World 113 CHAT

Deleted User - 11549951

I will be waiting for someone to add these up using pictures to prove so.
If you just insult me expect this rhetoric to be thrown back at you rather ellegantly, without insults.

Argument was: Why has this game lost popularity and how to fix it.
Some of the answers i received, including something RACIST one shot sent me by PM : Insults

what am i expecting speaking to a racist anyway lol


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I will be waiting for someone to add these up using pictures to prove so.
If you just insult me expect this rhetoric to be thrown back at you rather ellegantly, without insults.

Argument was: Why has this game lost popularity and how to fix it.
Some of the answers i received, including something RACIST one shot sent me by PM : Insults

what am i expecting speaking to a racist anyway lol

Pot kettle black isn't racist please educate yourself. I mean your quick enough to Google tw stats sooo....


Definitely TreX

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Sigh. This is why no one comes on the externals anymore. I promise it is still okay to have helpful conversations about strategies and to help people understand the mentalities of why things are done the way that they are.

Many players trying to help explain the new strategies and get nothing but trolling and negativity in return.

There will always be the PP pushers who are bad and provide us with free 5k + villages.

For example, I had a guy noble a village next to me and in 24hours boosted it up 4k points. I nobled the villa, and to I guess start troop production to make up the loss, he pp'd his third village up the same amount the next day. I in turn nobled that village as well.

Although those people still exist, there are tons of players who were good before premium and events, and are simply adapting to find the best strategies.

Only way to keep externals alive is to have some fun chats and stop worrying about what will not be changed.


Multiple players, all of whom have played at a high level on older worlds, who have adapted to the 'events' part of gameplay and have developed efficient and effective tactics that they see working due to the mathematics of the game changing as a result of the events, that in older worlds would not have been practical

But that is where you are wrong. The "efficient and effective tactics" you refer to are nothing of the sort. The only reason people get away with them is that the collective talent pool in the game is significantly reduced nowadays. There was a time when the main sequence of players were B-listers, with A-listers topping the charts, and C-listers being occasionally tolerated for fodder. D-listers never lasted long, though they might try over and over again. Now, there are relatively few A-list players (or even B-list players for that matter), and substantially more D-list players who are able to linger in the void. The main sequence of players are C-listers buying into the groupthink of popular foolhardy ideas.

So what you are calling "efficient and effective tactics" are just things that work in the current diluted pool of talent. They might even be easier methods to get ahead. But they are not, in any way, intelligent or superior methods. If every one of these [relatively] new features and facets of the game existed a decade ago when worlds filled up and there were lots of high level players, you wouldn't get away with nobling a bunch of little barbs. You would be instantly targeted and sent packing.

In any event, my attempt to pick an in-game fight through the externals has clearly failed, so I'll be nice.
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Hey Stormy Daniels! I’m looking for a co. I’m tired of barb nobling and would like to stagnate, fall behind and lose out on growth between ops and while rebuilding nukes. You sound like you could really lose me some worlds, so I would love to partner up with you long term. :)

If it takes you so long to rebuild nukes then you're doing it wrong. And that is what you fail to understand. If you need to noble tiny little barbs to "keep up" then you've already been making terrible mistakes up to that point.

JukeBox Hero

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So I was wondering is anyone planning to put some meaningfull deffence against KEKW,or is this the point where everyone is solo playing survival game of how many waves they can survive before they die?

Are there any organized initiatives to try and fight with the plan of actually stoping KEKW in their tracks at least for some times? Or everyone thinks KEKWs momentum is too strong and wont even bother?
What my question rly is,is there some spirit left on other side of the border,or this is now dead world waiting KEKW to finish it?


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Hello, fellow W113 players!

Congratulations to KEKW for what looks to be an easy world win in the end. Unfortunately, you guys didn't get a real fight to the end, but I hope you all enjoyed the ride towards your win.

I am impressed with several of your players, and I have to admit it is a deserved win, all things considered. Our account is still to find in this world, but we will only play for fun from now on, not for a world win.

Thanks to all of those I've got to play with. I will remember this world as a fun one for sure. I hope to play with you later, in a different world, as tribemates or enemies, I will enjoy it either way.

Best Regards
Trym / Navarian Co-player

a.K.a elmoo

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Since the world ends in a couple of days (unless Mike loses all his chips), gotta say couple of words

Kudos to whole KEKW alliance members, mostly to Adnan who started this world without any premade plans, gathered some neighboring players, invited some more to help, and managed to end this properly. Some will say its an easy win, but we all know that path was not easy at all

Im glad I joined this tribe, and met many new players. I wish I had more time to fight FL as I usually do, but did all I could to provide proper assistance. Luckily, we had many great lads (and lady Dream) in our team who carried our tribe, they are mentioned many times on this forum

The world was larger than last 10-15 worlds (COVID issue brought many old names back into the game), which resulted in many wars, alliances, diplomacies...We had our ups and downs, tons of diplo talks, war against twice bigger alliance, but we were confident in the victory and most important, kekw was the most active tribe

Dont wanna write a long post. Good luck to all w113 players in future worlds. May the kekw be with you

Peace out