I imagine it would be fairly easy to merge on several worlds ftw
Now that Indecisive Nubzz is currently duke of two tribes on W82 AND 83.. it'll be a hell of alot harder to manage them both.
I keep trying to farm and then remember I can't.
Jager is the only tribe that has truly dominated their K.... k45 tribes dominate half of what they have.
Well.. This group won't win for sure... So sad now..
Didjey Disantales yesterday at 22:52
Hey guys. This is my last circular mail to you. I really don't want to do it but I will try and save you by disbanding ~TM~. Maybe Rehab will leave you alone. It is really hard for me to do, but I have no other option left. I hope that you will remember me with good feelings because I made many friends and don't want to forget any of you. I am afraid, my beloved Musketeers, this is the end. I love you all and I am starting to cry. Okay, I don't see properly now. Anyway, good luck and cheers guys. You will always be in my heart. Kiss you all!
Best Regards,
Didjey Disantales
Duke of ~TM~.
There's no point in arguing over who will win this world.....
You'd expect me to say: Jäger will do it easily! But no.
We have lot of strong members in our midst. Even 4 out of the top 10 strongest accounts(Yeah, strongest, not pointwhore wise).
Domination in our region is obvious and we will continue to grow rapidly for a while. Both by nobling and recruiting wisely.
However...If I look back at my time on w70:
I was on the nr1 tribe Infect there, and we dominated from the start. And by domination, I really mean -domination-! When I left after 4 months or so, we already had more points than the rest of the top 10 tribes combined. A closed case, most would say. But after almost 2 years of being nr1, a new nr1 emerged.
Maybe 5 members of the Infect right now are players I got that first go with.
Just shows that whatever seems to true here today is just a vague memory tomorrow.
There's no point in arguing over who will win this world.....
You'd expect me to say: Jäger will do it easily! But no.
We have lot of strong members in our midst. Even 4 out of the top 10 strongest accounts(Yeah, strongest, not pointwhore wise).
Domination in our region is obvious and we will continue to grow rapidly for a while. Both by nobling and recruiting wisely.
However...If I look back at my time on w70:
I was on the nr1 tribe Infect there, and we dominated from the start. And by domination, I really mean -domination-! When I left after 4 months or so, we already had more points than the rest of the top 10 tribes combined. A closed case, most would say. But after almost 2 years of being nr1, a new nr1 emerged.
Maybe 5 members of the Infect right now are players I got that first go with.
Just shows that whatever seems to true here today is just a vague memory tomorrow.
I've never seen the rank 1 tribe at this stage win a world before, that's why I always predict them falling^ maybe that could change this world who knows :O
Thank you stealth for defending me even on externals. Anyway, I would like to say hello to everyone! Name is Didjey Disantales and W80 is my first world (not technically but that is another story) and w82 is my 2nd.
I don't know whether that was sarcastic or not Thomas, but I hope you really meant it. As for winning the world, I think it will be pretty interesting and I think we need another month before making any clear predictions. But that is just my opinion. Cheers.
P.S. I was shocked to find out that we still had spy right till the end. No other way to find my last CM. And we had only 36 players. Out of them, few were nobled, my friend was inactive and I had 5-7 members who were very loyal. Rehab are truly the best at dirty tactics. And I mean it as a compliment. I can't say it is honorable, but it is effective. All is fair in love and war (and Tribal Wars).