oh dear someone made nemesis write an essay...
oh dear someone made nemesis write an essay...
Completely forgot about this, but allow me to elaborate now. As I see it, statistics tell very little other than a vague look at how a war is going in pure physical terms. The major issue with them is not that they are necessarily inaccurate, but that they are viewed and interpreted by those pretty illiterate as to their significance.
Take the various sets of above statistics for example. First you have the issue of who is fighting who. Obviously SoV and STD. are fighting, but if S.C.O joins the war declaration by SoV and starts attacking, then should they be included in the war statistics? I think most people would argue yes. The murkiness comes when you add in ABC for example pre-attacks. Now ABC clearly have supported and sat SoV accounts, does that mean they should be added as an official combatant? I think you'd get mixed answers here. What if tribes just have plans on attacking? Does that make them exempt, I think most would argue yes. What about players who leave those tribes during the war, just before the war? The list goes on.
Lets assume we are able to establish a set of combatants, now we have to establish an accurate start date. Is it when the war was officially declared, is it when hostilities started, is it since the time when SoV had the misfortune of clicking the wrong starting direction? Different statisticians give different answers to this, though the general answer seems to be whatever suits their purpose best.
Now we got the combatants, we got the time period, the numbers are plugged. One would assume it was all fine, but no, statistics are still horrible. Lets say that the stats were 10-10. Does that mean it's an even game? To the ignorant observer perhaps. Take our skirmish with SoV again, how much does a typical conquer off us damage us as opposed to a conquer off SoV? There are two components to this, first the physical one, second the psychological or morale one.
In terms of physical component, where is the village located? How big is the village? What troops did that village have either in or outside of the village? In terms of a morale component, how much does a village matter to the tribe? How able is the tribe and the leadership to keep up morale through an even war, a lost war or even just a war that is not going as well as anticipated? How likely are players to break (physically, but this also factors psychologically)?
Then you have on top of that atypical conquers. I'd argue you have a vague hierarchy here. Isolated villages are generally seen to be the least valuable, followed by your standard conquers, then probably the most important are important members/leaders. Though this is not always the case and the opposite can be true and if the average is useless, it can sow discontent. Then there are other intangibles, diplomacy, recruitment, spies, internal structure, tribal ops etc. that play a role in the statistics but aren't always directly reflected in them.
Overall, the stats just show too little of a story for me to give them much thought, especially from the position I am in where I have a good idea of the whole battlefield and can tell we are doing better than the statistics show even though they are in our favour. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but what I will say is stats are nothing more than a useful propaganda technique or way of bragging or just a way to liven up a thread discussion. Either ways, I think people should prove themselves more before posting statistics out, at least I have no interest of looking good in the eyes of the W87 populace, I'm fine with everyone thinking STD. sucks so long as I know inside that I've done my job and that we are decent. Most people will look at a set of numbers, whether it's doctored or not and say, that tribe's decent, that tribe's crap. It doesn't tell anywhere near the whole story.
That's pretty much my gripe with the stats.
A 'erig-orous' piece of literature.
It's lovely day in the neighborhood
Just thought I'd check out the externals and it seems that as big as this world is, all there is to talk about is SoV vs STD
Woo hoo, have a nice day
so any stats or good results from any sides??
Our account isn't even faking SoV anymore, i doubt many others are either. No need to focus all attention on them after their peace offering.