World 21's worst tribes and Best tribes ever




what he is getting at is that it was one terirble tribe fighting three rubbish tribes at the same time :)



VOID is famous because we made it obvious that we were complete fools by trying to fight of TSoH, Knight and the GA all at the same time where as FOOT, well, they're about as useful as a severed appendige is to a rich doormouse.
umm... when did VOID try and fight Knight!? must have missed that :icon_rolleyes:
And personally think the TSoH family were the easiest enemies (well out of the tribes that could atleast be classed as enemies rather than just random nobling) ive come across in my time on here... so you also can't count them in your claim to fame :icon_wink:

As for Foot!, so they obviously arent going to set the world on fire but they are still hanging in there and have to say the north-east has seen worse tribes!


Atleast Marooner learned from WORLD no more tribal hugging. The leader is most definetly a fighter, but other than that the tribe never fights back. They are slowly creeping into the corner of the world.


umm... when did VOID try and fight Knight!? must have missed that :icon_rolleyes:
And personally think the TSoH family were the easiest enemies (well out of the tribes that could atleast be classed as enemies rather than just random nobling) ive come across in my time on here... so you also can't count them in your claim to fame :icon_wink:

As for Foot!, so they obviously arent going to set the world on fire but they are still hanging in there and have to say the north-east has seen worse tribes!

Wasn't really a fight just general nobling. Yer TSoH were probably the easiest fight youve had, but then the only other person you actually ever fought was PnP, and your tribe didn't exactly do to well in that. :icon_rolleyes:


amm I said out of all the tribes I have come up against on here... not just the couple of enemies Knight fought in the half a year it was reformed :icon_confused:
Like Knight you mean? :icon_wink:
Cheeky! :icon_wink:


Yer TSoH were probably the easiest fight youve had, but then the only other person you actually ever fought was PnP, and your tribe didn't exactly do to well in that. :icon_rolleyes:

Knight/Ron fought 4 or 5 top 20 tribes over their life span, which is more than you've ever seen.
Yes, they lost hard to PnP, but that is not unlike pretty much every other tribe we've battled.
Knight fell, but in my opinion, in their time, they fought a lot more, were much more aggressive and generally carried themselves with more class and maturity than VOID ever did.


, they fought a lot more, were much more aggressive and generally carried themselves with more class and maturity than VOID ever did.

Depends on what phase, the last Knight we knew (lead by DJ Forbes?) was pretty bad.


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Who is this VOID tribe I keeping seeing posted about within this thread?

To be honest very few tribes have made much of a main stream impact on this world in the last 18 months & for sure VOID is not one of them.


Who is this VOID tribe I keeping seeing posted about within this thread?

To be honest very few tribes have made much of a main stream impact on this world in the last 18 months & for sure VOID is not one of them.

I couldn't have said it better myself.


Knight/Ron fought 4 or 5 top 20 tribes over their life span, which is more than you've ever seen.
Yes, they lost hard to PnP, but that is not unlike pretty much every other tribe we've battled.
Knight fell, but in my opinion, in their time, they fought a lot more, were much more aggressive and generally carried themselves with more class and maturity than VOID ever did.


You deserve a cookie.

Were not saying VOID was the best tribe ever, yer they made no impact on the world, yer they didn't really do anything, but were not saying they did, were saying it was aweome, because it was fun.


amm I said out of all the tribes I have come up against on here... not just the couple of enemies Knight fought in the half a year it was reformed :icon_confused:

Cheeky! :icon_wink:

Yer sorry, i took that the wrong way :p


(This is Dawnrising27)

My ideas go way back only oldies would know this, worst 47Ron, {R}ising Family

PuFFin, Awesome! loved Disney and iP as well but didn't make it that far.



You deserve a cookie.

Were not saying VOID was the best tribe ever, yer they made no impact on the world, yer they didn't really do anything, but were not saying they did, were saying it was aweome, because it was fun.

So... then... your logic was... that it's fun... to... suck?


No, midnight...
You dont have to be great at something to enjoy it
all hes saying is that he enjoyed being with all the guys in Void


I did that on one of the lower 40 worlds. Some roommates and friends at school all started and we created a tribe. It was a first for most of them and within three months we were getting attacks everywhere. Most perished, but it was still fun too coordinate and play together.


I did that on one of the lower 40 worlds. Some roommates and friends at school all started and we created a tribe. It was a first for most of them and within three months we were getting attacks everywhere. Most perished, but it was still fun too coordinate and play together.

If you tasted some level of success against a superior foe, even if ultimately you failed, but slowed them down, then there is value there and I can understand.
However, against this:

No, midnight...
You dont have to be great at something to enjoy it
all hes saying is that he enjoyed being with all the guys in Void

My statement stands.
This is a war game, for waging and winning simulated war.
If he just enjoyed being with guys, then maybe he should have just gone to a gay bar or something.


Cant say i agree with you on this one...
You may say it is a war game, and i agree with you, however, as you sai yourself, it is a game mate...
Not saying everyone in Void is rubbish, but for those who dont unerstand the theory or tactics of war, are they not to enjoy this game?
Sometims just talking to someone and having a laugh can be more fun than spending a few hours of yourtime launching 1 troop attacks at someone...
I know that for sure because when i first started out i didnt take to it right away, but i do know i still talk to people from my first world and i know we still have a laugh...
So i think maybe its not quite as how you say it, for those who havnt grasped "waging and winning simulated war" all they have is the other people on the game with them, and in this case, the other players on -Void-


With the amount of begging mails I'm getting from VOID recently I wonder if its truly fun to be there :)