Hey world 6, as you all know the world is old and within the next year or so the world should be closing.
This isn't my orginal Idea, but I think it would be nice if the players of the world could make a profile sort of thing.
It's be something like the about us thread in OT
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It'd be something a long the lines of that ^^^
This isn't my orginal Idea, but I think it would be nice if the players of the world could make a profile sort of thing.
It's be something like the about us thread in OT
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Use this to discuss, post more 'descriptions'. Sooo, in this all you have to do is just write a paragraph about yourself. You can include pretty much whatever you want, make it as long as you want, it's up to you. I'm guessing the idea is to give any newcomers a chance to see who we really are, and perhaps it'll stop everyone so scared of coming here? Because we're nice really, aren't we? Now of course, this means you get to do whatever you please. But please, if we could keep up the good work with at least 5 of your self written sentences for a self-description rather than "It's me, what more needs said." Because quite honestly, if you're not going through the effort of writing something proper, then I'm not going through the effort of adding it. There is no set format, but there will probably (as said below here) be some examples to check out.
Now this will be the discussion thread where you can post your self description, or post notes for other posters. Examples will be in the thread that hold said self descriptions and notes. If you have any extra ideas for me, I respond to PM's pretty swiftly as long as I'm online.
When you post a description there, then I will add it to the Description thread. Which means that I will delete the post you have here so I know I've added it. If you have anything you want me to edit into it later on, you can post that in here too.
It'd be something a long the lines of that ^^^
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