without a doubt it's me
*run's back to w54*
I'm still waiting for you to get that account on w56 and rim me.
without a doubt it's me
*run's back to w54*
I'm still waiting for you to get that account on w56 and rim me.
Yes. I loved that world. You could also say im a bit of an INSO fanboi:icon_rolleyes:
Paladin. was indeed good. i wished he came back.
W13 was also my 1st world. Great World, easily in the top 5 best worlds so far.
Nah, it was a bad world, first to have fast growing barbs which led to massive amounts of 11k barb nobling. Most of the really skilled players left soon after the world began...not to say there weren't really good individuals that kept on playing, but the skill level could not be compared to worlds like w16, w26, w32, w36, w47...
Also, w14 was its twin brother, similar settings to w13, but it had a lot more going on, lot more aggressive tribes, war after war and so on. I played both in parallel, and felt that the w14 was more challenging.
But I did have a lot of fun on w13, mostly because of good social aspects.
Ah w24 my general discussion spam days.........
Anywho the best player I've had the privilege of playing with was the original BaGHeeRRa, that guy was a beast.
Its 2Hot Fools
Nah in serious, I never paid any attention to externals or skype for a long time so i dont know the names of many players i faced really, but i know that I can only comment on players i have played with/against and so i would have to chuck the original Flying Man Sabri out there when he had the time. As an opponent i would hate to come up against him, and as a tribe mate you can't fault his loyalty and would always help others.
lolyou're welcome.
......... HA ha HA ha HA hA Ha ha hahahaha /cry... oh my sides hurt >.<