World 50 Endgame


I am not the staff of innogames.
Ask the TW maker for that, those rules written by them and ooh i think you havent read the part about "people agreement" that we can even vote between tribes on how we would like the game to end.


dodging a straight forward question? hmm, i stand by my 2 previous comments , especially since my reference to 'the peoples agreement ' ( creating a final opposition tribe) and a 'peoples agreement on endgame voting' are completely not related.


easy, did the partial merge help the poor struggling ODA get those 50 any easier? the concept has me laughing, thanx. What did i miss in the game rules bit that offers an explanation on how the peoples 'agreements' caused endgame?

It splits the world into two clear halves; the rulers, ODA, and the others, GHS, desperately trying to fight them off. All else are worthless noobs, who deserve, and will, be nobled. It is these that my Lords are targeting, and it helps end-game as they are all there is to noble other than barbs (which my Lords would never stoop so low as to do).


The reason I offered the terms was to speed up endgame. When I made the offer, there were 262 players on world 50, far from the under 200 for cheaper nobles. ODA had 51% of the villages and GHS had around 12%, again far away from endgame scenario.

After accepting my agreement and terms, endgame has started, restarts are therefore off, and we have 197 players at last count.

--->So in one week after this agreement, both my goals have been achieved.<---


...However, in under 24 hours, they have already had many rule breakers, and things will only get worse.

"--->So in one week after this agreement, both my goals have been achieved.<---"

both wha??,,
?-Is that,,
goal 1. speed up endgame by creating a ceasefire to allow a sizable opposition tribe to form and prove it does not matter, ODA will still win. ..Being so clever, i will divide and conquer the outsiders who are now divided by coaxing them to unify so i can divide them again .

goal 2. i can brag to the world that i achieved a 'speedier' endgame by creating a ceasefire with loopholes that allows my side to pick off noobs and lower the population below 200,, which we could never have done without my particular brand of loophole genius.. oh god how i love the mirror.. how do it stay on the wall when i am not around, i wonder? oh grand and glorious me.

i tease, because of the laughable suggestions , lol,, speed up endgame fallacy , ha!,, being a big fish in a small pond really goes to the head sometimes,, and i know those Dystopian ladies love them some ''terms'' bullcrap, i think subwind was henpecked , and its a funny old world to mock because this theme has run throughout it,, those who stumbled on power and dominance in w50 did so more through settings and lack of honor than the ability to keep their word true.

What our Mahrek places on a pedestal resembles more worm than lion , more elmer fudd with a nice shiny pointy helm, than true nobility..but thats okay, we have seen it over and over again... thus returning full circle to my original lament ... ''why cant just once...''

Well,, congrats anyways ,, thank the TW gods you were able to bump your advantage up from 89% to 93% with the fallacy terms, and pretend to take credit for endgame arriving before the final test was achieved.
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i tease, because of the laughable suggestions , lol,, speed up endgame fallacy , ha!,, being a big fish in a small pond really goes to the head sometimes,, and i know those Dystopian ladies love them some ''terms'' bullcrap, i think subwind was henpecked , and its a funny old world to mock because this theme has run throughout it,, those who stumbled on power and dominance in w50 did so more through settings and lack of honor than the ability to keep their word true. .

still playing with words and twirling them in a dance along the page i see to rally, incite and excite and titillate the reader here.. keeping them avidly reading your words and upsetting some... like me... i did not enjoy reading what you wrote today... not at all...
all agreements have terms axo - it is not bull.... any arraignment you enter into has what each side will do and what will happen if either violates those terms....
-- you accept them and enter agreement or argue them and do not... your choice --
note - sometimes that works to your advantage other times not so much.... ;)

i do not appreciate the implication that either i or my brothers or sisters in arms have been less than honorable.... all the players i have come across (with 1 or 2 small exceptions) on either side have been honorable.... you shame yourself when you imply we arent :(
- ODA and 1984 members have always kept our word.... just because it was not in the 'favor' of the lil guy? doesnt mean it was broken....

the agreement for ceasefire brought about endgame quicker... just accept it...

there really is no need to insult others though axo :( i thought better of you.... bah...
your words here bring little honor to you... opposite you dishonor the memory of the underdog leader who did what he could to give his warriors a fighting chance....


With great respect, i understand and value your view , in this case, i did invite negative response due to my slight teases and elements of a lack of respect in some of my phrases. But for honor i stand, and at times anger is righteous, if i mislead in a comment that would attempt to blanket all members and acts of ODA as dishonorable , then i err, for i have seen honor and reason , and heard of those merits in my time whilst embroiled.
And yet one is to expect a 2 sided coin (of honor and war) to rear its ugliness from time to time, and the reason i make issue with this is because i have witnessed 2 clear points , which i think i respectfully addressed, and have not received any reasonable account for except for the admission of deception.

1. The question of how creating a concept of ceasefire , allowing some merging, actually sped up endgame? it certainly did nothing to reduce the world by 50 bringing it below the 200 population & endgame clock starter. (?) if i misunderstand something of this, i humbly ask for the reason i err , instead of the comment '' it just did, thats all'' ( reworded)

2. 'The admission of deception'' ~ Did i read wrongly that Subwind admitted the REAL reason's for the merge were not as originally stated?

an 'honorable' deception?

They were to concoct a way for extra advantage ( unneeded) using 'terms' that are proven hard and true to disrupt the straight forward attempts of the disadvantaged multi merge, adding barb restraints etc (have no reason that should impact the great ODA's success), (And i see NO reasons for it speeding up endgame) i see members of GHS being ennobled today and realize its a partial ceasefire , because of 'terms' loopholes. As your High Chief stated " for advantage of his tribe'' ( concept of which i honorably mock , in friendly jest)

,, as Subwind said ''in 24 hours, they have had many rule breakers, and it will only get worse'' , is it not easily predictable? as it was when the terms were concocted?

So wise Wicked, what we will always have is a difference of opinion on the depth of rules needed in terms of agreement or ceasefires.

There was no point to a partial ceasefire, or barb restraining, and no way i can see how these things sped up endgame , and simply put, an honorable agreement would not have needed rules 3 and 5.
i thought the hope was that a nice war would speed up endgame,,, with a boom!,, but endgame fell on this world as a natural course of population dwindle.

i stand chastised for venom in my pen, and perhaps rightly so. But my honor remains intact for calling foul and deception when i see it. When emperors admit it, or are exposed, they stand eligible for the heckling of the Bards, nasty graffitti , and minstrels unflattering songs .

PS, i know you would truly appreciate some incomings, and a whisp of challenge before saying goodbye to this old world,, you are a warrior at heart, or has easy living made ye soft? :icon_wink: heh , ,. The optimum merge tribe and its extension (tribe) may not be fully realized. But lets hope what emerges is worth the honorable end...
..with a boom! baby!!
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in pleasant green, mahrek wrote "....they are all there is to noble other than barbs (which my Lords would never stoop so low as to do)."

Barb taking is not truly a 'sin' , or a terrible stoop for the massive, but a stigma or a taboo often employed as it can hinder proper growth , and diminish the skill and guts of war with enemies. the best tribes disallow barbling, and so grow in skill and stature.

Yet, you will notice it happens in every tribe, even the great ones of present times, even ODA (hint: tw stats)
And yet at the end times, just before endgame and after, its a vital strategy for the desperate, it is a location strategy for many, and there are other reasons why in end times especially, its honorable and wise to utilize as one of the strategies .

An endgame is not the same as early growth or midgame , the age of super tribes calls for alterations in tactics from the age of minor tribes.

There should be no shame in taking a barb, if one has the guts to send attacks , snipe and defend, and aid in the ops of their tribemates.


It seems very interesting when you put it that way. Thank you for your deep insight into the subject at hand.


and i know those Dystopian ladies love them some ''terms'' bullcrap,

U think this is Luna Park when you gather people to have fun :icon_rolleyes:
The only true thing about what i sad above is having fun and that can
be achieved in here by that yuo call "Bullcrap"
U always seen "those Dystopian ladies" as some who landed from sky
and start imediatelly bullying around.
Well u should know they were nubs like you before getting bullied and rimmed
till they started to know what to do ingame. Kinda the same for all.
After u pass that stage what you call Bully is eating food indeed.
So pick up your pants and find your way to go in that stage with your strengths.
The only thing i can say is loosing time in here will make yo always a good food.


A well writ fine read Alb. (like)
A worthy Bardic song for the ages!

And i hope my little line gave a giggle , For Dystopian 'terms' i have met before with disapproval and humbuggary, tho' drawn by beloved opponents.. who i am sure know i tease with a nudge and a wink.

But of your excellent comment , my line you quoted should have no connection to complaints of 'bullying', i never said that.

i have read of this reputation of bully, and assumed it was more so from the 1984 brand of gang flaming on externals ( not that stewey didn't deserve it, he probably earned it)

As for dystopian ops,, dominating in a game of domination is not bullying.

As for terms , and language , its debatable.

i like what you said about loosing.


Mr Axo, why would Lord LakeWind make a pact with another tribe if he thought he had nothing to gain? His tribe is in a position of superiority, all he needs to do is slowly picking them off. The ceasefire itself is of great benefit to GHS - even if there are a few 'dishonourable' terms, it benefits them greatly.


2 weeks ago, world 50 was months away from the endgame scenario, which meant all the players reduced to 0 villages had the option to restart. Allowing GHS to gain such a foothold in second place and therefore putting 85% between the top 2 tribes then enabled the endgame scenario, as such turning off restarts meaning at midnight, every player with 0 villages is deleted.

How can you say that such an offer to GHS did not speed up endgame and the removing of players from the world?



So, , i think becoming allies with GHS would end the world even quicker, and first and second place determined.
Is this the desire? The quickest end possible? ..Or a reason to log in ?


So, , i think becoming allies with GHS would end the world even quicker, and first and second place determined.
Is this the desire? The quickest end possible? ..Or a reason to log in ?

Except allying with them is not noble. My Lords have worked hard to secure first place, and to suggest they should ally with noobs just to speed the world's ending is ridiculous.

They are trying to end it as quickly as possible in the noble manner.


So, , i think becoming allies with GHS would end the world even quicker, and first and second place determined.
Is this the desire? The quickest end possible? ..Or a reason to log in ?

Hmmm... You still did not read the game rules did you? The rules said top 2 tribes and do not neccessary those 2 tribes allied with each other.

from my point of view, Lakewind gave them the chance on what the other tribes need to do (teaming up with new tribesmate, ops together, teach those who want to learn more) for 6 weeks. Thats more than enough time for every one that really want to improve their game playing, considering this is already at the end stage.

Also Consider it this way, if there is no 6 weeks chance to gather up, those who left in this world will never learn or improve til the end and keep on entering new world with their same style of playing, Lakewind would probably like to have more competitive game for the future world.

You always asked about the #3 & 5 well here are my own view could be right could be wrong, everyone got their own opinion.
Rules about why people must enter the tribe before the deadline, so you knew which player still seriously want to play on this world with the same spirit and goal. Those that do not wish to enter by the deadline could mean that they do not share the same vision, inactive and or do not care at all. Why should you keep on helping those who do not wish your assistance?
rules about nobling, why should you noble a barb when you still have foods there? There's a chance to make room of improvement on how to noble live food. Can barb retaliate back, replenish troops, snipe your train or even call for support from other barbs? They are meant to be farm so you can grow faster. Eat those that do not have the same goal and it will be good if they fought back so you and your tribesmate can blend together.

Just my 2 cents.

By the way, if u can, please use a simple plain english and straightforward. Its dizzy for me to read all your word. (no offense)!


Lord Ayuss, you are a poster to rival even the long ones of Axobongo!

By the way, if u can, please use a simple plain english and straightforward. Its dizzy for me to read all your word. (no offense)!

^I agree.


i find your 'noobism' disenchanting Mahrek ,, such nasty words and hatespeech for a large portion of the struggling population is distasteful, bigoted, uneducated , and all around snotty. Your brown nosing-grossly obsequious-excessive servilely to the elite is embarrassingly unprophet-like ,,and a travesty of perspicuity & blathering of egocentric spatial perception ,, are not the noobs a prophets sheep?

Are we not all 'nubs' in some aspects of our existence? Are we not all noob-spawn , in the deeper panorama?

Although the ''career noob'' is a tragic path to witness,( those who refuse forum participation, learning from forum schools, group actions, and are compulsive and exclusive barb ennoblers, world after world),, by endtime, they would only make up but a small quota , a mini-%, an iotic portion of the whole enchilada, and lumping the multi village owners of the Noble GHS into the ''noob'' category is a tad repulsive.

Shameth on thee.

i have met the Noobian king of Noobia , i have ridden the noobistic horse but briefly, i was only rimmed once in my entire career , but i wont forget the whizz of the learning curve, for the noobiastic enumerations within the pleasantly beguiling experience of the 'new' is a tasty moment before the languor and glutted malaise of the jaded.

And honorable Ayuss, i admit i have no known access to 'the rules' and i have focused more so on a deception and unnecessary overkill proffered by terms 3 and 5, Your Emperor who holds all the chips had no worthy reason to such a maneuver .

The competitive moment pan-globally appreciated and mustered , and distinctly offered by the emperor holding all the chips,, we learn later was a deception and an attempt to sabotage glory and produce naught more than the sour fart of anti climax and activate the stopwatch. And yet sharing the end among 2 tribes in harmony is scoffed at tho the lust for the final day is relished as a golden aspiration.

To those who wish i type in the plain english of the vocabularily noobish , here is my response:



U beeing to hard and severe with Mahrec ... after all he is just a Pom Pom Prophet ... the world needs to giggle the eyes when he dance :)


... As a Bard, i expect more from a Prophet than a noobist prejudism .
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To those who wish i type in the plain english of the vocabularily noobish , here is my response:


Understandable english would be a good start tbh...

If English isn't your first language stop trying to use long/random words it's very hard to read and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.