Why I Left Womble


Alright so I said I'd make this thread and so here it is.

As you all know, I've been sat for a long time. The reason for this is due to my little bro having surgery that didn't go to hot but we won't go into this. I was ready to come back at the same time w60 opened and was about to. But then I took a look around at my close friends that were still there and I saw only 5. (Hockey54, PolarWynd, Budl, Xaia, and Sboh) That is far fewer than 3 months ago.

So I attempted to quit and was convinced to stay by several Wombles. One of my conditions for staying was that I didn't want to return right away and to just ease back into TW. Schoike was kind enough to agree to sit me until January for this to happen while I eased back in with w60.

A few days ago, if I hadn't been on skype at the right time to see Walsh quote Sboh saying "why did rep leave the tribe?" I'd have never known my account left. This greatly annoyed me. I wasn't even consulted about it leaving when it was still my account. So due to this, I decided to give Womble my account, and quit. Then after getting bad mouthed on the forums by people who didn't even know the agreement I had with Schoike, I decided to take my sit, change my pass, and hit delete.

Since hitting delete, Womble have also kicked sboh for sticking up for me. Pretty crumby if you ask me. Ronin has also turned in his letter of resignation due to our departure.

That's the short story because I'm only making this thread because I said I would. No longer have the drive to do it.

Anyways, this is goodbye Wombles. To all of you who sat me, Thank you.
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If Pirana want to thank anyone for Womble's loss of the w48 war then send them all to Walshaw as he has deserved all the credit. Between getting the Rep account to leave and kicking out one of the only active players in the western front I don't care to judge which is worse :)


same old excesses repiniski always make after losing an account to attacks :)

anyway , your account was nothing but pain and lose of stats for womble. so i'm kinda glad that you are annoyed and hitted delete on it eventually and i think womble should be happy too. :)

wish you luck in w60. tho you will fail like you did in so many other worlds you played after w48 :) and wish you luck in real life as well and dont return to w48 on another acc for god sake :)


Thanks Sareh. Though I must point out while I was around, the NW were pushing back the fish despite the inactivity. I start being sat and it falls apart except for k2. Coincidence? :lol:


damn repniski i was missing flaming you dear :)

kk i can sleep better tonight.


Will miss having you around Rep, Was pretty fun playing alongside you in the brief period we were around at the same time. A lot of people talked a lot of bull without knowing the full situation, as always, and a lot of people ended up peeved, understandably, as a consequence. Maybe that'll be a lesson to those of us who remain, but I sadly doubt it given what's evident to everyone on these external forums, let alone anything else. Anyway, I hope things in real life work out for you, I know what it's like when things get tough, just keep hanging in there.

Sboh - Would you just shut up. Honestly, I didn't know why you'd been kicked, but I'm starting to see why. Stop letting your personal 'beef' get in the way of your rational thought process. You're not a bad player at all, but your attitude stinks & if you started badmouthing me like you have Walsh I'd have hoofed you out of the tribe as well.

Sareh - Let go of the Rep hating. He's gone, he's left, you can consider that a personal victory if you like, but it ain't nothing good for Womble. Yes, his account lost a lot of villages, but so do a lot of others in war. Your account recently lost a large number of villages but you don't see anyone calling for you to walk the plank, We're in this together or we're not in this at all. You can't have both.



If Pirana want to thank anyone for Womble's loss of the w48 war then send them all to Walshaw as he has deserved all the credit. Between getting the Rep account to leave and kicking out one of the only active players in the western front I don't care to judge which is worse :)

if u remember not more than a month ago..almost 80% womble turned against me.(cause i said something about bmckusa on skype chat) even walshy said many things which i didn like..in return i gave a mouth full to kanuk , but that didnt make me anti Womble. keep ur personal grudge to urself. such immature attitude is not expected from players like you.


who says i hate repiniski , actually i like him so much.

i just been wondering about his constant real life issues :)
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Alright so I said I'd make this thread and so here it is.

Since hitting delete, Womble have also kicked sboh for sticking up for me. Pretty crumby if you ask me. Ronin has also turned in his letter of resignation due to our departure.

To be fair, that is not why he was kicked...He was kicked for "Extreme disrespect" to Walsh and the tribe in general. I would understand if he was sticking up for you, but it went far beyond that. I have used Robin as an example, if Robin did the same as Sboh did, he'd be gone too, but that ain't happening anytime soon...

To be fair to Walsh in general, he didn't punt him, I did....

BTW, Ronin quit along time ago, about the same time school started, almost 3 months ago. Everyone has their reasons, everyone quits.

Time to move on...Good luck in w60!!



Womble were epic...Are epic. Just a shame that we all started to leave in the west at the same time really :/ I lost interest in the game when I started getting more busy in real life. Let killer know that he didn't make me quit because he was far from it. If I put the time In I could have easily taken him down, whilst still taking heat from Pirana...because that guy lacks the thing we call, talent, or skill...

I'll be returning eventually to W48, if im still welcome. But only to Womble, however big they are.
Was a pleasure playing with you all.

Womble,take all the pirana villages!:D



No one believed me when i said Womble were snakes and worse than pirana.

Looks like i was right.


No one believed me when i said Womble were snakes and worse than pirana.

Looks like i was right.

And in a thread about people leaving a tribe, there's always that one arsehole who says: "See...I told you so!!! LOLOLOLOL" Glad to see you lump ALL of Womble with the differences that only a few had with eachother. :icon_rolleyes:

Good to see you back on the forums Mega, but take your words to another thread please. Let those who, for some reason, want to reflect on why they left do so without your commentary.
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To be fair, I had been inactive for an eternity before handing over my resignation to Kanuk/Cheryl. And before I get accused of being a school aged child, let it be known that my workload rose exponentially several months ago with several of my close w48 friends quitting around the same time (Fraser being a prime example).

Couple this with the departure of my friends Rep. and Steve from the Womble family and it just solidified the thought that quitting Womble and w48 would be my best course of action, with my declining time and interest. So I handed in my goodbye letter.

Fare thee well Womble, kick PIRANA arse.