It would work if you set the graphics to some techno music :icon_razz:
DeletedUser Guest Dec 20, 2008 #101 It would work if you set the graphics to some techno music :icon_razz:
greenmonsta Guest Dec 20, 2008 #102 LOL ... I need to do this. It would keep me up for speed tomorrow
DeletedUser Guest Dec 20, 2008 #105 Great job! I like the effect, and just as I had expected some tribes really have not changed all that much, yet others have escalated by leaps and bounds. Very nice visualization.
Great job! I like the effect, and just as I had expected some tribes really have not changed all that much, yet others have escalated by leaps and bounds. Very nice visualization.
greenmonsta Guest Dec 20, 2008 #106 Yey glad you liked it ^_^ I want everyones opinions and suggestions here though!
DeletedUser Guest Jan 2, 2009 #109 ijlee said: he is but he is posting as someone else. Click to expand... Can you do nothing other then pick on AF or AF member?
ijlee said: he is but he is posting as someone else. Click to expand... Can you do nothing other then pick on AF or AF member?
greenmonsta Guest Jan 3, 2009 #110 New map is up. Sorry it's so late, I took a break due to xmas and new yrs ijlee said: he is but he is posting as someone else. Click to expand... Stop spamming up my thread just cos you don't like me. If you're mad at me go make a 'greenmonsta is a n00b' thread.
New map is up. Sorry it's so late, I took a break due to xmas and new yrs ijlee said: he is but he is posting as someone else. Click to expand... Stop spamming up my thread just cos you don't like me. If you're mad at me go make a 'greenmonsta is a n00b' thread.
diegoelgrande Guest Jan 23, 2009 #112 GM that gif is cool, but you should make it a bit slower, becuase its goes so fast and I (as everyone I think) cant see it well.....
GM that gif is cool, but you should make it a bit slower, becuase its goes so fast and I (as everyone I think) cant see it well.....
greenmonsta Guest Jan 26, 2009 #113 Map updated. will update the gif and slow it down as soon as freewebs is back up -_-
diegoelgrande Guest Jan 30, 2009 #114 GM, more than eveer we need update this map, but every 2 days, so we follow the change of the map, specially ex-UNSF territory.... Thank in advance.....
GM, more than eveer we need update this map, but every 2 days, so we follow the change of the map, specially ex-UNSF territory.... Thank in advance.....
DeletedUser Guest Feb 5, 2009 #116 I think a new map would be needed now, especially with CV disbanding.
greenmonsta Guest Feb 10, 2009 #117 New update. Sorry about the delay, I've been away. I eliminated UNSF from the map since theres nothing left of them. I only left tribes with a visable base on the map.
New update. Sorry about the delay, I've been away. I eliminated UNSF from the map since theres nothing left of them. I only left tribes with a visable base on the map.
DeletedUser Guest Feb 12, 2009 #118 Nice one green. looks like three corners of the map are secured as long as AF declare on TBP.