World Filling Up Slow?


Is it just me, maybe ive been gone for too long. But Is the world taking forever to fill up? I don't know, but in the past it seemed like worlds filled up nicely throughout even 6-8 hours in and I think we've hit that point.

Is this maybe a sign that it might be a slow world? Or is it because of the restart time?...idk...just pondering when im gonna join this thing


it could be the fact that people dont like settings, other worlds or just delayed starts :) it should fill up sooner or later :)


yea you could be right, Im looking to shoot inner rim outer core and I thought it would be easier, guess I should break out the coffee and prepare for that midnight-1am start time ;)


Cause the noobs are afraid to join...simple as that

This world is definitely not gonna be a "slow" world

Soccer head

alot of premades are joinin outer core so they wont be joinin till like tommorw or the next day


This world seems to be a lot more packed than previous worlds.

It will be interesting with everyone located directly on top of eachother...


The world is going to be filled in slightly more dense than previous worlds so yes, the map will expand slower. There are 11k players which is pretty normal for a world thats only been open a few hours? I don't know if thats higher or lower than previous worlds :lol:


idk pointwhoring, ive been waiting for the outer core K's to open, just seemed like its taking a bit longer idk if I call that fast but maybe things have changed


and pkiwarrior , that maybe the issue...or well... maybe not an "issue" but the more dense locations look pretty interesting to say the least


alot of premades are joinin outer core so they wont be joinin till like tommorw or the next day
Everyone knows that rim is easier, that is why premades start out there. They can't handle the core.


As they said they used settings from an older world type making it a more dense world. Don't expect this world to be one where if you join after a day you are out on what is considered the rim. It will expand alot slower because of the density.

For an example of the density I saw in a 7x7 the smallest map you can go, 6 empty space, 1 wood, 2 barbs and 40 vills.


Yea im not so sure that starting out in the so called "outer core" or "inner rim" is going to be that much easier for people with the denser settings....never know though just my thoughts


Was wondering the same thing, given i haven't played TW in ages but back in worlds 4-20ish i remember them getting filled up much faster than this. Then again it only makes sense now that with over 50 worlds that they are a little slower.


ah so im not the only one "comming back from the dead". I was also in the same time period , should be interesting to say the least. I was surprised to login and see so many new talents and players and glad to see tw still rising ;)

Back on topic.... like said before destroyer, with the dense villages and settings the world isnt really filling up slower nessesarily, but looks that way


Yea, I can't believe TW is pumping out worlds the way they are. Like I said I've been away awhile. Seeing how W1 still isn't going to be over for some time, I don't see the reason for pumping out new worlds at the rate they are.


I think there are multi reasons it not filling in -as- fast.

first you have a tighter packing of villages then in recent times, so at this point we'd be hitting the outer core/inner rim area, we are not yet to that point.
2nd alot of premades are waiting till after the core fills up to join, thus you have a LARGE group of players waiting for the right time to join, and when they start you should see it fill up to the inner rim easly
3rdly, no restarting. with the first in place and this rule, it means less barbs are in place and you can't simply "find a better starting spot" like you have in past worlds... I would expect come friday to see alot of people restarting


well im glad they did otherwise I wouldnt be joining this one ;) I did read that a world actually ended...think it was 12 or something like that...damnit im getting old

Dauthi - I definatily think that the inner rim / outer core will fill up faster than the core due to what you all have been saying about premades waiting for that point.