[SPOIL]I want to apologize to anybody who has been in any way affected ingame by my disappearance.[/SPOIL]
I have been more tha affected by your disappearance! :icon_evil:
[SPOIL]I want to apologize to anybody who has been in any way affected ingame by my disappearance.[/SPOIL]
Didn't know where to post this, so this is as good a place as any.
If you don't know me, then I really wouldn't bother clicking the spoiler as it will mean literally nothing to you :icon_redface:
[SPOIL]I want to apologize to anybody who has been in any way affected ingame by my disappearance. I saw that since I stopped communicating with anybody, a few things happened particularly regarding my account that shouldn't really have happened. Hopefully that's all been resolved, but that's not really want the apology is for.
I've had a lot of emails/texts asking what is going on and where I am. I've cut contact with everybody for a reason, and this explanation will be the last time I will post on this forum or even log in to it. I've decided that enough is enough. I've got a proper addiction to this game and I need to break that. It isn't healthy and all it does is affect my life and those who I care about in a negative way.
When it comes to this game, I have a very strong will that helps me get what I want ingame. But I also have no willpower at all when it comes to balancing the game and all the more important matters that relate to things that actually mean something. I get too emotionally attached here, and that is not healthy.
I can't reply to or get in touch with anybody connected to TW without ending up getting sucked back in. It's happened so many times before, and it just isn't worth it.
I've made a tonne of fantastic friends in my 8 odd years playing this infernal game but I no longer see any justification to continue. I hope everybody will understand this, even if it is rude to ignore friends. It is simply for my own good, and that's all there is to it.
If somebody who knows them could be so kind as to link this post to Jennifer from w70, and HS from god knows how many past worlds, I'd appreciate it as I know I've let them down more than anybody else and I feel tremendously guilty for it. I won't privately message anybody as I will never stop with the number of people I'd want to message.[/SPOIL]
I'll leave it here, with just one message that applies to everybody who has ever spoken to me and considers/considered me in any way a friend:
This is just a game. Enjoy it whilst you can, but always remember it is just a game and your personal life should always take priority. Anything you do here means zilch. Squat. Nothing. It's an achievement that will never matter in your life. So try not to get addicted. It sucks.
Didn't know where to post this, so this is as good a place as any.
If you don't know me, then I really wouldn't bother clicking the spoiler as it will mean literally nothing to you :icon_redface:
[SPOIL]I want to apologize to anybody who has been in any way affected ingame by my disappearance. I saw that since I stopped communicating with anybody, a few things happened particularly regarding my account that shouldn't really have happened. Hopefully that's all been resolved, but that's not really want the apology is for.
I've had a lot of emails/texts asking what is going on and where I am. I've cut contact with everybody for a reason, and this explanation will be the last time I will post on this forum or even log in to it. I've decided that enough is enough. I've got a proper addiction to this game and I need to break that. It isn't healthy and all it does is affect my life and those who I care about in a negative way.
When it comes to this game, I have a very strong will that helps me get what I want ingame. But I also have no willpower at all when it comes to balancing the game and all the more important matters that relate to things that actually mean something. I get too emotionally attached here, and that is not healthy.
I can't reply to or get in touch with anybody connected to TW without ending up getting sucked back in. It's happened so many times before, and it just isn't worth it.
I've made a tonne of fantastic friends in my 8 odd years playing this infernal game but I no longer see any justification to continue. I hope everybody will understand this, even if it is rude to ignore friends. It is simply for my own good, and that's all there is to it.
If somebody who knows them could be so kind as to link this post to Jennifer from w70, and HS from god knows how many past worlds, I'd appreciate it as I know I've let them down more than anybody else and I feel tremendously guilty for it. I won't privately message anybody as I will never stop with the number of people I'd want to message.[/SPOIL]
I'll leave it here, with just one message that applies to everybody who has ever spoken to me and considers/considered me in any way a friend:
This is just a game. Enjoy it whilst you can, but always remember it is just a game and your personal life should always take priority. Anything you do here means zilch. Squat. Nothing. It's an achievement that will never matter in your life. So try not to get addicted. It sucks.
afaik it's Belgian.1) Queslett (gotta love Dutchess!)
2) Locke (My italian butcher)
3) Cowboybarry (The "Stache is just irreplaceable)
4) Mikechen (Big or small, he doesnt care, NUKE it anyway)
5) Retarded Rex (Because imported players are the best with a big tail)