I hardly get online at all nowadays. Maybe in a few months if this year is still going.
sorry to say but you have just over a month.I hardly get online at all nowadays. Maybe in a few months if this year is still going.
Half of this crap is a troll.
What was your favorite moment in w62?
finally getting to attack undy,I wanted to for a long time before it happened
didn't really put up much of a fight though
Why did you choose the tribe that you did that you stuck around with? (Org, Panic!, Auphan, etc.)
I didn't like being in chosen,it had a few good members but had weak leadership and a ton of dead weight
my coplayer knew googly from another world so we ended up joining agency
Who were you looking forward to fighting the most but didn't get the chance to do so?
either undy or org(didn't get the chance to do so in the non literal sense obviously)
Out of those you fought on this world, who were the most lively?
NPD put up the most fight but doesn't exactly have a lot of competition there to be fair
Out of the forum posters, who do you miss around here the most?
rawr mode I guess
not that I ever particularly cared for him(although I never really had the huge amount of dislike towards him that many seemed to mostly just indifference) but at least the forums are active when he's around
even if I don't feel like reading most of the posts he causes
Out of the forum posters, who would you like to see stop posting the most?
nobody,this forums dead enough as it is
Out of the forum posters, who do you think can hold their own in a flame fest the best?
us56l I guess
So it appears that my forum posts have annoyed people significantly more than I thought. When Org's leadership disbanded, It was a huge betrayal to me. Shortly after, I was .... forcibly removed... from the Daly1992 account. Obviously this was a huge betrayal as well. So i took to the forums to let out my frustrations i suppose. My sense of loyalty has always been too strong in this game. I was still unable to flame my ex tribemates. So I trolled everyone on the forums. I never thought that I was legitimately angering so many, however. I tried to lace my posts with humor to defuse any ill will they contained. Later I was contacted by a member of the Daly account asking me to play again. I accepted, although i was not very enthusiastic at first. I grew to enjoy the world, and fighting Honor, however. I was doing rather well on my little front, and everything was going smoothly. I was wary of telling people where i was playing,however, as i didn't want to make trouble for anyone in Panic, or cause unnecessary tensions. I was not aware of Agency's ultimatum at this time. At this point I stopped flaming people, and stopped posting altogether for the most part.
I am ashamed of many of my post now. However, i also feel that many of them were misunderstood. But i cant take them back now.
So, to anyone who still has issues with me, I invite them to contact me either ingame or via skype. Hopefully they can be worked out. If not, while, thats life.
This I can respect. I will actually remember the fun of trolling you on Rate The Player more than irritation with your posts, but others will not share my opinion. You just played a bad hand by angering a small rim tribe that would eventually be your undoing. Small things matter in the end, as it turns out
Props to rep for standing up and showing himself. The other guys remain hidden. You cant fight a battle vs invisible enemies.
You did such a good job and made Org declare on Agency :icon_wink:I assuming it was my post org disbanding rampage that everyone had issues with. My posts while In Org were to annoy agency, and make them declare war on us, at which point Panic was assumed to join in. I did a good job of it i guess. I never knew about the bad relations between Org and Panic. Wish someone had told me.
You did such a good job and made Org declare on Agency :icon_wink:
well, you would have if we didnt
anyways it doesnt change the fact that i certainly spoiled relations between the two tribes
@Lil (whichever thread you posted on):
We won W52 due to an allied merge during big wars. And yet you didn't take the same attitude of our world win there. Kinda hypocritical don't ya think :icon_neutral: