With great respect, i understand and value your view , in this case, i did invite negative response due to my slight teases and elements of a lack of respect in some of my phrases. But for honor i stand, and at times anger is righteous, if i mislead in a comment that would attempt to blanket all members and acts of ODA as dishonorable , then i err, for i have seen honor and reason , and heard of those merits in my time whilst embroiled.
And yet one is to expect a 2 sided coin (of honor and war) to rear its ugliness from time to time, and the reason i make issue with this is because i have witnessed 2 clear points , which i think i respectfully addressed, and have not received any reasonable account for except for the admission of deception.
1. The question of how creating a concept of ceasefire , allowing some merging, actually sped up endgame? it certainly did nothing to reduce the world by 50 bringing it below the 200 population & endgame clock starter. (?) if i misunderstand something of this, i humbly ask for the reason i err , instead of the comment '' it just did, thats all'' ( reworded)
2. 'The admission of deception'' ~ Did i read wrongly that Subwind admitted the REAL reason's for the merge were not as originally stated?
an 'honorable' deception?
They were to concoct a way for extra advantage ( unneeded) using 'terms' that are proven hard and true to disrupt the straight forward attempts of the disadvantaged multi merge, adding barb restraints etc (have no reason that should impact the great ODA's success), (And i see NO reasons for it speeding up endgame) i see members of GHS being ennobled today and realize its a partial ceasefire , because of 'terms' loopholes. As your High Chief stated " for advantage of his tribe'' ( concept of which i honorably mock , in friendly jest)
,, as Subwind said ''in 24 hours, they have had many rule breakers, and it will only get worse'' , is it not easily predictable? as it was when the terms were concocted?
So wise Wicked, what we will always have is a difference of opinion on the depth of rules needed in terms of agreement or ceasefires.
There was no point to a partial ceasefire, or barb restraining, and no way i can see how these things sped up endgame , and simply put, an honorable agreement would not have needed rules 3 and 5.
i thought the hope was that a nice war would speed up endgame,,, with a boom!,, but endgame fell on this world as a natural course of population dwindle.
i stand chastised for venom in my pen, and perhaps rightly so. But my honor remains intact for calling foul and deception when i see it. When emperors admit it, or are exposed, they stand eligible for the heckling of the Bards, nasty graffitti , and minstrels unflattering songs .
PS, i know you would truly appreciate some incomings, and a whisp of challenge before saying goodbye to this old world,, you are a warrior at heart, or has easy living made ye soft? :icon_wink: heh , ,. The optimum merge tribe and its extension (tribe) may not be fully realized. But lets hope what emerges is worth the honorable end...
..with a boom! baby!!