World 32 Blog


a good read indeed :)

however one thing tho, in the F~G v THX family (under the current wars headline) THXF is added twice in the statistics and as far as i know we're a family of 2 branches not 3.

As Lord Gorwad said, the stats were because of the disbanding and the new one. I have the statistics saved, so it saved the old tribe as well. I did explain why I was adding them twice somewhere in these posts and in the first blog there is a link to it.


My apologies for veering ever so slightly off topic but.....

did you forget the SELL help you have we should add them too, kinda ironic if you ask me. Wow you gain a bit more then us because your inviting tribe to join THX. That does show us how many skill you have

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: SELL
Side 2:
Tribes: F~G

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 5
Side 2: 4
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 47,366
Side 2: 35,527
Difference: 11,839


OMG!!!! SELL is totally creaming you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



[spoil]SELL is warring NA.T.O

Side 1:
Tribes: SELL
Side 2:
Tribes: NA.T.O

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 56
Side 2: 13
Difference: 43


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 436,462
Side 2: 67,037
Difference: 369,425


Unless theres something you want to tell us about F~G and NA.T.O :icon_wink:


My apologies for veering ever so slightly off topic but.....

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: SELL
Side 2:
Tribes: F~G

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 5
Side 2: 4
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 47,366
Side 2: 35,527
Difference: 11,839


OMG!!!! SELL is totally creaming you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



[spoil]SELL is warring NA.T.O

Side 1:
Tribes: SELL
Side 2:
Tribes: NA.T.O

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 56
Side 2: 13
Difference: 43


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 436,462
Side 2: 67,037
Difference: 369,425


Unless theres something you want to tell us about F~G and NA.T.O :icon_wink:

SELL is supporting BaGheeRra :(

We got their forum topic about organising the support, I think it had something to do with the 12k inbounds he had XD

But yea, SELL quite clearly seems to be at war with NA.T.O
*Makes note to add them to the next blog*


nothing here just THX minion lol.. we will see how these sellouts do. i would be ashamed if i where THX. but Sell if you see this do not bite what you cannot chew. of course, F~G will have hard time dealing with all THX are throwing at us. i would wish some see you guys as spineless. i sure hope that your reign is about to be dethrone and trust me i will try to at least make most see this


Apologies for this week's blog people; it might be out later than I had anticipated. Life has been hell and I have been defending an account from attacks (I know, I know - poor excuse), so not been able to put as much work into it as I would have perhaps liked.

I still need my interviewee to come online so I can get him and I will then compile all the statistics (I like them to be as accurate to the day as possible).



Ah ha!

I have managed to get this weeks edition out on time however I think it may have suffered slightly in both content and quality. If this seems the case to you then please accept my sincerest apologies, I'll endeavour to have a blog of greater quality and content out in next weeks edition, plus there will be two interviews to make up for the lack of one this week.

If anyone know of or can think of anything that I need to add to the blog that will improve content and quality then please leave a message here or PM me and I'll look into addig it for you. Eventually I will start adding the statistics for the world as a whole in relation to how many players are left, tribes left and the like.



We got their forum topic about organising the support,

lol i never posted anything abt organising support at the forums.. i never asked for it..i already knew you got some ass lickers here so never bothered to ask for it in the forums..stop making up things..


lol i never posted anything abt organising support at the forums.. i never asked for it..i already knew you got some ass lickers here so never bothered to ask for it in the forums..stop making up things..

I didn't say that you had asked for the support, I stated that we had SELL's forums where they were organising support for you. If you go and look in the war thread you will find that it has already been posted there... don't try and put words in my mouth.


i am not trying anything... but i am fed up of the cheap game going around...y cant it be a clean game and then actual skills will be at challenge..atleast then if i lose ill be happy that i lost to skill and not shitness...


I am running behind with this weeks blog, my week has been hectic so have not had time to get it all together. Halloween is what did it lol, so many parties to attend and not enough time :lol:

I have still been unable to get the player that I was after for an interview so I only have one even though I promised two. Sorry for the let down, I'll have to nail down another leader since I seem unable to get the one I was after.

I doubt I will be able to get the blog out for tomorrow (Monday) but I should be able to get it out sometime on Tuesday for you all.



Obviously, I have to make a comment about kokobests interview. A small one.

I just have to say that Fearus isn't a tribe formed from Avoid, in fact they look more like a conglomeration of players from tribes formerly defeated by [H], Avoid being one of them.

*waves* I just couldnt make a short stop at the TW forums without bragging about [H] once more :)


How bout that.. me to!

Good to see you mate.

hehe you too, I've been busy playing a game similar to this, but with like 30 people playing, and where the creator leads the top tribe and I lead the second tribe :D it's great fun, and so relaxxing since you don't have to worry about someone nobling you if you leave the screen for 2 minutes (I went on holiday for 2 weeks without a sitter).

Hows TIME going? What happened to hunty?


Things are going fantastically over here. Super busy, going to hit 5 Billion ODA soon..
I’m sad we have no one to race there though!

Hunty is around, she self diminished her role, so she could enjoy the social aspects of tw and life at the same time, but is still kicking around.
Can’t wait for when I can do that! lol