Wins of w20


Point being?

It's still relevant...and only the third one is old...that was just for lols The second one is just proving what he does with accounts and the first one is for speculation.

Or is ampac the only one on here allowed to make stupid posts that have no meaning whatsoever?
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again maker/ampac your intel is flawed even TG memory is getting bad in this matter... this is iffy cause it was as i was leaving on the road for my job.

Yes we attacked loonman
yes i set up and organized that first round of attacks
did it work yes
Yes i did get a request from air and hefty too stop
Yes i did as these players were going to another tribe and no longer a threat to my tribe.
as at that time we were still at war with kiltom and had other people to take out.
hefty didn't betray me or fear only delayed
hefty did betray all involved with Pron, and as i knew hefty couldn't be relyed on so i contact berry and adrian and worked with them in secret till hefty was gone.

hense the reason they stayed in the core for so long it was with fear support organized by me and TG ;D

i had nothing to do with the second attempt on loonman i was under the impression that never even got off the ground (this had happen while i was away)

As far as hefty goes i gave him room to do what he wanted as he was always a distraction to prime. and i think you confuse our haterated of you for a fondness for hefty... most of the players that your saying love hefty infact dont love hefty and most won't play with him anymore not cause the skill isnt there cause his determination just isn't there anymore. which is to say we think he can beat you one on one doesn't mean we love him or even want to play with him. it simply means we think he is better then you, lol...


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again maker/ampac your intel is flawed even TG memory is getting bad in this matter... this is iffy cause it was as i was leaving on the road for my job.

Yes we attacked loonman
yes i set up and organized that first round of attacks
did it work yes
Yes i did get a request from air and hefty too stop
Yes i did as these players were going to another tribe and no longer a threat to my tribe.
as at that time we were still at war with kiltom and had other people to take out.
hefty didn't betray me or fear only delayed
hefty did betray all involved with Pron, and as i knew hefty couldn't be relyed on so i contact berry and adrian and worked with them in secret till hefty was gone.

hense the reason they stayed in the core for so long it was with fear support organized by me and TG ;D

i had nothing to do with the second attempt on loonman i was under the impression that never even got off the ground (this had happen while i was away)

As far as hefty goes i gave him room to do what he wanted as he was always a distraction to prime. and i think you confuse our haterated of you for a fondness for hefty... most of the players that your saying love hefty infact dont love hefty and most won't play with him anymore not cause the skill isnt there cause his determination just isn't there anymore. which is to say we think he can beat you one on one doesn't mean we love him or even want to play with him. it simply means we think he is better then you, lol...

I see, then why ally yourself to a player like him?

It shows what kind of a leader you are......

You blamed legdenno, but didn't blame himself.

Your reputation is overrated on leadership...The failure of fear with the merger with Killtom was your fault.

Where are you rich26?

Enlighten me


Your reputation is overrated on leadership...The failure of fear with the merger with Killtom was your fault.

Enlighten me~~Hard for anyone to do.

but no it wasnt him that made the fail with kiltom. it was the fact that they were feeding info to prime. and we gave them a chance to sort themselves. but in the end we found it best to just rid ourselves of kiltom players cuz they still didnt seem to get it that prime was after them. atleast im sure they realize it now haha


I wasn't even around for that ampac a few weeks after that had happened i returned and shortly after that i separated from fear as i no longer agreed with there direction.

I'm not perfect and have made my fair share of mistakes in life and in this game. i would never boast to say i was, as its just not true for anyone. its never one single persons fault nor can you blame someone else for someone else choice that went bad. you point fingers like you left and were no more cause of it. rather then you left and others made "bad decisions" in your absence. I don't get your logic at all, but thats prob why we argue and i dislike you so much as you can ever offer a decent argument. like the statement above full of bs and partial intel which just shows how little you actually know about what is going on and what has happened.


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I wasn't even around for that ampac a few weeks after that had happened i returned and shortly after that i separated from fear as i no longer agreed with there direction.

I'm not perfect and have made my fair share of mistakes in life and in this game. i would never boast to say i was, as its just not true for anyone. its never one single persons fault nor can you blame someone else for someone else choice that went bad. you point fingers like you left and were no more cause of it. rather then you left and others made "bad decisions" in your absence. I don't get your logic at all, but thats prob why we argue and i dislike you so much as you can ever offer a decent argument. like the statement above full of bs and partial intel which just shows how little you actually know about what is going on and what has happened.

I see at least you honest....Then why leave tribe? Can't you fix the situation? As one of the respected leaders of your tribe at that time you could have change decisions and fixed things......But instead you have choosen the easy way out...

Leave....Blame the leadership.....And Delete...

A sad situation on your part....

So please answer this..


nah see your missing key part of the story which is i returned tried and change things which was a small peak in the stats about 4 weeks before me deleting in Fears ennoblement around k26/25. at that time current fear leadership didn't like the changes i was making and the players i was kicking from the kiltom merger. an argument in sued and my Duke priv's were revoked by BH and Leg. shortly after that i left the tribe. only after gather some friends in WAR did we decide to group delete.

the barb waste land that is now owned by lousia, BH, Spar hawk, xstenphenx, funk and many other saw and prime members that being Me, Lennick, bulvine

as you know kip stayed on and joined prime shortly after


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nah see your missing key part of the story which is i returned tried and change things which was a small peak in the stats about 4 weeks before me deleting in Fears ennoblement around k26/25. at that time current fear leadership didn't like the changes i was making and the players i was kicking from the kiltom merger. an argument in sued and my Duke priv's were revoked by BH and Leg. shortly after that i left the tribe. only after gather some friends in WAR did we decide to group delete.

the barb waste land that is now owned by lousia, BH, Spar hawk, xstenphenx, funk and many other saw and prime members that being Me, Lennick, bulvine

as you know kip stayed on and joined prime shortly after

Good Stuff at least we know what really happened...Thanks for clearing this up..:icon_biggrin:


for the record i came online to find rich had left. and this huge council thread about it and all of them arguing. it was terrible. then i try to clear things up and it didnt help. thats why i told people not to act without consulting me first but no one listens to me o.0


i think we need to sort the BS from the reality

[10/09/2010 17:11:18] Gen Aurtorious (Darwin00537): haven't had to much time on w20, been playing w49 lately long range timed out an 40+ village attack all in the same second ;)
[10/09/2010 17:11:34] Gen Aurtorious (Darwin00537): well actually its about 2.3 seconds but not bad.
[10/09/2010 17:11:59] Gen Aurtorious (Darwin00537): also perfected my train process for the attack, 33ms inbetween nobles ;)

***Noble*** (639|173) marios377 F12.04 Thu Oct 07 14:52:40 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) today at 21:54:07 6:33:33
***Noble*** (639|173) marios377 F12.04 Thu Oct 07 14:52:50 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) today at 21:54:17 6:33:43
***Noble*** (639|173) marios377 F12.04 Thu Oct 07 14:52:59 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) today at 21:54:26 6:33:52
***Noble*** (639|173) marios377 F12.04 Thu Oct 07 14:53:08 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) today at 21:54:35 6:34:01

So, when you were in RIM and I launched on you, you ran to PRIME, you know the spiel but honestly you need to pull your socks up

You know, supporting an enemy while your tribe is attacking them, not the done thing mate :D doesn't really do you any favours, more bad decisions i guess, just like your decision to return.

When I stripped your privs in Fear?! and you walked, nobody wanted you then and i'm surprised Prime want you now, still thanks for the planner :D


pfft is that why more then 20 mill left fear that day, is that why you ran fear into the ground then ran to saw then sucked up to the players you could noble... lol, you have some organizational talent but you have nothing in game and yeah i was lazy as always am on this world as i dont need to send sub 1 sec trains here and usually play on fire fox while at work and thats what you get is this better

Attack on [16.65.12] spar (652|161) K16 today at 02:14:46 1:40:56:508 cancel
Attack on [16.65.12] spar (652|161) K16 today at 02:14:46 1:40:56:647 cancel
Attack on [16.65.12] spar (652|161) K16 today at 02:14:46 1:40:56:777 cancel
Attack on [16.65.12] spar (652|161) K16 today at 02:14:46 1:40:56:910 cancel

just cause someone doesn't do something doesn't mean they can't ;P

i'd rather make big moves and have fun then cower in my little corner of the world. BH you are so over rated atleast i can admit i'm not perfect...


yeah that's much better mate :p

don't ever remember saying i was perfect lol, far from it

20mill left -- 5 players? WOW

I ran to SAW? No I had the foresight to see that we had run our course, like all tribes we had way more than our share of inactives

Sucked up to people i could noble? You lost me, I haven't a clue what you mean

Yeah i'm getting lazy too, the days of timing nukes and trains from village x, y & z are long gone

You made your big move, supporting KONO whilst still in SAW :eek:)

I don't care if i'm rated or not :D



im sure the main cause of the split in the merge was because of you rich thats why you got your privs took away for dismissing kiltom members without asking the rest of your leaders

then you ran off crying like a little baby but you didnt have the time right ? lol