1st off I'd like to say well done to c²,I haven't agreed with everything that has happened in the past but there's no doubt as an effective attacking force that they have deserved to be known as the no1 tribe in w16 when this finally ends.
Also I think plight and the members of lshrv and sunny who were still fighting despite all the odds deserved to be in there to see the end of the world too
I think we all have all seen the flaws in the end game of this world (and possibly other worlds),if we had fought till there was a winner this would of taken years longer and would of probably just fizzled out before we got there,we were well aware of all the in actives in c² and c² obviously knew ours too.
If tribal wars decided to start a world like w16 again,same speed etc,I think they should make the map much smaller,possibly 6x6 instead of 10x10 with a lot less villages to start with.
Also every year start to either speed certain elements of the game up like troop production,reduce moral after 1 year of playing and bring down packet costs quicker.
What does anyone else think could of made the ending to this world better and more exciting?
Also I think plight and the members of lshrv and sunny who were still fighting despite all the odds deserved to be in there to see the end of the world too
I think we all have all seen the flaws in the end game of this world (and possibly other worlds),if we had fought till there was a winner this would of taken years longer and would of probably just fizzled out before we got there,we were well aware of all the in actives in c² and c² obviously knew ours too.
If tribal wars decided to start a world like w16 again,same speed etc,I think they should make the map much smaller,possibly 6x6 instead of 10x10 with a lot less villages to start with.
Also every year start to either speed certain elements of the game up like troop production,reduce moral after 1 year of playing and bring down packet costs quicker.
What does anyone else think could of made the ending to this world better and more exciting?