. One would assume it was all fine, but no, statistics are still horrible. Lets say that the stats were 10-10. Does that mean it's an even game? To the ignorant observer perhaps. Take our skirmish with SoV again, how much does a typical conquer off us damage us as opposed to a conquer off SoV? There are two components to this, first the physical one, second the psychological or morale one.

In terms of physical component, where is the village located? How big is the village? What troops did that village have either in or outside of the village? In terms of a morale component, how much does a village matter to the tribe? How able is the tribe and the leadership to keep up morale through an even war, a lost war or even just a war that is not going as well as anticipated? How likely are players to break (physically, but this also factors psychologically)?

Then you have on top of that atypical conquers. I'd argue you have a vague hierarchy here. Isolated villages are generally seen to be the least valuable, followed by your standard conquers, then probably the most important are important members/leaders. Though this is not always the case and the opposite can be true and if the average is useless, it can sow discontent. Then there are other intangibles, diplomacy, recruitment, spies, internal structure, tribal ops etc. that play a role in the statistics but aren't always directly reflected in them.

Overall, the stats just show too little of a story for me to give them much thought, especially from the position I am in where I have a good idea of the whole battlefield and can tell we are doing better than the statistics show even though they are in our favour. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but what I will say is stats are nothing more than a useful propaganda technique or way of bragging or just a way to liven up a thread discussion. Either ways, I think people should prove themselves more before posting statistics out, at least I have no interest of looking good in the eyes of the W87 populace, I'm fine with everyone thinking STD. sucks so long as I know inside that I've done my job and that we are decent. Most people will look at a set of numbers, whether it's doctored or not and say, that tribe's decent, that tribe's crap. It doesn't tell anywhere near the whole story.

That's pretty much my gripe with the stats.
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A 'erig-orous' piece of literature. ABC should not be considered an official participant until they interact with STD directly and aggressively, until then you've described them as supporters of SoV's cause which makes it what it is and nothing else.

No long explanation needed but articulating your thoughts and opinions is a good way to pass the time.