Wing - Bottom Dwellers


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For anyone who is enemies with Wing out there, I have a little story for you :)

Once upon a time there were a group of friends that decided to join the Classic world. They joined right at the start, near the core and in amongst SU.

SU grew faster than us and were stronger than us and ultimately wiped us out. We fought as hard as we could but at this time were not good enough. Fair play to SU.

We restarted on the rim with a depleted squad and were in amongst a smallish tribe, whose name I forget. We agreed to collaborate and they even agreed to help noble a village apart from the group to give space. Unfortunately they were led by a backstabbing SOB and when they knew that troops were on a long journey attacked with no warning. On that basis we ended up losing. Lesson no-one :)

As we enjoy the game and the new people we meet, we decided to restart again on the Eastern Rim, just to have a bit of fun. And boy what fun we are having now!!!

Little did we know that we were restarting near the realms of the infamous bottom feeders of Wing. It is there that a few of them skulk around watching as the little hatchlings take their first steps, move away from their mothers teat, and grow into adulthood. As soon as they are ready to start their adult lives, the bottom feeders strike.... 4,5,600K vs 1.5-2.5k individuals.

Initially we started to be targetted by the mighty Abaddon sending his full nukes with a 1-2 hours gap before the train that followed. We snipe that and 3 nobles dead. He decides to try a different member in the same way, 3 nobles dead, and so on and repeat. After about 15 nobles and 3-4 nukes killed through team work, with minimal success on his/her part, he/she decides to rope in a fellow bottom feeder War-Peace and they carry on in the same vein. This takes it to 1.3million ish point vs 20k but the results are the same!

Dead noble count is now over 30 and nukes 6-7. So What can these poor bottom feeders do when faced with such ferocious minnows??? Add another bottom feeder. Welcome Dracule Mihawk...... strangely we assumed that maybe they were bringing in someone who knows what they are doing, but no.... it is another Sim-City veteran. Little nukes followed by gaps and then nobles....boring! And still we go on...

1.8million vs 24k now.... 40+ nobles dead desperate nukes being sent after losing large nukes.... Have you ever heard a sadder tale???

If anyone fancies stacking our villages then we would be happy to take villages off of them...although to be fair we are enjoying this cat and mouse game so far!

Sorry if I have bored you but it has entertained me :)

Probably Not Ginge

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40+ nobles dead? damm I’ve killed over 90 just fighting echiel by myself at one point and that was just in a few days :D


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Nice post, I like it.

although it’s just one side of the story, I can say I admire your guys commitment and fighting :D most people leave once they realize it’s a lost battle.

about wing, well from personal experience I know they are keen for losing nobles. Ask uldza :)
The settings made it a noble spam world so losing nobles isn’t that bad, probably only a little frustrating. Maybe this is the reason they don’t time anti snipes.

Probably Not Ginge

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Pretty sure Goocci hasn’t done a single bit of backstabbing


I thought this too, I did have a deal with mac and was given the chance to do my end of the bargain and just before I had everything set up, I opened the account up to see 500+ attacks :D

Not arsed about it as I got shafted this world anyway but was surprised that happened without any message like he said he’d give me if gocci were to attsck :D

Ah well

Deleted User - 8159276

Yeah, let's keep a player in the middle of the map, because eventually he will do his thing. today, tomorrow, next week, a month from now or maybe the account will go barb... eventually . what do you think this is ? ''Unicef-for every child'' organization ?

Evil Omen

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I love how this all went full circle on him lmao. Backstabs us, tries to backstab eitchel, goes back to backstabbing us, goes to goocci to end up backstabbing them and then he himself gets backstabbed. This is like something out of a movie

Literally dying with laughter


Pretty sure Goocci hasn’t done a single bit of backstabbing


What about ToT with Maca and ZFP tribe?

Probably Not Ginge

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I love how this all went full circle on him lmao. Backstabs us, tries to backstab eitchel, goes back to backstabbing us, goes to goocci to end up backstabbing them and then he himself gets backstabbed. This is like something out of a movie

Literally dying with laughter

What about ToT with Maca and ZFP tribe?

Backstabed echiel and that was it? and that’s cuz you gave your tribe false infomation about echeil and not all the infomation not even to the council... everything was your fault mate lol

Even apologised to kerti and he accepted it then I gave him the villages back freely when I could of kept sniping and taking his? Don’t see any wrong in what I did what so ever.

If you were good at comuncation which you ain’t, then I would of known that in fact you are the prick, and not kerti

Did not backstab gocci, or nukes sccount or echiel ahain... so get your facts right

Your gonna get rimmed on hP, end of

Probably Not Ginge

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Yeah, let's keep a player in the middle of the map, because eventually he will do his thing. today, tomorrow, next week, a month from now or maybe the account will go barb... eventually . what do you think this is ? ''Unicef-for every child'' organization ?

I won’t speak to you

You may leave gocci again and cry to a few jokes :D hahaha

Mr Nub, gocci saved ya ass, end of hope they internal you

Deleted User - 10365846

Goocci No1... Everyone else is food :) 2nd world win in a row coming for them!

Evil Omen

Well-Known Member
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I'm not even playing hp? By hp do you mean classic? Cause I'm playing there... lol? If anything, you get your facts straight first bud. Not my fault you screwed the pooch.
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Probably Not Ginge

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I'm not even playing hp? By hp do you mean classic? Cause I'm playing there... lol? If anything, you get your facts straight first bud. Not my fault you screwed the pooch.

Mate I’m not even arsed about classic I joined an account that was inactive and full defence with a shit position in a tribe tribe, into a decent account that did a lot of work and made a lot of friends too.... so I ain’t arsed

And dam, your that much of a noob that you don’t even know what worlds your playing bud hahah. You are on HP it’s called (high performance) I know you haven’t played one before cuz your a noob but that’s what the world is called :D

Goodluck bud


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Pretty sure Goocci hasn’t done a single bit of backstabbing


He meant me. Explained it to him but only received a short reply.
I agreed to leave him if he wanted to settle his vendetta with Nukes. It took Soppen a long time to prepare and we knew his reputation of switching sides so yes, the rest of Goocci decided to rim him and I cant blame them for it :)

Probably Not Ginge

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He meant me. Explained it to him but only received a short reply.
I agreed to leave him if he wanted to settle his vendetta with Nukes. It took Soppen a long time to prepare and we knew his reputation of switching sides so yes, the rest of Goocci decided to rim him and I cant blame them for it :)

Still said you’d warn me if you attacked lol and wouldn’t say 3 days is a long time... that’s enough time to build back lost nukes pal

You have to surprise attack an account less tribe, says a lot really, you got a short reply because your life is short


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Still said you’d warn me if you attacked lol and wouldn’t say 3 days is a long time... that’s enough time to build back lost nukes pal

You have to surprise attack an account less tribe, says a lot really, you got a short reply because your life is short

You almost begged me for a spot in Goocci and now we refused you you start crying. Every player I asked about you said you werent a teamplayer and cant be trusted.
I clearly said to you it was very unlikely we would take you in. And 3 days? u been promising things for more than a week, but u were too busy stabbing eichel.

I dont feel the urge to defend myself against someone like you, especially when you end your message with "you got a short reply because your life is short". Is this a threat or just a poor way of you showing your intelligence. I can write a whole essay about it but what would it matter? I will only get another pathetic reply from you LOL

Clearly this world bothers you more than you think, otherwise you would have moved on by now. You played the game your way and lost, cant blame Evil or Nukes for that :D

peace out!

Probably Not Ginge

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How do you know I’m not still playing this world ;) haha

Gg lol

Also. Been promising to get rid of echiel, then I stopped because you thought wings taking echiel was more beneficial, and now you’ve lost lol

In terms of begging, I begged to join you guys so I could fight nukes sccount and yes but would of I kept on playing with your arrogant self?

Fuck no mate haha