World Trade Federation recruiting


Just two conditions:
1. You have to be known to quit
2. Hammy has to say it is ok to join.

If you have any enqueries then don't bother mailing me.


oooh please can i join ?

i have lots of troops and resources and i can kill alot of people and grow really big in 5 days. :lol:


Perhaps, if you answer these questions:

1) How hot is your mom, on a scale of 1 to 10?
2) Do you have any experience whatsoever with anal bleaching?

Thats about all I need to know...


Perhaps, if you answer these questions:

1) How hot is your mom, on a scale of 1 to 10?
2) Do you have any experience whatsoever with anal bleaching?

Thats about all I need to know...

Oooohhh I can answer thos for him.

1) 10 (seriously, she can do AMAZING things with a 12 inch candle WHILE IT IS STILL LIT!)
2) Yes


Can i join? :O

I take it we each get different questions?

warham said:
2) Do you have any experience whatsoever with anal bleaching?
if by that u mean he likes white stuff all through his anal, then yes of course he does..


Offcourse you get different questions, so I'm sorry anom, those questions were for mikebiscuit only. You'll need to answer these:

A) How long has it been since you've cut you're toenails?
2) Did you notice that I put A first and then 2 instead of AB or 12?

Dark Orical:

1) Is that you're white stuff through his anal? And where did you find it?
2) Can you write me a 50 words love letter without mentioning love?


1) No the white stuff is not mine, mike said it was Aaron's, and he said he found it in Aaron's pants when he was thinking about 9 year olds.

2) yes i can :)

(you didn't say to write one, just if i could :D)

So im in right? :O


You're in. And yes I asked if you could, didn't ask you to write one. Would've been funny if you did though, was hoping you'd fall for it :p

w00t our first recruit 2dark!


I want a NAP immediately.


1. I get to sit your accounts and change all your village names to 8=============D -- (I don't know what this means but a player did it to me once and my wife got mad)

2. The NAP expires every 48 hours and you have to act concerned that I won't renew it.

3. You are required to endlessly seek out Mr. Sniper and get him to join your tribe and be the diplomat and be in charge of the free headset handouts.

Thank you. Please consider this NAP as it will greatly strengthen world 26 and all of it's citizens.


warham, it's your, not you're. You're means "you are". Get it right :D

A) Quite a long time, they need doing actually. My missus usually gets that job though.
2) I did now that you mentioned it! But no, not until then.


You're in. And yes I asked if you could, didn't ask you to write one. Would've been funny if you did though, was hoping you'd fall for it :p

w00t our first recruit 2dark!

WOO win win win. give me an account :D
haha i was thinking about it but then just cbfed lol

hahaha lol at the headset dude, i remember that...but wasn't it helmets?

umm Anom..wouldn't "you are in" be the same as "your in"
just you know..longer..and making hammy seem smarter? lol lol lol


A) How long has it been since you've cut you're toenails?

1) Is that you're white stuff through his anal? And where did you find it?


Oh, now that i have been proven wrong...*runs to a dark corner*



just a guy laughing with a really big nose isnt it

p.s. The tribe initials are beyond genius WTF!

can i join, i got 500 mixed villages, all my smithy levels are level 20 and all my buildings are maxed out

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Anom you don't get in because you didn't notice. Sorry, better luck next time. I would've given you a second chance, but you corrected my faulty foreigner inglisch, now I am mad.

About the NAP, contact 2dark as I'm only the recruiter. However, mr. sniper is already leading another tribe called Clear!, but I'm sure we could make them merge into us seeing as they suck so badly. And off course, you would need to become our vassal state in exchange for the NAP.

And about the helmets, that was another time :p He made multiple threads and movies :D


This tribe is meant to be a love nest for just me and hammy. Since other people are interested as well you should probably be aware of sexual tension and harrasment the apply brings.


This tribe is meant to be a love nest for just me and hammy. Since other people are interested as well you should probably be aware of sexual tension and harrasment the apply brings.

Ahh so its a Mr.Sniper sort of tribe then?


Okay, but i will only join aslong as every member of the tribe gets recruitment privs, as we are all equals 0.o