Take it easy on me Plox.
Just wanted to clear up some air about slurp since i started this world in k55 and know a bit about the area.I am not in slurp and never have been if i am incorrect please correct me.
To be honest slurp have been suprisingly good at sticking together and deffending off against tribes.At one point they were surrounded by Yarr,Care X,TOP,I Kill and [PMS].They did war TOP for around 3 weeks which they deffended of suprisingly well and thats when TOP still had their duke and most of their good players before they left for yarr,svg etc(i.e This is how slurp and TOP started an alliance)....As for their offensive side they easily took out a tribe(Confused) in k55 who was the same size as them (both were at 2illion points aprox) in a matter of days.Recently dont really know why they are losing villages easily svg seem to be a bit to much for them or it could be the two fronts which they have to deal with.
Back to topic.
Either svg or slurp will control k55 and the mess there will be all cleared up.Most likely svg if slurp dont get their act together and place some sort of diplo with yarr (which i dont think will happen as yarr has to gain ground as they lose some to wobble).
Apathy will probably gain alot of ground if wobble start to wibble against yarr.
AAA have the best chances out of the lot.Lets have a look at them shall we.
1.If Wobble hits yarr hard enough and yarr starts losing major ground then AAA will have easy pickings with the front they share with yarr.
2.Shall Wobble start losing to yarr then AAA have another chance to jump on the bandwagon and start eating wobble villages.
3.They could ignore the whole Yarr vs Wobble conflict and go straight for Apathy.One thing is for sure Apathy have good leadership and players which i have come across on other worlds.So it will be a very intresting war but to be honest i don't think it will happen and it wouldn't be the smartest move out all of the moves they can do.
4.Or they could grow like crazy while 1 vs 2 are battling it out and when the dust settles between them and one comes out victorious AAA could hit them (as they probably wont have alot of D and due to fatigue of fighting the other power house it could shatter them).Mind you this will only work if they stay neutrel between both of them and when there is a clear loser between 1 vs 2 start nobling them and then not allowing the winner to regroup and hit them as hard as they can.This has to be the most daring out of all their options and if they can pull this off no doubt will they be no.1 Conteneders to win this world.
5.Last but no least they can just relax and noble the southern rim and maybe even declare on judges or svg if there isnt any diplo between them.
All in all AAA,Apathy and svg will be the most affected don't think that skulls or slurp will hold it any longer.
No comments on the rim tribes dont know anything about them.Although Honey B seems to be the more promising out of the lot.
Sorry for the wall of text felt bored so i just wanted to write something if there is anything wrong with my post then iam sorry about it.
Thank you for reading.