Question World start date data available somwere


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
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Hello @Dracule Mihawk.,

The "get_config" interface gives information about world settings. It contains all the information which are found on every new world's announcement and much more configuration values then just those.

However, this interface, or any other interface/API will not provide you with the date/hour when a world will start or if a world has pre-register enabled, etc.

You can get a list of currently active worlds on a server, or worlds that are about to be opened, here: (for the net market)
but you can not find here when a world will be opened.
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Hey @misteralb thanks for the response.

Would be interesting to expose this start date so something like TWSpeeds - Home could happen but with all tribalwars worlds. So we know what worlds start when in each server witouth needed to look to each server language etc


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This information is not publicly available anywhere besides the normal settings page. And even then it is largely unreliable since worlds are created in the backend weeks before the world actually starts and the community manager decides 5-7 days in advance the actual date (and configures it as such), but can still adjust this up until 30 minutes before start.

This would mean you would display inaccurate data up until that point. Exactly because of this reason we are not providing any of these timestamps (besides the settings page) until the world was announced (and manually configured).


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
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I don't know how that would help if it is incorrect.


This is what would be shown on the config file:


That world has not started yet.

Also, if you want to just detect new worlds that are about to be opened, you can just programmatically check the endpoint I provided above:

It does not show a starting date but worlds which are about to start (or are open for pre-register) will be listed here.