World 63 - what a mess


It is the worse I have ever seen this world, you can trust no one and I mean no one, deceit, lies, backstabbing, confusion:icon_confused: and every man for himself, where will it stop?? It wont in my opinion, why you may ask, well because of the top 2 tribes.

OFFEND - Top tribe but to many chiefs and not enough Indians, some players in this tribe out for their own egos to grow bigger, I know who I know in that tribe and who to trust, the rest...Hmmmm!!

BASE - Trust no one in this tribe and I mean no one, confusion masters and a tribe inside a tribe (4KA ring any bells)

Watch your backs any of you who deal with these double dealing tribes, the will do you up the wrong un if you give them a chance.


Did anyone keep track of how many offend or base topic were made up to date? im seriously getting sick of em.


Omg another pointless threads, also base can be trusted, you my man have fallen for some Propoganda

Offend dont know much about them but iv talken to some of them and they seem nice :D

May i know why you dont trust them?


DO NOT TRUST OFFEND. They fooled me into joining them way back at the start of the world.. now look at me, if only i hadn't joined :icon_cry:


Lol I hear you on that but honestly i dont think all the deceit and lies and backstabbing has anything to do with the top 2 tribes. Think of it as a RL situation, Everyday human society Degenerates and rots from the core and think about how many immature and Self obsessed players play this game, in the end of the day humans are behind the wheel and humans exert Human emotions, My point is that however the condition of the world is it mirrors onto how players will interact and play their games.


I've played a lot of worlds and whilst this kind of thing is pretty common on them all this one has more backstabbing than most of the others in my opinion.


I would like to give a cent or two. All worlds have these issues, some not so know like W63, but its no more or less. Offend, well I thought at first this tribe wouldnt last due to recruiting only high point players in different K's. Then I sat and watched and got to know some of the players in the tribe. I would say they lie and backstab to gain ground and tear other tribes in their patch down to gain a strong edge. WOW its worked so far and seems to be the way to go on this World. The only thing stopping them from having it all is ego's. They do have too many good players that care only about their self and how many villages they can get and points they have. What happened to developing a tribe, a team, helping the newer members get better and learn the game. It will not happen there.
Base- Cant speak on them but have heard good and bad. Guys build a strong base in order to be there in the end game!!!
Good Luck


Did anyone keep track of how many offend or base topic were made up to date? im seriously getting sick of em.

Thank you at least make it about something real other then how little you can trust the big tribes.


We have too many chiefs? Someone made clones of clyde? Ahhh shit.. more of him to deal with..:icon_eek:

ps. Love you my lil taco.. <3


This is a war game, why is everyone getting so upset about manipulation? The game allows it, so it's fair play. Manipulating an enemy into submission is a sign of a clever leader, so props for that. As long as they don't screw over their own tribemates and attack allies and NAPs during an agreement, there's nothing wrong with what they're doing.


This is a war game, why is everyone getting so upset about manipulation? The game allows it, so it's fair play. Manipulating an enemy into submission is a sign of a clever leader, so props for that. As long as they don't screw over their own tribemates and attack allies and NAPs during an agreement, there's nothing wrong with what they're doing.

Yea I have seen both those things happen so far.... haha


I personally think this world is terrible, and judging from this world, TW leaves alot to be desired compared to how it was in 2009ish.