World 32 Blog


Stats for say the player who has taken the most villages, most ODA, most ODD, risen awards ranks, whatever
anything that will spice it up a bit
maybe stats for barbs taken so we can laugh at n00bs *cough*faeria*cough cough*

I love that idea and request the same :icon_biggrin:


Ok, after doing some research and statistics looking up, I can do the majority of what you requested. However... I am unable to find me a tool that shows the barb enoblement statistics. If you have any ideas, or know how to find these then it would be greatly appreciated.

In the mean time I will keep looking.


Ok, after doing some research and statistics looking up, I can do the majority of what you requested. However... I am unable to find me a tool that shows the barb enoblement statistics. If you have any ideas, or know how to find these then it would be greatly appreciated.

In the mean time I will keep looking.

the only thing i could think of would be to make an excel spreadsheet (ask ayk for help maybe?, he rocks at them) and copy and paste all the ennoblements of the top noblers for the past week.

the best way i can think of doing this, would be to look on th twstats top noblers thing, and copy and paste the latest nobles from those guys onto a spreadsheet, and have it auto-detect the word 'abandoned'


I have spreadsheets which could easily be changed to calculate % barb enoblement, but let's be honest...

a) What a crap load of work for one person to look up each player individually, and do this. (will it last more than a week?)
b) Are the stats really all that telling? I've been taking ottamanempare's villages for 3 weeks now, without any retaliation, troop building, anything.. he is.. a barb in player clothing...

The only way to properly do this would be to grab a pull of all village enoblements from a data feed (if there is one), and calculate it out that way.
Your better off to find a scripter/programmer for that.


Stats for say the player who has taken the most villages, most ODA, most ODD, risen awards ranks, whatever
anything that will spice it up a bit
maybe stats for barbs taken so we can laugh at n00bs *cough*faeria*cough cough*

Regarding that barb taken thing? I really dont wanna get in that much trouble for smack talking everyone that derides us hoovers. I like my job and Im good at it, however I will smack talk the board for deriding me and my fellow hoovers thier tribal occupation.

On topic: I like the blog.



So, I was planning on coming here to post the link to the new blog that I had written, instead I come to apologised (again) and tell you it will be out tomorrow.

I had planned to get it all written, finished and published before going out today, however a complication with the platform we write on has seen me lost the past hours work that was written. This means that I might be able to finish it when I get back in, or I will have to finish it tomorrow.

As a sneak preview I have included the statistics that Taz asked for as well as the same type of analysis that Petn did for F~G vs. THX (thanks Petn :p) so this issue should have been "spiced" up more than last weeks.


Ok there you go, the fifth issue of the blog is now up. A day later than I mentioned for personal reason but it is up none the less :)

Any constructive C&C welcome as usual.


Although it is a very good blog, i do not agree with a lot of things in the Time - Fearus war section

First off, you say that Time should be focussing on the war with FearUs more. However, if you look at recent stats, you will see that Time are making very good headway on FearUs as it is. in the last month, Time are nobling almost double of what FearUs are doing, and in the last week, they are nobling almost 8 fold of what FearUs are doing in this war

Secondly, you shouldnt count members that leave and rejoin immediately, for example, oP)DeLiRiuM of Time who was only out of the tribe for 4 hours.

You also imply that it is a bad thing that Time is nobling in other places than FearUs. However, if you look, that would be a major impossibility. Many members who are ex HKM are far too far south to do anything with the FearUs war, so are having to noble clusters that are even within nobling distance of them. Also, many of the new BBS recruits, are isolated from the main tribe, so Time are doing that any tribe should, and nobling their way through, so they can join up with their new members.
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Ok there you go, the fifth issue of the blog is now up. A day later than I mentioned for personal reason but it is up none the less :)

Any constructive C&C welcome as usual.

Great job i do miss the interviews but can imagine the trouble it is to get together with random individuals from around the Keep up the great work i do look forward to this running for a while :)


Although it is a very good blog, i do not agree with a lot of things in the Time - Fearus war section

First off, you say that Time should be focussing on the war with FearUs more. However, if you look at recent stats, you will see that Time are making very good headway on FearUs as it is. in the last month, Time are nobling almost double of what FearUs are doing, and in the last week, they are nobling almost 8 fold of what FearUs are doing in this war
I also stated that if they were to concentrate their full effort on this war, it would be over a lot quicker enabling them to redirect their efforts elsewhere. I believe that working as one will acomplish more than working as splintered groups. (I am not implying that Time is not working together).

Secondly, you shouldnt count members that leave and rejoin immediately, for example, oP)DeLiRiuM of Time who was only out of the tribe for 4 hours.
I should for a simply reason, simplicity. Although he was included in the points of the members that left, he was also included in the points of the players that rejoined. this in turn cancels each other out and therefore have no impact on the final result, it was just easier rather than looking to see who had left for good and who had left but then rejoined.

You also imply that it is a bad thing that Time is nobling in other places than FearUs. However, if you look, that would be a major impossibility. Many members who are ex HKM are far too far south to do anything with the FearUs war, so are having to noble clusters that are even within nobling distance of them. Also, many of the new BBS recruits, are isolated from the main tribe, so Time are doing that any tribe should, and nobling their way through, so they can join up with their new members.
I am aware of this fact, I did not imply that it was a bad thing they are nobling in other place, I merely mentioned that it all of those non-war conquers were changed into war conquers it would already be essentially over. We all know that practically it is impossible for a tribe to have all it's members in range for nobling and therefore have to move the members close by taking other villages that they can along the way.

Also, Time have a few inactive accounts/members whos roles are to noble nothing but barbs/inactives, and hence supply defense to the tribe
Members who do that purposefully, such as daysteppr are a God send at times and they have their own uses. You see Genghis Park nobling any from THX? Perhaps that is because he is supporting them instead. I never said anything that would contradict this; all I provided were the statistics.

Great job i do miss the interviews but can imagine the trouble it is to get together with random individuals from around the Keep up the great work i do look forward to this running for a while :)
Thank you, I will try and keep up the work for the forseeable future.


Just two comments, since I've been super quiet about this war:

1) Time however are making use of the fact that FearUs has an isolated member or two in the south and are currently eating away at that player.

Time isn't making use of anything in this case, FearUs has been bringing in meat shields, by their own admission. They are bringing in players in the south, in the middle of us, players we are already attacking in some cases, in an effort to distract us, because of the attention they are receiving from us (outside of nobling).. There is more than one way to win a war.

I haven't been able to give you much of my time (I know your dying for an interview :p~)
So I'll offer up this gem, of insider trading:


AreYouKidden on 01.11. at 15:13
What do you think of bringing players like curuise, or lord16 into your tribe? These guys are bottom of the barrel players who have been beaten up for months.

beer mad on 01.11. at 15:16
well all i think is there just stuiped to join but if they stop u from comeing at us for a bit longer idm <--- Classy.

AreYouKidden on 01.11. at 15:22
As for bringing in meatshields, bringing players in to slow us down, does nothing for a tribe, look around at other tribes who've tried it, they all fall in the end.

There are some good players in FearUs, if I were leading, I personally wouldn't insult my members by recruiting garbage like that.

Anyhow Last Week:

Side 1:
Tribes: Time
Side 2:
Tribes: FearUs

Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers:
Side 1: 1,127
Side 2: 289
Difference: 838

Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 133
Side 2: 105
Difference: 28

You'll notice by the total conquers we are only putting about 10% of our nobles towards you guys at this point. (10% = 1/10)

beer mad on 01.11. at 15:24
o i see now ok thats understandabel

well u r 3 times bigger than us (3x = 1/3)

AreYouKidden on 01.11. at 15:26
That we are!

beer mad on 01.11. at 15:27

but do u think we are doing ok for now

AreYouKidden on 01.11. at 15:30
I think you guys are doing excellent. Off to a good start, with a slight element of surprise on an inactive account.

Aside from the inactive though, you guys are still up, although you've been slowed a little in the last week, while hitting active members of ours, but every war has it's small let downs, you'll pick another target and give another go of it, hopefully with better success for you guys.

beer mad on 01.11. at 15:32
thanks atleast u r honest not many player r

well your player a like 2 times the sixe of ours its abit hard

well im hoping to join in soon with the battel agains outstanding player

AreYouKidden on 01.11. at 15:47
I rarely see a reason ever to lie, I'm also confident in my tribes abilities to come back from these, if/when I finally set our sights on the north west.

In the meantime we have Turks to eat!

Side 1:
Tribes: Time
Side 2:
Tribes: -C*-, THX, THXF, ASENA

Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 391
Side 2: 20
Difference: 371

beer mad on 02.11. at 08:55
well u are really battering them

***Disclaimer: I've edited out some parts of the conversation and replaced with ... as they weren't really necessary for the point I'm trying to make. I'd be happy to share the entire conversation with an impartial person (such as you Malev), so they can confirm I haven't taken anything out of context here.

2) That means in in that past month, Time have made 3541 non-war conquers (including internal)

This statement isn't entirely fair, unless your living in a bubble.
Time has made it well known that we are at war with the Turks and have been for some time no matter what tribe name they hide under.

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: Time
Side 2:
Tribes: THX***, THXF***, ASENA, -C*-

Timeframe: 19/10/2010 00:00:00 to 14/11/2010 23:59:59
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,313
Side 2: 43
Difference: 1,270
***Only engaged with THX/THXF Turks. [/spoil]

Granted they've mostly lost their will to fight these days, however that would be due to them being mostly troopless, due to the efforts expended there.

As a last note:
I want to formally apologize to beermad, for rarely have I ever shared conversations publicy I've had with others, it's not generally in my habit to do so.
However, this kind of behavior, recruiting others in, making them targets, without any care of their well-being, or the work they've put into this game, is truly disgusting.
Have a little respect for other players, and the efforts they've put in (even if they may seem trivial to you), and you'll find it may go a long way.


Members who do that purposefully, such as daysteppr are a God send at times and they have their own uses. You see Genghis Park nobling any from THX? Perhaps that is because he is supporting them instead. I never said anything that would contradict this; all I provided were the statistics.

/me shoves a toothpick in your eye


Just two comments, since I've been super quiet about this war:

1) Time however are making use of the fact that FearUs has an isolated member or two in the south and are currently eating away at that player.

Time isn't making use of anything in this case, FearUs has been bringing in meat shields, by their own admission. They are bringing in players in the south, in the middle of us, players we are already attacking in some cases, in an effort to distract us, because of the attention they are receiving from us (outside of nobling).. There is more than one way to win a war.
That is a fair statement to make, of course I don't have all the answers so perhaps I should ask you, or even FearUs leadership next time before making my statements, but I was reacting on what the map looked like.

I haven't been able to give you much of my time (I know your dying for an interview :p~)
Haha, I've not really asked you for an interview since... oh... a while ago? :lol:

So I'll offer up this gem, of insider trading:
Interesting read; it really is nice to know what is really going on out there and how the other tribes are treating their members. Perhaps I should not try and write my blogs the day before they are posted out (other than the interview) and instead gather some intel next time. It would certainly 'spice' up the blog in that case.

***Disclaimer: I've edited out some parts of the conversation and replaced with ... as they weren't really necessary for the point I'm trying to make. I'd be happy to share the entire conversation with an impartial person (such as you Malev), so they can confirm I haven't taken anything out of context here.
I don't see this as necessary, we all know you have nothing to hide and if people really want to know then beer mad can come and look on here himself. You know... I remember the name beer mad from early Game days, wonder if it is him, or if it was beer ogre, cannot remember.

2) That means in in that past month, Time have made 3541 non-war conquers (including internal)

This statement isn't entirely fair, unless your living in a bubble.
Time has made it well known that we are at war with the Turks and have been for some time no matter what tribe name they hide under.

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: Time
Side 2:
Tribes: THX***, THXF***, ASENA, -C*-

Timeframe: 19/10/2010 00:00:00 to 14/11/2010 23:59:59
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,313
Side 2: 43
Difference: 1,270
***Only engaged with THX/THXF Turks. [/spoil]

Granted they've mostly lost their will to fight these days, however that would be due to them being mostly troopless, due to the efforts expended there.
Granted it wouldn't have been fair if I had said that they were all non-war conquers in relation to all that Time is doing, however in the context it was taken, i.e. Time vs. FearUs, those 3541 are non-war conquers, even if they are taken in another war.

Sorry for double posting, I was literally on my way out when I replied last night so I thought I would take the time to respond properly today.
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I would like to say - nice blog
Shame not much on the thx war with f~g though...
however for your info bhaby has since left f~g (or was he kicked for getting destroyed....)


I would like to say - nice blog
Shame not much on the thx war with f~g though...
however for your info bhaby has since left f~g (or was he kicked for getting destroyed....)

There will be more on the F~G vs. THX war next week. Since Petn did ananalysis I saw it pointless to do one this week as I would simply be repeating what he had already said.

As for bhaby I am aware he was booted; I honestly don't even know why they recruited him. All I had seen him do when I saw his statistics (before he joined) was noble barbs, that should be enough to say "no, he isn't going to help us".


I know that what you write comes from your own opinions, and that it's impossible to find out all the facts, especially when you have a life to lead as well.
I won't ever lay fault, in something not being said 100% correctly, it's impossible for anyone to do.

I do appreciate the work, and effort you put into this, in all honesty, it is nice to see what is going on in the world (even if it is only 4 tribes).


i dont think any player can be called a non war target for time... time loves war and unless we state we will not attack you then we are at war with you
time has been eradicating turks for a very long time now